Given up on crafting in SSF

Im playing SSF and crafting is non existent.

My toon is currently lvl29 and ive found:

1 Exalted Orbs
1 Regal Orb (im disen to get shards)
0 Artificer Orbs
0 Chaos Orbs
0 Alchemy Orbs
0 Divine Orbs
0 Jewelers Orbs
0 Chance Orbs
0 GCP's
0 Vaal Orbs

8+ Augments
8+ Transmutes

5+ BSmith Whets
3+ Armour Scraps

I thought they were "dialing it up a bit" with crafting currency??

Spoiling the game at present, and the loot is abysmal.

Love the game though...

First character is very rough in ssf. After that you can throw on leveling uniques like goldrims wanderlust foxshade etc and its signifcantly easier.

Gamble vendors and repeat farming zone bosses are gonna be your best friend. Act 1 clearfell cruel is a decent place to farm for a bit.
Casia#1093 wrote:
yeah, same as op..

removing vendor recipes.

They added currency trade in standard, but in SSF, you can't change one currency in for another. This is terrible.

Stacks of transmutes, you can't turn into augs.

Removing alterations is horrible.
stacks upon stacks of Bases in my inventory to try rolling.
Unable to roll blue Jewel's. forcing you to go farm trial. awful. letting you reroll the blue mod's to start with 2 good ones, and RNG on the others is much better.

Essences. they learned nothing and are probably WORSE then before. whats the point of this targeted crafting if they never show up? these should be literally 10x more frequent. also, add story/lore for them.

omens are solid, need to be more common, and not blocked behind such a cancerous league mechanic. They SHOW us ritual in act 1... but then we don't see it again till maps. and there isn't a guaranteed omen in that first ritual. there should be.
we should be getting ritual's throughout the campaign.
AND omen's should be showing up in EVERY ritual reward. there's 17 kinds of omens. even if 1 or 2 showed up every time, that would still be a ton of farming to collect various amounts of them all.

Map gen around ritual should guarantee room to actually do it.
spawn mechanics for all the boxes, ritual, delirium, breach need to be addressed, so you dont' have invisible spawning body blocking/pushed into walls nonsense.
that kind of nonsense locks crafting/building into certain meta builds.

Only real useful omens later on are the annulment ones, two 93+ characters ive never seen one. Still only found 2 invitations in ssf.

Last i played trade those omens were 40 divs a pop, so ya they are astromonically rare.
Last edited by BossOfThisGym#2062 on Jan 8, 2025, 10:33:51 AM
Im playing SSF and crafting is non existent.

My toon is currently lvl29 and ive found:

1 Exalted Orbs
1 Regal Orb (im disen to get shards)
0 Artificer Orbs
0 Chaos Orbs
0 Alchemy Orbs
0 Divine Orbs
0 Jewelers Orbs
0 Chance Orbs
0 GCP's
0 Vaal Orbs

8+ Augments
8+ Transmutes

5+ BSmith Whets
3+ Armour Scraps

I thought they were "dialing it up a bit" with crafting currency??

Spoiling the game at present, and the loot is abysmal.

Love the game though...

Gear progression throughout the campaign is a whole different topic and not whats been discussed in this thread!

This is about crafting in the mid and mostly in the endgame!
And not necessarily about the lack of crafting currency but more about the problem that even if u have plenty of said crafting currency, the odds to acquire meaningful upgrades with 4+ desirable stats are extremely low and there is no way to turn them in your favour.

I think you need to look at the Thread title, its about Crafting ???

And unless youre crafting with a hammer, wood and nails, my currency issues are directly related to crafting, so please go harass someone else :)

Stay humble.
i really think if normal essences were augments instead of transmutes, they gave us significantly more chaos orbs in endgame and the omens that make chaos orbs target either suffixes or prefixes were somewhat common it would completely change the crafting landscape for the better.

it certainly would for me. i really feel like i need that element of control in the process.

i am making some decent starter/mid endgame items but the amount of spamming and failing going on is really tedious. i very much feel like a spectator to the process just wasting insane amounts of time banging my head against the wall for every little inch of success that randomly comes out of the process.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
spent about 30h to get to act 3 boss cruel, finish all mini boss on map, my arc sorc have around 6k dps, is it good dps and did I run around too much time
I've picked up every Expert Altar Robe I've seen, and only hit a 60+ spirit once. 350 hours of gameplay.
The itemization is so bad in this game that I stopped picking up 90% of rares and I wont touch any uniques. Not even one. They are worse. Why bother identifying what you already know is complete garbage. The most exciting thing that drops is a waystone at the right tier since I can keep playing instead of needing to grind out the magic key needed to keep playing the endgame. The amount of times I have finished a map, even a boss fight while juiced only to receive 0 waystone or lower tiers... These devs have lost their minds
I did basically the same for the quarterstaff on my 1st character.

It even requires minimum 3 really good rolls. I have to do 50:50 chaos from the beginning just to waste one in several hundred chance every few days if I'm patient enough not to rage gambling.

Or let's say the least, 4x T5+ mods. Is it even possible replacement of the current weapon, 4 mods rare drop with 2 exalts slam ?

In fact, I started "4+ minion skills and 40%+ spirit sceptre" before achieving primary goal for an obvious reason. It's even worse because there are 6 possible base sceptre variants (4 for my quarterstaff) in my case, to do 3 to 1 cooking.

Ofc I simply found a rare sceptre with said requirements.

