Why is the PoE fanbase so toxic?

Why is it so small?
poe2 forums are toxic too.

if you complain you're a whiner/crier. if you dont, you need to touch grass

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I've played a lot of different games in my time, and seen many toxic fanbases, but this one has to take the #1 spot. It's like the Dark Souls fanbase combined with the Call of Duty fanbase. Ask for help in chat (once, not spamming, not begging) and 20 neckbeards come out of the woodwork deriding you for daring to ask for help in a multiplayer game. If you aren't interested in helping, is it so hard to simply not say anything? The amount of people I've had to report for harassment is really mind-boggling.

Bro, general chat is the most toxic shit in this game. Stay the fuck away unless you like to get goaded by unhelpful condescension.

This is why actually.

Is it so hard to ignore the responses you dont approve of? Do you really need to report everyone who disagrees with you?

Get a thicker skin. It's the internet, and not everyone is always going to be rainbows and butterflies.

let me ask you a question : why do you feel the need to respond negatively to something you can simply ignore?
Last edited by MrTipples62#7505 on Jan 4, 2025, 7:41:27 AM
one annoying thing i always see is people be toxic to each other.

you can disagree but theres no reason to be toxic.

if someone is being toxic and you're too annoyed by it, just report the person. else

take the chill pill
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I find this to be true in most games to be honest. It is not a POE problem it is humans are horrible problem in general. COD, League of Legends, WOW, and this game just to name a few have horrible communities. Once it becomes most games is it really a problem with the game?
There is plenty to complain about the game, but my experiences with the community have been nothing but positive.

I wouldn't be playing this if not for so many people being super helpful when I got into POE 1. And my questions in Global have either gotten me answers or at worst ignored (presumably missed).
I've played a lot of different games in my time, and seen many toxic fanbases, but this one has to take the #1 spot. It's like the Dark Souls fanbase combined with the Call of Duty fanbase. Ask for help in chat (once, not spamming, not begging) and 20 neckbeards come out of the woodwork deriding you for daring to ask for help in a multiplayer game. If you aren't interested in helping, is it so hard to simply not say anything? The amount of people I've had to report for harassment is really mind-boggling.

never experianced this in hardcore. obviously people troll if u ask dumb things "does flame wall do fire damage?" "no bro it does lighting", but 99% of the time ive asked something the chat was very helpful, and im a pretty new player that asks things in chat all the time
I've played a lot of different games in my time, and seen many toxic fanbases, but this one has to take the #1 spot. It's like the Dark Souls fanbase combined with the Call of Duty fanbase. Ask for help in chat (once, not spamming, not begging) and 20 neckbeards come out of the woodwork deriding you for daring to ask for help in a multiplayer game. If you aren't interested in helping, is it so hard to simply not say anything? The amount of people I've had to report for harassment is really mind-boggling.

Bro, general chat is the most toxic shit in this game. Stay the fuck away unless you like to get goaded by unhelpful condescension.

The amount of people parading around like they are some kind of elite gamers for playing a loot farming game makes just zero sense whatsoever , but this is not a PoE-only phenomenon ... I think going the live service with expansions route just create too much expectations , competition and naturally create clashes of opinions among the community = hence the toxicity . But being passionate and having strong opinions about something is in no way a valid point for behaving like trash .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
join a guild if you want to be around helpful people. i hide general and trade chat. they're a complete waste of time.

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