POE 2 Lootfilter (Handcrafted Regular/Strict) by Slychac_Strzaly_TTV (GFN / One-click instalation)

*cries in console*

Have Xbox so feel that.
Also have Geforce Now and feel it there too.
My crappy PC that runs the game at like 30 FPS is only thing that works haha. Hopefully GGG gives us filters on console and streaming.
GeK0nn#5150 wrote:
Thank you! Great strict Filter, i just update for my preference to see all orbs and golld stacks over 500 :)

Could you share your version, please?
good filter. one thing that bothered me as im broke.

-chance orb shards should be shown.

and can you make a version that hides all white + magic craft bases?
i still pick up white and magic jewellry/belts because of their size.
your strict filter is too strict in that regard.

or how could i change that myself?
would only show jewellry/belts/omen sceptre thats white/blue.
Thank you all for the prise and feedback! I am happy that our filter helps more and more people each day.

Be sure to tell your friends and guildmates about it! :)

I decided to do weekly evaluation of the market to push currency to proper tiers after economy settled down a little after the weekend. Becasue of that you are receiving an update to the filter containing all those changes:

Visual tiering changes in update 23.12.2024:

ˇ Gemcuter's Prism moved from Tier B to Tier C
ˇ Lesser Jeweler Orb moved from Tier B to Tier C
ˆ Vaal Orb moved from tier C to Tier B
ˆ Glassblower's Bauble moved from tier C to Tier B

ˆ Distilled Disgust moved from tier B to tier A
ˆ Distilled Greed moved from tier C to tier B

ˇ Soul Core of Cholotl moved from tier B to tier C
ˆ Soul Core of Opiloti moved from tier C to tier B
ˆ Soul Coreof Topotante moved from tier C to tier B
ˆ Soul Core of Cholotl moved from tier C to tier B

ˇ Esh's Catalyst moved from Tier B to Tier C

ˆ Omen of Sinistral Alchemy moved from Tier B to tier A
Awesome filter you da man <3
Many thanks for the update. Still gunning about with the filter!
is there a way to show all (Tier) items that drop?
Excellent filter!
Just wanted to say I've been using this filter since I found it and love it massively. Thank you for the for the effort.
Once again, thank you all for the support and good word!

As I am spending Holiday alone streaming live on Twitch, so you are more than welcome to come by and say "Hi" if you are in simillar situation. Nobody should be alone at Christmass, so I am always there for anyone who would need me.

I will be also happy to help with the game mechanics, explain any system in the game, or troubleshoot your issues. I hope 2025 will be the year where PoE2 will be released and claim the spot in our hearts as the best ARPG made so far.

Merry Christmass to you all!
Less lags, stable connection, good loot and a lot of fun in and out of the game!
Last edited by ArronEagleheart#4399 on Dec 24, 2024, 11:33:16 AM

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