Skill Feedback: Molten Blast


I played exactly that warrior build and also the Monk AoE Lightning spam build.
They are not even playing the same game... my monk sprints through the maps deleting everything, while my warrior stopped after 3 maps because I couldn't take it anymore.

In fact I created the monk out of the frustration for playing the warrior.

You nailed all the issues with that skill, except for maybe the worst one that is the forced static step forward (it makes me laugh so much now that I know that the monk's AoE is cast while moving, lol) that puts you past the first line of sprinting enemies.

I just want to add that the other non-elemental mace skills also have some issues.
The entire idea that you have to strip armor and then deliver damage with super-slow, missable, static skills while every other build can 1-button AoE-kill with resistance bypass pretty much makes it the worst choice possible.
It is best used in warrior totem builds. It actually does quite well there. Also try fork on it and ice wall to force it to shotgun.
Last edited by fouquet#0993 on Jan 13, 2025, 7:26:24 AM
Let's assume that the design intention was to make molten blast so limited in its scaling options, that it could not be used as a primary skill. I would first ask, why is this limitation so unevenly applied to Titan and not other classes?

Unless they seriously redesign the endgame content the very idea of "secondary skills" should be abandoned and forgotten. With breaches and all that stuff, "secondary" is just a synonym for "useless".

I just want to add that the other non-elemental mace skills also have some issues.
The entire idea that you have to strip armor and then deliver damage with super-slow, missable, static skills while every other build can 1-button AoE-kill with resistance bypass pretty much makes it the worst choice possible.

It really just seems that the devs who designed all the mace skills were playing Monster Hunter with the Greatsword just before their design meetings and decided that they really need to implement that style of gameplay to POE...
Great post and +100

It really made me sad to find out that maces only could have +melee skill but nothing actually increase Molten Blast levels...

It might make sense to have a THROWING weapon category in this regard? for example a Throwing Axe/Dagger/Mace that could have +projectile skill?

Recall back in Diablo2 there were throwing weapons designed to be used by Warriors and throwing spears for Amazons. It'd be super cool if throwing weapons could make their way into POE2

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