Your most hated enemy?

As a close second, those venom spitting snakes (forgot their names) that I usually get in the Augury map; I swear their attacks deal more damage than they should.


dude, those monsters are so fking overtuned lol. its actually insane they are in the game in this state.

ive got about 55% chaos resist, cloak of flame for phys, 20% damage taken by my dogo, loads of damage taken from mana before life... and these things absolutely tear my character apart. i dunno if its all chaos or part phys part chaos?

honestly they do about 3x as much damage as any comparable monster in the zone. i think i could tank 10 quadrillas in melee range for longer than i could tank one of these snakes spitting at me.

they need to be stopped.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Eternal Knights
Been trying to compile a list of mobs I find to be busted but haven't gotten that far yet:

Iron Sharpshooter (Act 1 - Geonor manor) - Absurd burst ranged damage, at least two times too high
Iron Spearman (Act 1 - Geonor Manor) - Twice as fast as they should be. Entire area is way too swarmy.

Forsaken Miner (Act 2 - Mawdun Mine) - Throws triple grenades that are BARELY visible, and turbo shotgun you to death. In maps they are ridiculous and you cannot see the grenades 99% of the time, especially if your spell effects are red. They need to be glowing giant light bulbs and the hissing sound need to be twice as loud.

Undead Vaal Guard (2h mace version)(Act ??) - Does insane stun and slam damage. Wayy too powerful.

But otherwise there are plenty of other mobs. Mostly in Utzaal and Agorest or whatever it's called in act 3, but there are other mobs that feel very random like the mantises in the Dreadnaught feels like they sometimes just crit you for 3x damage or something.
Drowned hag is pretty annoying
As a close second, those venom spitting snakes (forgot their names) that I usually get in the Augury map; I swear their attacks deal more damage than they should.


dude, those monsters are so fking overtuned lol. its actually insane they are in the game in this state.

ive got about 55% chaos resist, cloak of flame for phys, 20% damage taken by my dogo, loads of damage taken from mana before life... and these things absolutely tear my character apart. i dunno if its all chaos or part phys part chaos?

honestly they do about 3x as much damage as any comparable monster in the zone. i think i could tank 10 quadrillas in melee range for longer than i could tank one of these snakes spitting at me.

they need to be stopped.
Yup, these snakes are melting everything. I'm glad I don't play melee.
as a trumelee


1. Affliction monster that shoots an arrow that creates purple flowers in a line. i like that we have a chance to avoid it, but when everythings cramped up, its an area denial thats a little too punishing for melee.

2. The monsters that shoot out delayed explosives on the ground. the damage is freaking high but the explosives are practically invisible.

3. CORRIDORS. ranged units by themselves are not too bad, but when you're forced to brave thru a hail of projectiles, it feels bad. theres no real counterplay.

corpse explosions. its hard to balance. for ranged i think the speed is about right. for melee, it becomes very frustrating as you might need to cancel an attack to gtfo.
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Prowling Shades. They are not hard but so annoying.

Also, guys who explodes corpses which can one shot me without any noticeable warning.

And sun priests too, though I guess counterplay against them would be just kill them fast enough as you see them, or find a wall to hide before they started to fire, so don't hate these too much actually. But if there are no walls and you are melee, have no idea what you should do. Drag them close to some wall?
Last edited by Suchka_777#4336 on Jan 5, 2025, 9:24:04 PM
The transcendant vaal guys with the lightning cannon, whatever their name is. They shoot a lightning ball out then run away and snipe the ball, launching a laser beam that can cross most of my screen. and 90% of the time their buddy, the big guy on rollers, is planting mines all over the place.


Packs of normal skeletons that throw all their grenades in unison.
"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
MagosX#1099 wrote:
Priest of the Sun!
Shaper beam from two screens away. Attacks you before you know he exists. Hard to escape unless it's a dungeon map with walls to take cover behind.


Even if you stay in melee range and circle around them, their turning speed is so fast that the beam will still hit you even with 25% movement speed boots. With 30% you can outrun the beam but just barely.

the beam can be passive blocked so shields help a tonne with them. it's fun giving them a taste of their own medicine with an incinerate showdown.
"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."

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