Mapping is just BORING af

If you are enjoying the endgame you're either very very casual. Or simple. It's a horrible mechanic. League restarts are already bad.
That's it. Nothing to look forward to, no interesting objectives, nothing useful ever drops, the content is randomized and generic. Is this really it? No lore, monsters are completely random, its just complete garbanzo beans. What a joke. Its a Diablo 1 sandbox with zero engaging content. What a complete waste of time.

First ARPG?

This is what they are, mapping/grinding the same content to get better gear.

Have you beaten the pinnacle boss on a t16 corrupted 8 mod map with inscreased speed mob speed, added damage, 80% extra life, 25% life as ES ect? If not then you have something to work towards.
An amazing goal indeed. Playing "Market trade simulator 2025" for hours on end trying to buy overpriced MF gear just so I can get currency drops to buy the gear needed to obtain that goal is BORING AF. All gear drops are worthless, Korean MMO gatcha "crafting" is worthless. 90% of the time I burn through maps not picking up a thing except all the 5 tier lower waystones than I'm currently doing. Feels like I playing Diablo 3 GRs I just ignore all the loot, it's all trash.

Had they implemented a decent SSF mode like Last Epoch's SSF mode things might be different. But unfortunately the F2P model of this game will prevent any meaningful changes to MF or SSF problems as these are not EA problems, but by design and that is a shame.
He is right though, people defending ARPGs saying 'well, that's what they are', don't understand it it seems.

It's not because PoE1 was this way, PoE2 should just be copy paste.
Because honestly, that's what they are doing.
But in all honesty, this was originally not even planned as a new game but an update for PoE1 but because of the amount of changes, they decided to make PoE2. They barely improved on the problems people complained about though.

The hype that was there at the start and made people want to play, even veterans, is quickly changing. It is mostly copy paste, most issues and complaints were not addressed and endgame is still too simple in design and not worth spending time on apart from 1 character you can try and do everything with.

Next to that, the game being more challenging is great but you can't improve yourself unless you win the lottery with drops or while crafting.
The marketplace is also in shambles only a month in, so good luck getting gear there.
So can you really blame people for not having fun?

If they don't address several issues during early access, they will have the same playerbase they had before instead of evolving.
Which would be a damn shame honestly.

But that's just a quick review on how I personally feel after a month, meaning absolutely nothing because as long as it is early access, we have no idea what they are doing while we are playing. I can not believe this is how they will deliver the game as finished apart from the missing classes and optimization.

Wait and see is all I can say, for better or worse.
Last edited by Iggybousse#7123 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:09:15 AM

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