poe2filter.com - A PoE 2 custom loot filter generation website

Absolutely perfect, really love it and have been using it since the beginning. Thanks for adding the sync feature!

Thanks, really nice to hear! ^^ And you're welcome, thanks to GGG for quickly handling my request to access their API's! ^^

Only one missing feature for me or it may be a layer 8 issue - I don't want to see junk uniques (anything worth less than a div). Is this feature coming?

You already have the option to only highlight 'Potential Top-Tier Only' uniques. Other uniques will still be shown without a highlight. If you want to actually hide all other uniques, you could add a 'Insert At Bottom' 'Free Rule':

Rarity = Unique
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Jan 23, 2025, 1:44:02 PM
I am deeply grateful to you for creating this tool. Relying on someone else's filter without knowing how to fine-tune it makes me feel uneasy, but with this tool, I can completely control it and it is really easy to use. Moreover, it is very simple and not flashy, which perfectly fits the style of the game.
I truly appreciate your work. I hope it will be known and used by many people in the future, or at least I can use it for a long time.
i really like poe2filter.com

i made 4 public lootfilters, can be found on my profile;

◘ Starter Area 1-50 PoE 2 0.1.1 Morwo
first playthrough

◘ Midgame Area 51-80 PoE 2 EA 0.1.1 Morwo
after Campaign, Mapping and endgame bosses

◘ Endgame Area 80plus PoE 2 EA 0.1.1 Morwo
strict Endgame filter for doing Area 80-82

◘ Alt-Char Area1-50 EA 0.1.1 Morwo
for 2nd playthrough campaign

i will update these as things happen in PoE 2.
keep in mind you can take mine and re-import these on poe2filter.com and edit them to your aliking. a feature other filter sites don't provide

don't loot just All The Things!

+6 lives in Softcore
+1 auction house
Thank you for creating this, you have improved the quality of life in the game tremendously.
I seem to have a weird issue where expeditions would disable the filter. Everything is fine until I do an expedition, and the filter suddenly stops working. Switching it off and back on fixes the issue.
Improvements to Uniques - v9.60 - 24/01/2025

- You can now 'Show All Uniques' on the Drop Tier List tab. This allows you to move the uniques you are hunting for to a higher tier, so they are included in the 'Highlight Chance Bases' or 'Highlight Uniques' quick filters.
- Changed the wording on the 'Highlight Chance Bases' and 'Highlight Uniques' quick filters to explicitly state which tiers they affect.
- You can now choose to highlight 'All uniques', 'potential B-Tier or higher only', or 'S-Tier or higher only'.
- Fixed a bug where the filter wasn't immediately updated when changing the tier of unique items.
- GGG only allows synchronizing the filter up to 2 times in a 10-minute interval. After that, your request would get queued. The tool now prevents you from trying to synchronize your filter more often than 2 times in a 10-minute interval.
- Prevent beams, drop sounds and minimap icons from being shown for items which are hidden by a custom rule, quick filter, or drop tier style.
- Added Overseer Precursor Tablet.
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Relying on someone else's filter without knowing how to fine-tune it makes me feel uneasy, but with this tool, I can completely control it and it is really easy to use.

That's exactly how I always felt too.

Moreover, it is very simple and not flashy, which perfectly fits the style of the game.
I truly appreciate your work. I hope it will be known and used by many people in the future, or at least I can use it for a long time.

Really nice to hear thanks!! Spread the word! ^^

MorwoPoE#3287 wrote:
i really like poe2filter.com

i made 4 public lootfilters, can be found on my profile

Nice! If you're on Discord, feel free to add them to the #filter-gallery!

Thank you for creating this, you have improved the quality of life in the game tremendously.

Thanks for these kind words; it's indeed what I hope to achieve! :)

I seem to have a weird issue where expeditions would disable the filter. Everything is fine until I do an expedition, and the filter suddenly stops working. Switching it off and back on fixes the issue.

Wow, really weird. You've had this multiple times? Upon entering the expedition with the logbook? Do you get an error message?

I just tried, both with a regular file-based filter and with a synced filter, and both just kept working in the expedition too.
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
I think the error was on my end. Pressing Z to lock the highlights makes the alt button override the filter. I tend to do this at expeditions to find the chests so I made a wrongful association. Sorry for the false alarm ^^;
Absolutely perfect, really love it and have been using it since the beginning. Thanks for adding the sync feature!

Thanks, really nice to hear! ^^ And you're welcome, thanks to GGG for quickly handling my request to access their API's! ^^

Only one missing feature for me or it may be a layer 8 issue - I don't want to see junk uniques (anything worth less than a div). Is this feature coming?

You already have the option to only highlight 'Potential Top-Tier Only' uniques. Other uniques will still be shown without a highlight. If you want to actually hide all other uniques, you could add a 'Insert At Bottom' 'Free Rule':

Rarity = Unique

It seems this rule isnt working :( Maybe in future you can add a feature to hide uniques under b tier or similar.

Thanks again!

this rule isnt working for me, it works fine with the same rule set up but for e.g a scepter. any advice?
A Dual Sting Bow is actually a different base type from an Expert Dualstring Bow -- you'd have to specifically select the Expert version.
Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Jan 25, 2025, 12:39:47 PM

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