Trials of Sekhema is bad
Anyways, ggg deleted my post. Lol, I wasn't nice enough or something.
Next round. 1/3 No option, no energy shield. Yikes. Into two restore honor and get an affliction options. Damn it. 1/5 Options: 50% increased merchant, -25% movement, or traps are faster. Whelp, guess traps are speeding up. Wonder whats after that... almost forgot my bane- monster actions can't go below base speed, 25% increase to attack/cast/movement. Wow, I'm really getting the shaft here. Just got my first perfect jewelers orb, weird, but I'll take it. I've never even seen the 3+ one... wtf. I can't even use it on the skill I want, because its only a 3, lolololol. 1/6 Was able to get -30% monster life for one less visible room ahead on the map. Never gotten that, not bad. 1/7 Tons of honor nodes, of course when I don't need them. Took 50% less honor lost in boss rooms, 100% more lost in non-boss rooms. I rarely lose honor except in boss rooms, so thats probly pretty good. Boss down, untouched, lets get into the next floor. 2/1 Merchant and I have 1k... whatever the currency is called. Not a bad start. 50% more honor restored, 132 when I venerate, yes venerate, a shrine. I've also been getting a lot of key drops, which is weird. I've had this happen once before- its probly a bug. Usually no keys, very rarely they'll drop like crazy. I don't have any key stuff in my setup. 2/2 Cursed with enfeeble or 40% less damage- not really a choice, I'll take the damage. JK, obviously enfeeble. Finish, pledge options are all awful, just skip and take nothing. 2/3 This is the first time I'be been able to choose according to what the run is, haha. Chalice please. Full honor. 2/4 Get fucked, monsters get 50% life, no choice. This is why we hate it. Now the bosses have +50% and I'm pretty fucked, run is pretty much over unless I can swap it. 2/5 HA, some insane beetle ran up at mach 20 and killed me. Wasn't rare or magic, just normal. No idea. Typical. Ever happened to me on a map? Nope. They had 25% move and 50% health...- oh and attack/cast. Still kinda weird, but whatever. Nothing had even threatened me up until that point. Maybe a rare augment buff or something. Invulnerability was on the rare, maybe, who knows. Whelp, lets do another one. Sigh. Not fun at all. |
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It's time wasting content.
It would be fine as a area for end game players to farm additional loot. It is the type of place players should farm when they have at least 80% of their build sorted. And so the risk of completely wasting upto an hour going through the dungeon is minimal. But putting ascendancy points behind it ( With zero checkpoints and a full reset on death).When most players who want their final ascendancy points probably don't even have half of their build at completion. That is complete and utter disregard for player's time. Conclusion: It is time wasting content to boost their metrics.. How many hours have players who just hit level 65/70/80 etc wasted on trying to get their final ascendancy points on a dungeon which is balanced around players being far further into the end-game? A metric $*** ton, no doubt. recommendation for players just trying to get their ascendancy points is to just pay 1 div and get someone to get you your ascendancy points. Don't let developers disregard your time in such a fashion. It is disrespectful. And do the Trails for loot ( if you want to ) when your character is further into end-game and can run trials with high success rate. Last edited by Icesinnox#6517 on Feb 22, 2025, 7:17:15 PM
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I'm done even trying to get the 5-8 points. Sick of losing all the exp.
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Opening not great.
