SSF vs Trading. Which to pick?

i think LE systems are shit.

theyre trade system is absolute garbage and they then force you to not play with friends and share loot if u dont want to be forced into trading by having a dedicated trade mode with trade mode drops.

its actual garbage, thank god poe doesnt have the same systems. if i want to trade poe has a better trade system, if i want to just play with my friends and not trade poe has a better self found system.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
yesname#5945 wrote:

The problem is SSF is for players who do nothing else. No job, no school, or simply they do not want to play other games at all.
LE got the best implementation of trading and SSF league. PoE got the worst because all the loot system is fully built around trading.
Players mostly won't have problems during the campaign, but it is better if they do not have any other activities in real life, reaching mid-late endgame.

Thas not true. Its just your own assumption.

For me for example SSF is "single player mode". I dont rush thing, i dont hurry to endgame. I just play it and enjoy it.

Tried trade and saw that i wasted so much time on trading and thats just not fun. So i played SSF before it was introduced to game.

To OP - i recommend SSF.
There is still a big issue in loot drop for SSF or for the game for that matter. You probably will be able to finish SSF Act 1 in a month or so and it would feel like it has been a year. They want it to be slooooow.

And in that slow month, you probably will get a few transmute and augment orbs. Then 1 or 2 rare items and they will most likely not even be for your chosen class as it's programmed that way.

Although, trading as of now has been plague with scammers and they are making a living in trolling the system by posting cheap stuff but they don't have any intention in selling them. Fake.

Pick your poison.
I decided play in trade league but never do trading. Reason is because ssf doesnt allow you to party with friends for my understandin.

As what comes for trading, its cancer and I dont want to be part of it.

You prop up trade league numbers doing this. They will never balance SSF because they see people sitting in trade league. "Oh, people love the current state of trading. Look how many people are playing it."

ZenJelly#0503 wrote:
SSF only exists so players can say "I'm SSF look at me." Play trade, ignore SSF and SSF players and do what YOU WANT because you don't have to trade in trade, you just have the option. Don't be one of the vegans of POE.

No I don't like playing in the mode with bots and money traders and other problems, just because of some guy's memories of his elite battle net trading career as an adolescent.
PathSoph#6723 wrote:
There is still a big issue in loot drop for SSF or for the game for that matter. You probably will be able to finish SSF Act 1 in a month or so and it would feel like it has been a year. They want it to be slooooow.

And in that slow month, you probably will get a few transmute and augment orbs. Then 1 or 2 rare items and they will most likely not even be for your chosen class as it's programmed that way.

Although, trading as of now has been plague with scammers and they are making a living in trolling the system by posting cheap stuff but they don't have any intention in selling them. Fake.

Pick your poison.

I mean, that's just not true. If u can't progress through the campaign without trading, u're just not very good at the game. Which is ok, trade is there for u, but saying that playing SSF equals extremely slow progress during campaign speaks for ignorance.

Obviously u can be faster if u trade for upgrades regularly, but at that point u just overpower the campaign, because it isn't balanced around that. It took me around 40 hours to get through the campaing the first time playing SSF and exploring every zone. I never felt the need to trade for anything.

First time I actually traded something was at lvl 88, when I was already running T15 maps. And no, I'm not nolifing, I acutally worked through all of the EA period.
SSF is just a checkbox nothing else. It doesnt do anything really. You can play trade and not trade or trade for that 1 or 2 items you need. SSF as a league is stupid if you ask me. It literally does nothing and you can opt out at any time. You even play on the same server. It doesnt matter in the long run. There is no merit to it.
kuciol#0426 wrote:
SSF is just a checkbox nothing else. It doesnt do anything really. You can play trade and not trade or trade for that 1 or 2 items you need. SSF as a league is stupid if you ask me. It literally does nothing and you can opt out at any time. You even play on the same server. It doesnt matter in the long run. There is no merit to it.

I agree and disagree at the same time. I played SSF in alot of Leagues in PoE1 and I agree as u mentioned that it hasn't any obvious benefit u can grasp. On the other hand, it is a different psychological feel playing without the option to buy or sell stuff. U'll make use of ur currency differently, u'll collect items u'd normally ignore and u think about mechanics in a different way.
That might not be true for everyone, but for me those self imposed restrictions helped by a restriction from the game itself made for a very different experience.

It's not the same playing SSF in trade league, because there's always a little thought in the back of my head "maybe rather not use this currency, because it could be worth something in trade". I'm sure it's a personal thing, but others might feel the same.

Edit: Best example I can think of in PoE1 is Tujen. In Trade league u always compare his prices to Chaos orbs and if u could get stuff cheaper via trading instead of buying from Tujen. In SSF u'll buy everything that is useful and don't have plenty already. U don't care much for the ratio of anything. He sells Chromatics, u buy Chromatics.
Last edited by Sadaukar#2191 on Dec 29, 2024, 8:56:32 AM
I'd say play what you enjoy.

That being said, GGG loves trade so it will always be balanced around it.

My problem with trade is the system (dealing with people directly is a pain) and the fact that it trivializes content.
I decided play in trade league but never do trading. Reason is because ssf doesnt allow you to party with friends for my understandin.

As what comes for trading, its cancer and I dont want to be part of it.

You prop up trade league numbers doing this. They will never balance SSF because they see people sitting in trade league. "Oh, people love the current state of trading. Look how many people are playing it."

thats not how it works. they know who trades because the measure it by who actually completes trades. they know the majority of people in trade league dont trade, and thats why they dont balance the game around trading. its balanced around being self found for the most.

people dont want to trade but still want to play with their friends. gaming is a social thing. making solo self found mandatory if you dont trade is an awful idea and is based on the false idea that the current game is balanced around being a full time trader, which it isnt at all.

people just want more loot. people who play solo want more loot, people who trade want more loot, its a thing. the ssf people kid themselves they have a really good excuse but they dont, they just want more loot so the game is easier like everyone else whos calling for more loot to make the game easier.

at some point the devs say no we want the game to be challenging. thats the friction. its nothing to do with ssf, its players wanting easy game vs devs wanting challenging game.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I decided play in trade league but never do trading. Reason is because ssf doesnt allow you to party with friends for my understandin.

As what comes for trading, its cancer and I dont want to be part of it.

You prop up trade league numbers doing this. They will never balance SSF because they see people sitting in trade league. "Oh, people love the current state of trading. Look how many people are playing it."

thats not how it works. they know who trades because the measure it by who actually completes trades. they know the majority of people in trade league dont trade, and thats why they dont balance the game around trading. its balanced around being self found for the most.

people dont want to trade but still want to play with their friends. gaming is a social thing. making solo self found mandatory if you dont trade is an awful idea and is based on the false idea that the current game is balanced around being a full time trader, which it isnt at all.

people just want more loot. people who play solo want more loot, people who trade want more loot, its a thing. the ssf people kid themselves they have a really good excuse but they dont, they just want more loot so the game is easier like everyone else whos calling for more loot to make the game easier.

at some point the devs say no we want the game to be challenging. thats the friction. its nothing to do with ssf, its players wanting easy game vs devs wanting challenging game.

You are wrong. There were multiple instances of the most important people from GGG saying that the game is balanced around League SC Trade. Thats the main game, everything else is afterthought.

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