POE 1 Legue to short

Piousqd#0073 wrote:
migy1337#0164 wrote:

can u pls come and run an endgame content map and prove me wrong ... ??

I already know i can't do t17 titanic blight/exile. Good job man. Now lets flex some other things. Make your profile public and link some stuff.

I wanna see:

1. Your best self crafted pieces of gear you use.
2. Your Mirror stack
3. Your best double corrupts
4. You coolest foil

It would be rude to demand this and not answer my own questions, so:




4. Honestly that Kitava's again, but these are all pretty cool
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Piousqd#0073 wrote:
migy1337#0164 wrote:

1. the ring whic u can se on my profile...
2. i dont have any ... i used all dono whats the point in stockpiling them ?
3. i didnt run any...
4. coolest foil dont know what woud the category of coolenest be ???
i find my ghostwrithe over my main armor as skin very cool ... becuse of the visuals ...

1. You unlocked your profile but your characters are all still private, I cant see any gear.

2. Because if you have "finished the game" you would have way more than you could use.

3. Or buy any? Doesn't sound like a very finished game

4. That's the whole point of my response, catch up man. It's all subjective.

this carebear thinking ... nothing else
ye i did bought some dual corupts but how does that mathers ...
well now u have all opened ...

i came acrosed araund 20 mirrors so far ...( found only 1... )

mirrors dosnt mather if u cant put them to use..
Last edited by migy1337#0164 on Jan 7, 2025, 12:55:27 PM
migy1337#0164 wrote:
so ur just bullshiting... at this point ...
u proly dont even know what map i am talking about ...

I couldn't care less about specific Valdo's maps. I think it's PERFECTLY fine that a very small percentage of the content is aimed at a very small percentage of the community within a league lasting 3-4 months.

There is no "finishing". You set your own goals. Some might say getting 40/40 is "finishing". Some earn their first mirror and se themselves as "finished". Some people are done when completing the acts.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
migy1337#0164 wrote:
so ur just bullshiting... at this point ...
u proly dont even know what map i am talking about ...

I couldn't care less about specific Valdo's maps. I think it's PERFECTLY fine that a very small percentage of the content is aimed at a very small percentage of the community within a league lasting 3-4 months.

There is no "finishing". You set your own goals. Some might say getting 40/40 is "finishing". Some earn their first mirror and se themselves as "finished". Some people are done when completing the acts.

not talking in valdo maps... valdo maps are joke lol ... u cant bust it with scarabs or anything...

full titanic 100% delerium full exile t17 with 8 mods...+ map tree in specific way = endgame content ... now u have many difrent variants of this maps...
truly endgame woud be this map with a specicif mod *uniq enemy get 2 random shrine buffs* and than u need to be lucky on shrine buffs to truly face the endgame boss whic woud proly be fotress map boss with speed shrine...

and we are not talking about ur own goals... we are talking here about the endgame of poe we dont care about ur personal goals...

bealive it or not theres a mehanize behind the game... and there is the hardest boss... or basicly the hardest map or content... and no its not maven lol

Piousqd#0073 wrote:
Piousqd#0073 wrote:
migy1337#0164 wrote:

can u pls come and run an endgame content map and prove me wrong ... ??

I already know i can't do t17 titanic blight/exile. Good job man. Now lets flex some other things. Make your profile public and link some stuff.

I wanna see:

1. Your best self crafted pieces of gear you use.
2. Your Mirror stack
3. Your best double corrupts
4. You coolest foil

It would be rude to demand this and not answer my own questions, so:




4. Honestly that Kitava's again, but these are all pretty cool

i dont find the kitava cool at all ... its not rare or anything...

so in ur poe teoretical comptetition
1. i win
2. i win
3. still not sure what u aim from here ... i have the corups that i wanted
4. evry1 wins under ur category ...

i rather run hard maps man than show some curency ... and theory craft behind it ...
and 11 mirrors and u cant make ur bild work ?
So this is basically just a flex wrapped in a troll wrapped in a subjective opinion thread.

Got it.

"Can you do my specific flavor of difficult that I built for" (but you did not) is not the flex you think it is.
Thanks for all the fish!
Nubatron#4333 wrote:
So this is basically just a flex wrapped in a troll wrapped in a subjective opinion thread.

Got it.

"Can you do my specific flavor of difficult that I built for" (but you did not) is not the flex you think it is.

thats the point and beuty of it... a good build has no limits... when u can run endgame content u can run all ... basicly evrything else becomes kinda to easy... dosnt feel right to run valdos and ubers anymore...
migy1337#0164 wrote:
Nubatron#4333 wrote:
So this is basically just a flex wrapped in a troll wrapped in a subjective opinion thread.

Got it.

"Can you do my specific flavor of difficult that I built for" (but you did not) is not the flex you think it is.

thats the point and beuty of it... a good build has no limits... when u can run endgame content u can run all ... basicly evrything else becomes kinda to easy... dosnt feel right to run valdos and ubers anymore...

A whole post just to troll around? Well, you are not the first one.
Oh and there are still 15 Challenges to be done. You have a long way to go, good luck doe.

PS: Normally I don´t do that but you talked about 100% delirious titanic T17 maps with exiles. You have cleared 18/50 T17s, so you can´t clear them yourself huh?
Last edited by TayPoE#6379 on Jan 8, 2025, 5:05:52 AM
I usually reach my goals in the league under 200 hours,tree-four weeks of visiting the game, then i rarely play, most of my friends are in +|- same range of play time.

Waiting for 6 months or even a year to play another 200h gonna be unbearable.

I'm already iching to play new, fresh league, but this..."mistake", called - POE 2, ruined the schedule... Q_Q
POE 2 is not hard,it's tedious and boring.
TayPoE#6379 wrote:
migy1337#0164 wrote:
Nubatron#4333 wrote:
So this is basically just a flex wrapped in a troll wrapped in a subjective opinion thread.

Got it.

"Can you do my specific flavor of difficult that I built for" (but you did not) is not the flex you think it is.

thats the point and beuty of it... a good build has no limits... when u can run endgame content u can run all ... basicly evrything else becomes kinda to easy... dosnt feel right to run valdos and ubers anymore...

A whole post just to troll around? Well, you are not the first one.
Oh and there are still 15 Challenges to be done. You have a long way to go, good luck doe.

PS: Normally I don´t do that but you talked about 100% delirious titanic T17 maps with exiles. You have cleared 18/50 T17s, so you can´t clear them yourself huh?

lol chalanges ... vendor 5 rare rings to get new :D very challaging challanges
u shoud read my first post ?? dono how many maps u do a day but i do like 5 maps a day beuse of RL ... sadly... so in few days i cant run 200 maps ...
and this maps take some time to finish it ... well i can atleast run them
can u come and show me if u can even run it ? :D

there is only endgame and u can either run it or u cant ... evrything else is just like the people have small pewe trying to selfconford themselves that size dosnt mather... same shit here
u get good and u can run it or u stay noob and say i have selfgoals i am happy.

i have many maps w8ing for people to come and prove me wrong ...
so far only 2 tryed from this thread ... and 2 fails ...
will some1 come and prove me wrong ??

or u all set ur goals get to act 2 and quit ??

Last edited by migy1337#0164 on Jan 8, 2025, 3:23:09 PM

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