Quarterstaff needs Chaos related skills

Btw, on bosses, i first of all channel wind blast until dazed, so i get benef from passive +25% crit, there is other ones i think, but i don't have enough points yet. Boss gets fully broken armour super fast with poison, then, only hit wind blast when daze or broken armour is about to explire... it requires experience for timing, PoE is weird to me but i'm getting used to it

Wind blast has 50% chance to poison with support gem, so like only 1,2 or 3 wind blast max, then back to dps
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:20:38 AM
Waaaaaait a sec... how is siphoning strike almost as much dps than my autos without any support gem while i have martial tempo on QStaff strike ?!

it it is more dps than my autos with martial tempo hahahahaha

ioooooooooooo, i'm chocked... now i have something to spend mana on !

AND it has 50% more stun build up ?? it dashes, it knock back, +6 range, AND it shockwaves if shocked LMAO, why would i ever use autos still, need mana now hahahahahahahaha

HOW did i miss that haha

So i'll just use autos to poison and armor break now :)

And refresh rage uptime
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:49:11 AM
Omg, i did play slowmancer sorcerer before that, it was good but so braindead...
Chayula phys melee monk is sooooo much more worth the time invested
cedet6d#7437 wrote:
Waaaaaait a sec... how is siphoning strike almost as much dps than my autos without any support gem while i have martial tempo on QStaff strike ?!

it it is more dps than my autos with martial tempo hahahahaha

ioooooooooooo, i'm chocked... now i have something to spend mana on !

And it's not even like the mana cost is high, it's way lower than anything else

Also, with practiced combo support, it is perfect for the heavy 10 combo cost of mantra... PERFECTION
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:55:03 AM
Also, about darkness, the big downside of spirit skills is that they take slots... monks abilities are so OP, better have darkness and free up space cause i got to get rid of killing palm cause i just have better options and good power charge generation without it... but i would have keep it if i could because it has good support gems

Aaaaaah, i'll just go do trial for ascendancy points, so i can get rid of the Lingering Illusion and get killing palm back for 12% hp regen on cull
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 10:10:46 AM
Evergrey#7535 wrote:
cedet6d#7437 wrote:
Duuuuuuuuude, that original sin tech made my day... Chaos jedi pretty soon ! hahahahahha

I made a build and it's decent:

I am clearing t16 ~50 Delirious maps easy
I do clear T4 Simulacrum, but it is the hardest event for me (i did it all).

Forgot to check that... You're missing a scepter in your spirit monk !

cedet6d#7437 wrote:
See, physical MELEE Chayula IS OP
How didn't you see that ?
I'm just level 30 dude, did you even read spells ?

Stop being meta slave and start thinking by yourself !

As for the Scepter - i dont need it. I have my Spirit from Body/Amulet and im built to use it all.

Darkness is complete garbage in its current form. Absolutely unusable.
Only purpose it serves now is the cheese Temporalis farm build, that costs 200d+ itself to build.

Brother I tried to make Physical Chonk happen. It was my 1st intention. I went with it to like level 65 and then i felt lack of scaling badly.
Also the bugs made me leave it for now.
Thunder clap is better than vault due to Charge consumption, where it deals the damage with each projectile separately, so if you are close to the enemy, you hit it all for really good burst.

I don;t know what's your level or experience, I have not played poe1, but here im lvl 93 atm and i cleared every content there is on my Chaos Original Sin monk, which I was unable to do as Physical.

For Physical i was mostly focusing Flicker as it has good scaling as is fcking amazing. It placed me in awkward positions too often thou. Vault never appealed to me as it has too slow animation. Triple breach in 5 man party and im stunlocked into death for sure.

I Love Off-meta too mate!
When planning a build, you need to consider a wide-ass AoE for really dense Breach-orgies and the single target for bossing. Vault Claps are just too small imo.

If you make it work and enjoy the build I am all in for you and I wish you share the build with us to check it out.
PS. Try Overwhelming Presence if you use stun build - you can reduce enemies Stun treshold by 99% (with jewels) and stun with genuinely each hit ;)

PS2. I was also trying to make a physical base poison build but failed due to lack of scaling. Top poison tooltip dmg i got was 20k. I saw ppl getting over 100k, got humbled down and went back to chaos.

PS3. Recently I got new weapon and now i'm sitting at 50% Crit chance Ice Strike. Cast on Crit goes fcking nuts. Perhaps a Cast on Crit physical build with like Bonecage and Spellblade or Chaos with Blasphemy Despair + Hexblast could work? Whirling as a base ability or Profane Ritual+Flicker.

Theres many options there. I am happy with my build for now, but you should definitely keep digging. If you make Vault working, that's amazing. If not, keep being open for feedback brother. There is no reason to disregard someones inputs when you aren't able to call it with experience/testing/proof. I Tried to bite Darkness, but it is just jesus fckng real bad, brother - and I tried really hard, Spirit gems are just too good to pass on. You can test it yourself, i'm just giving you the results of mine.

Btw. Mantra is bugged, I am pretty sure about that. It just doesn't work. Tooltip dmg is never changed by it, no matter what I feed it with. On-boss damage doesn't seem to change neither. Wind blast is also pretty messed up. It's an Attack but not a Strike, not a projectile, neither an fissure. It doesn't benefit from shit.
Last edited by Evergrey#7535 on Feb 24, 2025, 4:54:05 AM
Evergrey#7535 wrote:
As for the Scepter - i dont need it. I have my Spirit from Body/Amulet and im built to use it all.

You're trolling right ? I'm just having a blast watching you playing full spirit

Evergrey#7535 wrote:

Darkness is complete garbage in its current form.
Absolutely unusable.

Did you even play it ? I felt slowmancer sorcerer strong but braindead. With darkness, mobs doesn't even touch my energy shield, darkness is refreshed too fast... i have an easier time with melee physical monk, using mainly vaulting impact than with a full freezing sorcerer

Also, darkness makes me able to free up 2 skill slots from spirit defensive abilities so i can use more skills that i needed

OK, it is useless to you, but you are playing a 3 buttons monk dude
When i started PoE, i was chocked having only 13 keybinds, almost made me quit already. You are playing 3 keybinds. Like WTF. I don't have space for what i need, being limited by skill slots that darkness free me up.
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 24, 2025, 10:07:11 AM
Evergrey#7535 wrote:
Thunder clap is better than vault due to Charge consumption

Vaulting impact allows you to get charges. When it doesn't one shot...
That's the thing, you can SPAM vaulting impact all day long.
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 24, 2025, 10:10:18 AM
But i have falling thunder still, also charged staff since 2 free spots from darkness, and yes, falling thunder is great... esp with only one charge, which doubles the dmg

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