Oh no not another ExSea is ragequitting POE post!
" It would not. Take a break and come back in 6-12 months. I'm doing the same. I find it not fun when (once again) the most "fun" (read as in: least tedious) way to play is to optimize the shit out of everything. I was hoping GGG would follow suit and make the game be playable on builds with lower DPS so that we wouldn't feel forced to dismiss fun builds for their lack of DPS, but that is absolutely not the case. In fact, it's even worse than in PoE 1. [Removed by Support]
Gaming PC: Win 11, 7600X3D, RTX 4080, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL30, 7000 MB/s SSD, 850W, 3840x2160p 120Hz Streaming PC: Win 11, i5-12400, RTX 4060, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36, 7000 MB/s SSD, 450W, 1920x1080p 60Hz [Removed by Support] |
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Imo PoE 2 feels like an experiment and the devs don't expect it to survive for long since they went the safe part and made it sperate, so there is a fallback game if things go south.
What could happen is that both games get mergend into one package as it was in the original idea (2019 exilecon) and both campaigns can be played in parallel with time travel. Basically taking the best part from both games but with additional knowledge&mistakes learned from PoE2 to perhaps make the overall propduct better. Either literally merged into one game or taking ideas and let the other game die/abandon. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore "A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Jan 8, 2025, 2:24:12 PM
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Cool story bro.
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its finally the actual final time for the final time hu exSea? :D
yeah im sort of there a bit too brother, not quite as full on i think ill go blast some poe1 leagues but in a very D3 way. turn up, power level to endgame, smash some maps, find some items, try and kill the bosses then 2 weeks after kickoff im done. come back in 6 months. maybe ill leave poe1 open to trade in standard while i do other hobbies at my desk. poe2 is it. so many problems with the game, so much more content is needed before its gonna be where it needs to be but im certain it will get there. ive been on the forums a lot these last few weeks cause im sick in bed with a fatal dose of manflu, pretty much all i can do is feel like death, post on the forums, doomscroll youtube shorts and play poe2 with my mrs. and you know what? its been great, the game really brings back those feels i had when i first played D2 and PoE. ive played all the arpgs but only those 2 really had the feels. i didnt think i was gonna play EA much, or maybe at all cause ive not rly been into gaming this last few years but the reveal show lured me in for a little taste on opening day and then i managed to get a full on winter flu just in time to glue me to a gaming laptop for weeks. ive gone back to just playing with friends, 0 trading, 0 rushing to keep up or get ahead of any perceived curve. just enjoying the game, taking my time. its a bit like poe1, that was so jank on release with the desync, the one shots, so many bloody issues man. but it also changed things in a way where no other action rpg was ever going to be a serious contender again without having the systems depth of poe. poe2 has a similar thing where im on a joypad now, being able to move and attack in different directions with a dodge roll and the way that changes what can be done with the gameplay, the bosses etc. a new benchmark has been set in arpgs and nothing that isnt at least this will be able to compete with this ever again. poe1 buried D2 and poe2 is threatening to do the same to every arpg thats come before. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" short answer? no long answer? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lololol i kinda miss zana. i still think shes gonna be a new baddie or probably will be someone antagonistic but with good intentions in poe2. fun fact. in poe2 as of the entire story we were sentenced to death. we are not exiles in poe2 and no one refers to us as "exile". " one of a recent post on the poe subreddit was of a person having to face a t17 boss and theres huge ass aoes everywhere. i really do not miss poe1's end game seeing that and seeing it reminds me of why i probably would never return. no disrespect to anyone who enjoys poe1 tho. " i m not totally convinced that i ll never touch poe1 ever again either. ggg might suddenly introduce new subclasses/ascendencies etc. theres many things GGG can do to entice older players to return. a very good way to entice me back is if they implement what LE does with cycles. the gist of it is when a new league starts, aside from the temp league, standard also gets access to the new league content. i might come back to dip my toes in if thats the case. still leaning on not returning. but i m not shutting the door shut in either case. and yeah poe2 is definitely incomplete. yet even in its incomplete form i still enjoy it so much that i m not remotely interested to return to settlers despite settlers being the best poe1 league for me in its 10 year history. i also havent even checked tli's latest season announcement nor even bother to check LE. i m still likely to jump into GD when the new expansion drops. GD does have somewhat of a more deliberate gameplay and slower pace. " my bad, i usually am too self focused at times. and i must admit i m vomitting words out. i actually have so much to say and so much love towards poe1. so many memories, so many moments of pride and accomplishments and believe me i've refrained somewhat. and yeah my formatting is bad but i dont plan to reformat it and am just moving on. at most i'll apologize to you for it, and thank you for actually going thru it and even commenting. " lol maybe.. maybe.. as of now unlikely but i've learned my lesson to not shut the door close all the time. " 100% i feel that the best way for GGG to balance the game right now is to be using current weakest builds as the "base". buffing weak things tends to unintentionally buff already strong builds. which ends up with power creep and we're back at poe1 again. nerfing things hard was something ggg should have done back in poe1 but the ship has sailed. poe2 they have the opportunity to do so. all we can do is wait and see as theyre still "just back from holidays". let them cook [Removed by Support]