1/2 two open options, however I can only choose the middle one, because 1/3 is 3 bad options- merchant one choice, 50% less water, 5% damage to everything on hit. Actually, I think I'm going to take the 5% on hit. Actually, no, the game says fuck you- I can only take that if I take 25% attack/cast/move for enemies in 1/2... so I have to take the 50% water- which still really sucks ass. Fuck, suckhemas is at it again. Hopefully I can swap it somehow- but that likely already ruins the whole floor for setup. Groan. After beating the room... if I go into one merchant option... I can also go into honor and a boon. So can't buy anything from the merchant, and have water- or can't buy anything from the merchant and don't have water anyways. I guess I'll go one fucking merchant option and hope for a good boon. Its so dumb. Its like that stupid would you rather game. Would you rather jump on a spike or dive on a spike? Ffs, leave me alone dummy. 1/4 Hope for a good boon... restore honor on venerate. 1/5 Bronze key, into 1/6 merchant- no penalties. Holy shit, no penalties for two spaces, lets go. I'll take not getting shit on. 1/6 honor on entering boss room, pretty shit, but better than getting fucked. 1/7 Back to getting fucked by rng. 50% increased merchant, or 25% less max honor. Whelp, guess its merchant. Eyeroll. Super fun game mode btw. That boss fight is usually easy... a little server skipping- but that was fine. The spikes weren't falling on their warning markers! Definitely a bug, usually they are always fine. That time they were random, and they kept falling even after the boss was dead for a full round. Still made it through easily, thats never the hard part. Anyone else find it super annoying that you can't inspect/sell in here. Its bad enough you can't empty your bags during the run. 2/1 Alright, no fuckery so far, 2/1 and 2/2 good, 2/2 is an honor boon. I'm not excited to see whats after that, and the game is skipping around slowly more and more. Wonk. 2/2 Free next merchant item, k. Into 2/3 a not always taken to the room I select, or 25% increase atk/cast/move for enemies. Sigh, so the room option I guess. I certainly don't want 25% move speed, muchless atk/cast. I guess I get the room option and now I have an affliction of no armor. Just straight no armor. Whatever. Its not like the whole game is centered around my gear, lets just take major pieces out. Lets just remove all of one resist while we're at it, hell just take me all, who cares. Thats fun, right???? Maybe this game isn't supposed to be fun... and they fucked up the rest of it. They'll patch it soon. 2/4 So a merchant I really want, or safe spot into safe spot. To get the merchant I have to see one less room. I'll get a lot our of the merchant, at least this seems like a decision- its not like, well no choice, I'm taking my finger chopped off, cause thats way better than my arm chopped off. 2/5 A freebie... but do I want to go into a minor affliction every time I venerate(VENERATE) a shrine, or no energy shield. Fucked again. I'm not sure which is worse... probly the afflictions? When I'm having the most fun, I really want to take a break. Why is my ascendancy behind this shitstorm of fuck. Damn it. I should flip a coin. I'll just go with the affliction thing. I'm not going to win anyways. 2/7 Just a normal node, into boss death inc. Oh, nevermind, guess I didn't notice that I got an- oh I get an affliction from shrines...sigh. 50% less honor gain for me. Beat the stupid boss, not even happy about it. Don't care because I know I'm going to die at the next boss, if I get there. The second bosses are so stupid- I'm overleveld and every nick nearly kills me. Their aoe is so huge. I'm so fucking over this fucking place. Well, went from 3200 honor to 1100 in that fight. All I'm thinking is, this is so stupid. I'm wasting my time, I'm annoyed and angry. I'm venting on a forum- which makes me more angry. Its so gross. So fucking gross. How many players have just been like- eh fuck it, I'm out. I would bet far too many. So to floor 3, with 1100 honor. You know what, I'm over this, I'm not having any fun at all- I'm going to go do something else. I'll pick it up later once I've restored some patience. I'm this frustrated and I'm not even playing against people- its so stupid. So fucking stupid. |
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" Yeah, this is all spot on. I'm ssf, but I would never pay someone to run me through something anyways. If I can't do it, I can't do it. If thats the case, I just suck, I'm fine with that. |
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Waiting for .2 to try again and I'm sincerely hoping they have a deep, deep think about Ascendancies and what they want out of them.
If they want it to be locked behind RNG nonsense, cool, but not for me. If they want to make it more accessible, maybe have like 3-4 more ways to get those points. I can get first 2 sets, 2nd 2 sets were not worth it. Stopped playing not long after that. They can do changes. They are altering end game regulary, hopefully they can take a sledgehammer to a few more parts. Game has really good bones, but a few weird choices I don't jive with. |
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Honestly. Why not tie ascendancies to clearing acts?
Why does it have to be these stupid side quests? You either have to win the lottery, or walk on glass. |
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" There really is only one way to finish the Trials and that's get enough honor resistance to survive. Anything else is just QoL. Not only are good drops for Honor resistance rare, the stupid chest to put relics in is gate-kept by clearing the next levels first. When I played D4, I had a deep suspicion that Blizzard devs were a bunch of sadistic mfs who think that humiliating players and killing their characters with cheap shots was the way to go. But as I was playing PoE2, I realize that this is the industry standard. Last Epoch, for what it's worth, was never sadistic. It's endgame can be insanely difficult at times, but it never punished the player needlessly. It takes a big company to do that to its player base. If GGG was still starting out and PoE2 was it's first game, I bet a million bucks that they be would highly reluctant to treat their players this way, to put mildly. I agree that GGG has very little respect for player's time. The only ones on their side are players who either play games as a job, or are sustained enough (e.g., mom and dad) to be able to just play all day everday. Last edited by adam_law#9913 on Feb 22, 2025, 10:35:41 PM
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Guess I'll round this out, as dumb as this is...
