Please stop calling players struggling unskilled, it is condescending and unhelpful
I get it, we all do, some of us don't want things to change. Some like games with great challenge or have great skill that only the hardest fights test us. We get bored easy, need something to keep us on our toes. We have some who whine about it as much as much as some complain about the difficulty. As if they take their eyes from the screen, it will suddenly turn into Mr. Rodger's playground. Choo choo
The argument is always that happened to another game I played or heard about, whiners got their way. While whining themselves might I add, rather redundant of them. This is making it worse, every time someone makes that comment I cringe. Because I know it puts a spark under people who feel insulted, ego bruised. These comments are either trolling or not thought through. I actually came on here to say thanks to GGG for changes so quick, they may not have solved everything, I wouldn't expect them to, so early. I crash far less and noticed some of the other adjustments. Thankyou GGG, you listen but seeing all the comments.. Biggest complaint I hear is bosses being stop blocks for progression. A legitimate problem, if improved playtime to practice isn't an option or the math is over their head or physical ability, GGG has to brainstorm ideas to the problem without altering the general fun of the game and no, go play something else is not an option. :) yeah I know what you are thinking. Maybe we can help with that. my two pennies to help First penny - A message or warning when you get to a checkpoint at a hard fight or after a failure attempt. Suggestions or warning that you might be under level or under powered with a hint on the problem. "Getting some resistances to cold might help", or add humor to the message, "Go find a warmer something you are going to freeze fighting "Bangerhead" dressed as you are" "You need more experience, friends, or better equipment or "Bangerhead" will keep adding your bones to his rug as you are." just friendly suggestions, they can try anyway, but losing will make them think on the comment. Kind of a need to be this tall to ride this ride comment. The hints will help without a personal sting of not being GUD to win. It could even comment 99% of players failed this fight on first attempt to add suave to the ego. You approach the boss you get the hint and say "oh oh I got the hint" and check your gear Second penny - We know solid builds help, but it takes web savvy some might not have. what about a build of the month for each class, you can get going to the blue eyed reset dude. A clickable dialog option that brings up a small picture of what the passive tree looks like filled out, they can use for reference. Players could submit builds, and a player can get a reward and glory of that month's monk build. A clickable dialog says something like "Emptygascan12's how to find the path to enlightenment." Maybe one build a month, next month it's warrior, then ranger and so forth. Some unique cosmetics as a reward, like a portal so others know your build was chosen. Badge of honor lol Bring our content creators out their builds in game maybe, kudos to them They could be screened for exploits of course I know these are way out of the box, but they don't change the game, but in a way help with the problem. I am sure others can think around father around this than me. what can you think of, got a lot of brains out there. at least I hope so And thanks GGG again for the hard work on the updates, appreciated. Last edited by Scribbles2u#4519 on Dec 11, 2024, 5:53:12 PM Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 6:13:00 PM
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I genuinely think the best solution to the boss problem would be returning their health system to that of poe1 where it doesn't go back to full when you die. The people struggling could brute force their way through death by death, and the players who enjoy the boss fights as they are where they have to start over from the beginning could just open the boss arena in a new instance. It'd be a solution that'd give both players what they're looking for
Also, I know a lot of people hate the loot pinata style of modern arpgs, but it probably should be loot pinatas at the beginning just to make sure people aren't getting stuck behind the wall of bad rng, and then just taper drops off towards the mid/endgame and make us work for the good shit There's plenty of little changes that would please both crowds without breaking the core of the game |
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These people are the fun police and want you to be equally as miserable as them when doing something so simple as playing a game.
Last edited by silentshout12#1360 on Dec 11, 2024, 7:36:53 PM
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Yea, that's the point of saying it. People want to feel good about themselves, not help others. Same for pretty much anyone who uses the term "whining"
Last edited by j33bus#3399 on Dec 11, 2024, 7:48:18 PM
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" The ENTIRE POINT of a power fantasy game is to become so OP the game becomes trivial. PoE2 ain't it... It's over bearing, gear deficient, and stupidly busted w/ OP bosses, and 1 shot mechanics... Only sadist would play this game... Gaming is supposed to be FUN, not a second J-O-B... YouTube Streams Daily -->
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So, I agree with the core idea in the post, telling people their bad isn't helpful, not to you, not to them, and not for the game (Doubly so during an early access).
However, in the same span, people need to understand it's okay to fail. That it might take a dozen tries to really get what to do during the Ascendancy Trial, that you need to take effort to learn the mechanics of each zone, and each boss. This is a page out of Darkest Dungeon and Dark Souls. Games that both tell you you'll fail, and you'll fail often. And that's okay, dust yourself off, think about what happened and try again. Now and then, you might have to reformulate your plan. And PoE2 has given players much more control to adjust their plan, farming gold to move points isn't that hard, gems are not that rare. To get angry about dying to the act one boss two or three times then shouting that it's impossible is equally unhelpful, doubly so for a lot of core PoE2 (and PoE1) players who WANT a hard game, who will be disenchanted if you could just zerg through a boss without actually -needing- to try. From Soft has ever demonstrating there is a -good- market for players who want a game that will beat them for a while. And no, not every player wants that, and that's okay. But PoE isn't by nature, a power trip game, and not every game needs to be one. But I can tell you that after making a half dozen tries on the Count, it feels really good to beat him. After six Trials, it felt great to win with a full bar of Honor. |
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Happy to help, I agree the complaining is useless on both sides, like everyone chill, take a breath, and appreciate we got poe 2 for Christmas.
What a great way to end the year. a new game to enjoy. So lets play and learn it. We all learn at different speeds, no rush, no look at me streamer crap needs to be how you play. Poe2 teaches you alot, just slow down, read, watch the ingame videos on skills they give you a good clue's and build ideas. Practice in low level areas, and learn about the loot and stats etc, that is part of gaming as a hobby, a great game gives you plenty to master and learn. Don't have to keep up with the jones. GLHF, lets start discussing, helping and sharing ideas, rather than complain, make it easier becasue i am skilled so others have no chance. not at all. never been the case. You Will and can learn, practice and have fun doing it, just like anything you put your mind to. GLHF, enjoy the new game at your pace, and ask questions and people like me will help you. Key thing is though learn a little practice it, get used to the controls and set up attacks. |
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" I was looking for a new game to enjoy the end the year with, but I can't muster the will to go through the campaign again (I quit just after act 3), I just don't get much joy out of it and too much frustration. I feel bad, now that I realize PoE2 isn't a game for me and I'm stuck playing a game with 2010's graphics. It's gonna be years before the next next gen ARPG comes out. Last edited by PaddedExile#3659 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:58:21 AM
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WHy would I help someone who writes an essay instead of admitting they need to play better?
Step 1 is to self reflect.
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" I did not see almost anyone calling struggling players unskilled. What I have seen is people calling them sttuborn on trying to brute force as if this was POE1. That is very different. |
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