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" i agree that poe2 in its current state is highly experimental. but i disagree when you say it wont survive for long. there are many people who prefer poe2's system/mechanics over poe1, and the opposite is also true. i think at best both games simply be made separate. but for my poe1 bros, i do hope that more poe2 content be bled into poe1 but tailored to be relevant to what poe1 players enjoy. personally i really would prefer if poe2's socketing interface be ported over to poe1. but without changing how gems/supports work in poe1. players simply socket their gems into that interface rather than their equipment. there definitely are things that needs fine tuning such as gear that grants additional supports/levels and the squire. but thats for ggg to figure out. i have ideas but fleshing them out at this point is a waste of time. i believe both games will exist not as competition to each other but as alternatives. if you like zooming, poe1 is there for you. if you like slower paced, poe2. " aw man really hope you get better. i did get covid twice or thrice by now. one of those times led to high fever and i had such a horrid feeling of impending doom. its as tho i felt like i would die this time and would not survive. its quite interesting as when i write it out, i m sure people will say i m overreacting. but its one of those things where you need to experience to really know how its like. i actually talked to my regular doctor about it, and she actually did catch something around that time (could have been from me lol), and she told me she experienced the same thing. the feeling is just terrible. anyway i recovered from that short period a long time ago. thankfully its just a few days discomfort and pure misery in my case. so whatever is ailing you i hope you get better. as for your poe2 journey its sounds pretty similar to mine. i finished the story while purposely IGNORING trade. i had amassed somewhere around 80 ish exalts? or so? as well as 10-20ish chaos. i found it really a breath of fresh air actually slamming currency on my gear, hoping for the best, something i would NEVER do in poe1 (unless of course for some random jewels). talking about that reminds me of a time long past where i found an awesome 2 hander. not the best but definitely an awesome one, long before a lot of the predetermined crafting options were available. before that sword, i never slammed exalts. exalts were GOLD to me. highly valuable. but i told myself. first time for everything! YOLO! i still remember after all those years i got a +2 mana on kill on that 2 hander. never again i too took my time enjoying all poe2 has to offer. and i think one thing that helps a lot is because we know that the game is in EA. theres no permanency. no rush. its not a temp league where we need to min max and achieve all we can before the league ends. it reminded me why i was a standard andy. why i loved the old d1/d2 and other older diablo clones. having no time limit is liberating. when i m playing in a new temp league. i can see GGG put a lot of efforts in the NPCs. one of my fav NPC's it the "OTHER ALVA". super cool npc. but i rushed to make progress rather than listen to her lore. similarly that happened in sanctum and then affliction, and again in kingsmarch/settlers. i cant afford to sit around doing nothing. especially in settlers. every second i was not out earning gold is more downtime where my town produces nothing. so much FOMO. FUCK FOMO. i learned to really hate FOMO. my initial feeling of settlers is its the best league ever. but on a fundamental level, its using mobile game addictive mechanics akin to daily login rewards. its very hard to balance. because despite them being VERY REWARDING. the level of FOMO is so high that either you spend as much time as possible on the game, or you miss out a few days/weeks due to IRL commitments and feel like you've "missed out" too much that you just quite entirely. which is exactly what happened to me in undecember. they had a daily login reward and daily quests as well as consecutive login rewards. i was hooked and played regularly to reap all the rewards. IRL commitments demanded my time away from the game. when i came back i just felt like i have lost so much potential progress that i quit. oh and back to poe2, and yeah that D2 feel is so damn strong. it definitely ISNT d2 but the feels man. the feels. several people who played d2 told me the same thing. and yeah the WASD movement, tho initially i was highly skeptical, i learned to appreciate it VERY QUICKLY. when playing poe1 sometimes i know the path i needed to take to avoid damage. but using a mouse is something i am not too good at. i end up clicking the wrong place or even clicking one enemies or even on items. so i tend to always go where i DONT INTEND to go. but all that changed with WASD. tho there is a new problem where sometimes there are actually obstacles in the way such as tables and i stubbornly try and move thru them and only realizing that i should walk AROUND them later. i m really keen to know more of the lore of poe2. whats going to happen in the remaining acts etc. i really like how the vaal culture is brought to life. 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HC Ruthless someone still like more than normal game?
With narrow corridors? And huge maps of so? Yes, we know it. Cool story. But for usual player even to watch playing this — is a pain. Look at twitch views for poe2. Its down to 20-30k from 500-900k. And thats just a start. GL with yr love :) Last edited by DarkJen#6961 on Jan 9, 2025, 1:08:53 AM
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" there are things that i HATE about poe2. and i know that many people have issues with it myself included. but as i always say. let ggg cook. [Removed by Support]
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" Sure, some cookings took 10 yrs. Tho we have other tasty things to consume. Hc ruthless is not tasty. And even more - with forced sanctumatum on top, lul Yeah, no. Last edited by DarkJen#6961 on Jan 9, 2025, 6:02:28 AM
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the core of PoE2 is hot, really hot.
They just need to step back from the degenerate design they've already solved in their prequel, there are a huge number of free wins they haven't taken and when they do the framework around the game will be hot too. basically in any meeting where someone asks how many splinters should be required for a boss token if someone answers 300 throw them out the window (as per the meme) its just stupid i can't ascribe anything else to it. Also please don't actually throw anyone out of the window just pointing out 300 single click splinters would have been considered bullshit 20 years ago in games let alone today when things have thankfully improved. Don't fight the progress you've made, accept it and incorporate it. |
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