Early on "crafting" or rather gambling can feel alright, plenty of people I see in SSF global saying how great it is. However early on when your gear is pretty awful, it doesn't take much to randomly make something good. You find some magic boots with 25% movespeed and a dead stat, regal a res, and then slam the rest and its probably better than what you are using. Find a ring with res base, a life roll and a bunch of open suffixes, same thing, you'll probably slam at least 1 resist and thats going to be better than what you are using.

Later on however when you gear is OK, the chances of actually making something from scratch from a white base is just astronomically unlikely. When your gear already has life, res, and you are shooting for something similar but better or maybe you are looking for more attributes or chaos res it starts becoming pretty bleak.

Those issues explained in 2. is based on the prerequisite "requirement gets higher if I made it right".

Possible critical juncture: Can the requirements be less demanding ?

I have my lootfilter setup to highlight bases I use, gloves, belts, rings, low level weapon (looking for + to melee with low str req), etc.

Maybe "low str requirement" part is not too demanding but "2 requirements" works as multiplicative. But let's get going anyway.

Id say I get about an entire inventory worth of these bases + magic items, breach map I might get 2 whole inventories worth, usually find 3-4 weapon bases I'm trying to craft.

Seems the requirement was not too high to build a crafting bases at least.

So I take these transmute them, if its any decent I'll aug. At this point after 3+ days of 6+ hours mapping sessions at 92 I would say about 1 in 25 items makes it to the point that its worth spending a regal on, and after that maybe 1 out of 4 (so 100 total) are actually worth exalting further if the regal didn't hit trash.

I assume transmutes are not sustainable by this method in SSF style if I don't spend more portals to recycle magic items as necessary but let's say F to SSF for now.

I do essence craft, but like I said just weapons alone not mentioning armor and jewelry I'll have like 10-15 pieces of base/magic gear per map to attempt crafting on, you just don't find enough essences to even factor that in.

At this point I just feel like its a complete and utter waste of time to bother with crafting in the current state.

Multi-conditional/multi-step assumptions can exponentially affect the process of decision making.

Step A to make X, Step B for Step A, Step C for Step B... and it's only counting single factor for each step.

This kind of assumptions can lead the combination of simple thus reasonable decisions to inevitable failure or astronomical jackpot story.

It's a meme in trade to say "Every single piece of gear I'm using I bought on trade I'm not using a single piece of gear I found on the ground" and in ssf I feel like its the case where "Every piece of gear I'm using I found rare already 80% the way there, and im not using anything I crafted from scratch". Which for me is pretty much the case. All of my gear was found on the ground basically already finished, I have boots I expedition crafted, and single ring I found tiered as magic that rolled well, everything else was basically as good as it was when I ID it as a rare drop, maybe I got 1 more good mod from an exalt slam.

I feel like all this time I'm spending picking up bases, picking up low level currency, putting it in a tab, having to leave maps multiple times to empty inventory, is all just time wasted I could be grinding out more kills, to get more rares, to ID them and find something already useable or near useable that just needs to be slammed once or twice. This is not crafting in any sense of the word. This also means item rarity is just as much a problem you have to solve in SSF as you do in trade, because you really need those tiered rare drops, and you get a whole lot more if you are near 100% rarity than if you have barely none, and you get a whole lot more if you aren't wasting time trying to craft on terrible odds than just grinding out kills to get the drops.

Playing around on craft of exile even in the limited state it is in for POE2 pretty much comes close to the numbers im saying above about items not even getting out of the trans+aug stage, and in SSF you have a very limited amount of currency to spend, you can't be taking bad gambles you have to trash items that aren't already somewhat there in the magic phase, because you will soon run out of regals etc.

If we had the deterministic crafting bench from PoE1 I would probably be able save more than quadrouple the amounts of items I end up bricking with the completely random system we have now, and a good majority of my gear probably would be self crafted isntead of found already good on ID.

Chaos orbs are also a terribly painful bottleneck in SSF "Crafting", I have multiple tabs of items that need to be hit with chaos before they are truely bricked, and 0 chaos orbs atm. And out of these 3 or so tabs I might save 2 or 3 pieces of gear from getting binned from that step, so its not even like chaos orbs are so powerful they are warranted to be 5-10x more rare than exalts.

I think I better note my opinions at this point before conclusion because those try and errors are still valid after all.

TLDR Overfitting
In the first place, flexibility is a result of the optimization process. (not always "flexible -> optimal result for a specific purpose")

I misjudged the weight of each results. (It's not the problem in each steps)

Drops should have been counted reciprocally in the "exponential multi-conditional/multi-step assumption". (It's not the problem in each steps)

At that moment, I was under the illusion that my "hypothetically the most flexible optimization policy" was being proven right before my eyes one after another, like "I am doing right but still not enough". (cf: "requirement gets higher if I made it right")

In those "exponential multi-conditional/multi-step assumption", I should have been breaking down those elements into workable pieces, rather than making tentative conclusions and revising predictions based on them.

As the result, I was making necessary adjustments and workloads but wrong analysis that caused a simple but strong cognitive dissonance.

Can my own requirements be less demanding ?
This needs to be considered for each "context", "process" and "purpose".

I'm probably just going to run a loot filter similar to my trade character soon, forget bases and low currency exist and stop picking them, essence craft the few I have the essences for, and just keep grinding for rare item drops and praying they ID something usauble or just need a few exalt slams to be. Even in SSF I have more exalts than I could ever realistically use "crafting" so that isn't ever a bottleneck or a problem.

It depends on the purpose but I think you made a reasonable outcome for the process.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

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Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Jan 21, 2025, 3:03:34 PM

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