Hardcore Mode: Press "ESC" to Be Immortal
Except that PoE2 auto pauses the game if you DC or lag more than 100ms, then continues right where you left off when your connection stabilizes again.
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how about leaderboard add a "pause" count, like let you pause but everyone see if you abusing it
Last edited by ymc182182#6188 on Feb 22, 2025, 1:29:14 PM
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" A number of the profiles I checked talking negatively about logouts and HC were lacking in both the levels and achievements and most didn't have a hc character. Now I wouldn't go as far as saying logout to save is a "feature" - but as HC is a choice, so is the use of logout macros and all that mess. And then there's the whole bit of it being an online game and no one having 100% uptime including the game itself. Its not like there's some perfect solution. And clearly not everyone has the same perception of what hc should be, as if they did there would be no need for these types of conversations if everyone was already on the same page. Edit - I'll also note I myself have no HC chars. The tankiest\most durable character I've ever had managed to die at about 58% to 99 the other day. I knew that last ritual was really risky given the ghosts and how hard the boss hits and the nerfs to damage (my character has taken since made) but I did choose to risk it fully aware of that 10% penalty and how long it had taken to earn that 10%. And when he did die, he looked like he was about at half for a a short bit then instant 0. Yep, totally over league play. Last edited by SeCKSEgai#6175 on Feb 22, 2025, 2:52:29 PM
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" ^ This is me as well if they remove Pause because some HC sweat lords abuse it well fuck that. That said there's all kinds of ways to mitigate this that don't require removing pause. Make ESC have a lag time of 3 ... 2 ... 1... now the game is paused you can fade the menu in during this 3 seconds. Put a cooldown on Pause repeated pauses, say 10s after two pauses. This keeps the sweat lords from rapidly keying pause to "slo mo". Place the player in exactly the same spot with the same monsters (literally capture a save state of server memory and restore it) This is a classic example of the solution not needing to be perfect, but just making it the less attractive option. "I don't need to outrun the bear, I just need to out run you". Make trying to survive IN GAME better than pausing, if pause has a ramp up time NO ONE WILL USE IT AS A DEFENSE because it will be unreliable and may get you killed when skill would have saved you. You would pause in HC ONLY AS A LAST RESORT or because you're not in immediate danger and the Wife needs you to open a pickle jar. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" Are you playing? I still don’t understand, is this a topic for fairness or do you play hardcore yourself? Pausing is a great solution. Those who use macros on alt +f4 still do it faster than pressing esc, in any case. In fact, a pause is at least some kind of protection against latency jumps, lags and other things. |
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hey did they change some stuff ? i'm trying HC a lil and, shame on me, i tried to pause and exit cause i was getting stun lock :D exept when i log back i was in the exact same situation so i died. It's perfectly fine to me i always though it was BS to cheat death like that but i have not seen any modification in patch not regarding this so idk this is the first time i tried maybe i'm doing something wrong ?
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it's not cheating if it's intended ;)
see how it doesnt work on pinnacle bosses? they could easily do that for the whole game but decided not to, intentionally. i love pausing tbh, and i'd personally allow it even for pinnacles lol people will find ways to die plenty anyways. " when you come back its still paused, you then hit esc/respawn at checkpoint without moving or taking any action. Last edited by teksuoPOE#2987 on Feb 24, 2025, 9:46:01 AM
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Solution: Have a big red number in one of the corners. It increases by 1 every time you enter pause without unpausing to return to where you were. Only exception is if you're in town. This number will also be shown on the leaderboard.
Last edited by scrollo#4884 on Feb 24, 2025, 12:35:05 PM
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" I haven’t read the thread, but I’m almost certain a bunch of people have rushed in to convince themselves that this isn’t an exploit, that you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, that it’s necessary because everyone has bad internet. So, what other excuses do weak players come up with? Obviously, there are solutions that could prevent this from being an exploit—like returning to the same situation after relogging. But the developers aren’t trying to create a true hardcore mode. Their goal is to make a pseudo-hardcore mode for people who think that pressing ESC at the right time requires exceptional skill. |
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If you can't be assed to read the thread, I can't be assed to read (the rest of) your comments. (It's a shame the forum doesn't have a block feature, considering how much worse than usual the interactions are here...)
---- A couple of people have already brought this up, but to flesh it out : Separate HC leagues into Casual and LeaderBoard : Casual would have all the Quality of Life features like pause and offline. LeaderBoard would aim to not have these «exploits». (BTW the people that say «it's cheating / not cheating because it is / isn't in the game» are missing the point : this whole thread is about figuring out what should or should not be in the games.) Now one issue is that HC LeaderBoard would involve keeping instances live as long as possible (so that the character is returned back to the situation they where before a disconnection / crash), but GGG probably cannot afford to have players quitting mid-map and then to have them keep live forever. But since casuals have been split off into their own leagues, it sounds feasible to have something as harsh as killing the character after a fair (hours ? days ?) amount of time has passed logged out out of town. (I am assuming that freezing/thawing the instance isn't technically feasible, otherwise the point is probably moot.) P.S. : This would be a bit similar to the situation in D2 where normal multiplayer (a «league» that can be played either offline or online, where players can go wild with hacking their characters and items) and Battle.net multiplayer (online only, and hacking is punished) are separate «leagues». |
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