poe2filter.com - A PoE 2 custom loot filter generation website
Weird, I tried another site
https://filebin.net/bjwmo9yxu3ngg3wx |
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I really like the tool, this has been precisely what I was looking for! I have a small bug report and a feature request:
I wanted to add a cosmetic rule for chance bases. When adding a cosmetic rule filtered by Types, it's missing the "==" sign after "BaseType" in the filter. I have to manually add it as a prefix before the text for it to work. It would also be nice to have "Chance Bases" as a selectable category, so I can change the style without having to manually copy the Types. Filterblade has separated Gear into different Tiers. Having the option to only show Tier 1 Expert Items without manually having to add the rules would also be cool. Nice work! |
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Got my problem solved. In case anyone is playing on console and played on PC before, if you connected your console account to the website it likely created a second sub account. Currently only itemfilters set up in the original sub account (the first one you created) work properly. You can still access them from your console account, even if you aren't logged in with the first account.
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" Aha, I see what the issue is. I notice 'Continue' is on for your custom rules for waystones. This means that the game will process rules further down. If in the quick filters, the 'dynamic' system for waystones is disabled, I still add 'static' rules for waystones; simple rules where I give the waystones a tier (beam and map icon) based on their level, per 4 levels. But for those, I still 'hard code' the default colors: white to brown; instead of the colors you have set yourself on the drop tier styles; where I notice you've removed all highlights (which is ballsy btw ;p) I'll fix this so that for these 'static waystone levels' I use the styles as defined in the drop tier styles instead of the defaults. However, until then, you can easily and safely fix this by disabling the 'Continue' statement for your wastyones rules. Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Jan 31, 2025, 6:15:49 AM
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" Thanks for the kind words, really nice to hear! - Regarding the bug: replied on Discord; can't reproduce this here, seems to work as intended. - Regarding the 'top tier expert items': it's on my todo list, coming up soon, I expect in about a week! Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website
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" thanks! |
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Custom Tiers, Highlights Rework - v9.65 - 04/02/2025
- In the Cosmetic Tab, you can now create and style Custom Tiers. Give them a short name, and optionally a label. - Assign items to custom tiers in three ways: using the Drop Tier List; using the drop-down in Custom Rules; or using the Highlights section of the Quick Filters. - When deleting a Custom Tier, any item that was assigned to it will reset to its default tier. - For all Highlights, you can now specify the way they are highlighted. You can either specify one of the standard Drop Tiers, or a Custom Tier. When you specify a standard Drop Tier, only the highlight (Minimap Icon and Beam) are applied; with a 'Kite' Minimap Icon to distinguish them from currency. When - you specify a Custom Tier, all its cosmetics are applied. - You can now choose whether to highlight not only Rare Gear Exceptions, but also Normal and Magic Gear Exceptions. - You can now specify the types of Jewels to highlight. - You can now choose different highlight styles for Rare and other Breach Rings. - There is now an explicit highlight rule for Pinnacle Keys. Strangely enough they cannot be added as items; it's not possible to use their base types. - The Endgame Fragments that can be added as items, now have been: the three Fates, and An Audience With The King. They can be moved around between the Drop Tiers. - The default Static Waystone styles and 'Strict' Waystone styles now also use the actual tier colors. - Checkboxes in rules have been redesigned to now always be shown just before their label. - The 'Continue' statement has been renamed to 'Partial', to better reflect its purpose. ![]() ![]() Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Feb 4, 2025, 5:15:25 PM
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I´m sorry to bring it up again but there is something just wrong with the waystones. No matter how I set the custom rules, it will not stop showing waystones.
https://imgur.com/a/8s9zJ8X I tell it to ignore magic WS and it still shows it. It also highlights t6 waystones with an orange beam, for whatever reason. I feel like the more you add to this filter, the more difficult it gets for me to make it do what I want: Just use my cosmetic and custom rules and don´t interfere with that. Edit: When loading the website or importing, it also sets the custom rules from "hide" or "show" to "S+ tier purple" and then you have to manually correct it again. It imports custom rules from filters I made with previous version of the site correctly, but anything made with this version gets the purple treatment. https://imgur.com/a/hX2VvuY Last edited by Auror#7064 on Feb 5, 2025, 12:44:37 AM
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" Could you send me your current filter file again? When I use the one from 31/01, and activate the custom rule to hide <= magic waystones, they do get hidden properly, here. Must be some other, new, rule interfering. " Hm, I see what's going on. If they get hidden by a custom rule, which they should, then of course, they won't show the beam, so that'll get resolved with the above. But if they don't, and you have 'Partial/Continue' set, then indeed they would still get the 'static' styles. I see you have removed all the cosmetics from the default drop tiers, and I know that I say that you can then safely leave on 'Partial', but I'm afraid waystones are an exception, since they don't use the entire drop tier styles, but just the 'colors' of the drop tiers, and if they are not set, a default based on the tier :D You really found an exception on an exception on an exception, I'm afraid :) Really sorry about this, I understand it's super confusing. I'll think about a good way to resolve this. I think I would need a 'four-state toggle' for waystone highlights: - Off (currenly not available) - Default static (which is applied in your case) - Dynamic - Strict I'll think about how to do this properly. In the mean time, you can safely disable the 'Partial' from your cosmetic waystone rules (once the 'hide' custom rule works again). That should also resolve all issues. " Really sorry about that man. The tool should definitely still support that. Thanks for bearing with me to weed out the last bits of 'implicit' styling :) I do think that the vast majority of users is using either the default styles or just changes the drop tier styles, in which case these issues won't show up. " REALLY sorry about this one, that was indeed a bug in the filter migrator. Hotfixed: the tool won't override custom tiers with purple anymore upon reloading :) I have plans to rework the migrator, as it's currently too risky. All migration rules are always executed now. I do try to make them idempotent, but when adding completely new functionality, like custom tiers now, I might overlook something. I should change this into a version-based migration, where migration rules are only executed once, if the imported or loaded filter's version is outdated. Author of http://poe2filter.com/ - A Path of Exile 2 Custom Filter Generation Website Last edited by BlackDeathBE#0559 on Feb 5, 2025, 6:50:37 AM
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Hi, thanks for the extensive reply. No need to apologize, I´m sure this thing is pretty damn complex by now. I can´t upload the filter atm but if there is still need for it I can upload it on the weekend.
As for the partial/continue, I had "partial" deactivated when I tried it. It was still disabled cause I deactivated "continue" before on your advice. " Yeah I´m probably in the minority but I just don´t care about tier functionalities and such. I was very much happy with the way the filter was directly after you implemented the custom cosmetics. Some quick rules, custom cosmetics and custom rules is all I want personally. For me the distinction was that this filter is better for tinkering if you know what you want cause the interface is just more user friendly than filterblade which is so very much based around pushing items from tier to tier etc. And setting up own cosmetics is fun! So if it´s still possible to untangle that functionally it would be great, but don´t get a headache over it. Last edited by Auror#7064 on Feb 5, 2025, 12:06:39 PM
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