Started at 3/1 after not playing for the rest of the night, super annoying- but if I'm having the opposite of fun, I'm just going to go do something else. I'm at 3/6 currently. I have an extremely high resistance to quitting. I wasn't going going to post anything else, but I thought this was funny. So here it is, my buff and affliction list: buff 50% honor restored 273 honor on entering boss room 137 on venerating The end. Afflictions monsters deal 30% more damage traps deal 100% more damage lose 30 water per room 50% less honor restored 50% increased merchant prices 100% more damage taken on low life not always taken to selected room gain an affliction on venerate cursed with enfeeble(I deal 15% less damage) merchant only offers one option no armor LOL 50% honor restored is cancelled by an affliction. That same affliction also cuts both of other buffs in half(it would if not cancelled out, lucky). I have to take an affliction to get honor restore, that is negated. So one affliction cancels or severely degrades all of my buffs. Unlucky. I have 2285/3213 honor, starting 3/6. Fuck, I got hit once, so down to 1721. 3/7 I don't even know what this boss does yet- and I beat the 2/8 boss by the skin of my teeth. I'm 100% fucked. I'm already ready, ankles firmly gripped, I can handle it. I'm going to fail, and then- even though I have a couple of the things to do another run- theres no way in fuck I'm doing this again for a while. You have to build up your resilience, everything in life need to be order, stars aligned- so that you can take the hit to your inner peace. Honor is the most dogshit idea ever- sorry it just blurts out. At the very least, it doesn't belong in this game. Just the fact that you have to get resilience to do anything in here, IS SO FUCKING TROLL. You have to fail, quite a bit I'll add, to do it. It doesn't matter what you do in the rest of the game, you have to fail in order to succeed here- you can't prep for it, there is nothing you can do. Induce the torture please, thats what we want in our video games. How could they get SO MUCH RIGHT, and get this SO HARD WRONG??!?!?!?! Did they take the special boy and put him in charge of this to keep him out of everyone elses hair??? Did the owners son get ascendancy???? Holy shit balls folks. Is the lead game designer bipolar and we caught him on the bad polar??!? I vote a vote that doesn't matter- its very likely! Fuck bipolar, amirite? Ugh, enough stalling. Ok, off to my doom. 3/7. K, we are on 3/8. 1592/3213, LOLOLOLOL ded. Not yet, about to be. I've seen this boss once and had double digit honor I think... I don't really know what it does. I will not watch a video, because that is not fun to me. Games should be designed to learn and enjoy. The setup makes it actually impossible to enjoy this boss encounter, all the campaign stuff was amazing. Just amazing- I'm sure this boss is amazing, actually; but there is no way I'm going to ever enjoy it, since I'm was miserable at 1/1. Eyeroll, this is so stupid. I don't want to start the encounter because I know I'm just going to lose. Ugh, fuck it, lets go. I'll be back in a second to type ded. Oh man, game crashed about 8 seconds in. Oh, I respawned outside, but looks like I can go back in... honestly, it ending like that felt better than a loss. Somehow, thats a really bad sign isn't it. I have 1916/3213 honor now... so the restart actually gave me 324 honor. Interesting. Uh, well died in about 4 seconds. That poison projectile is quick and does a lot damage. Thats probly my fault, I've had a hard time getting my chaos resist up, its only at 24%- although, this is supposed to be a level 67? encounter... so uh, yeah whatever. I didn't even seriously start trying to do any sort of build until 70. Well, that wasn't fun, at all; but at least I didn't lose it to the crash, so points to the devs there. I'm almost 10 levels over-leveled, but I guess I still need to shore things up to beat that boss. I'm pretty slow at killing bosses, but again, I obtained the item to do this at 67. I don't know man, this is a true game ruining experience for me. Going back to maps, those are still fun; but I really wish I had my ascendancy points, they are pretty big. |
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Oh, one more thing, could you guys(devs) make the button on death... not say revive at checkpoint- since there are no checkpoints?
Oh and while you're doing that, could you just delete this game mode and my ascendancy? I'd rather just not have it, than not be able to get it, thanks. I don't know what you expect people to be doing at level 67- but its not clearing this... perhaps all the other classes are overtuned or blood witch is undertuned? Something is obviously way off. |
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