Request for Investigation Into Possible RMT and Boosting Activity in PoE 2

2500 + pseudo RMT posts per day on just one site the first days and still averaging over 1400 per day on just one site and there are over a dozen sites, most of the other being direct RMT rather than two step RMT. It absolutely does have an effect on the balance and fairness of how the game is tuned.
Last edited by ExsiliumUltra#5541 on Jan 18, 2025, 10:15:27 PM
sebzzz#6019 wrote:
Zoddo#3014 wrote:
sebzzz#6019 wrote:
Competitive game? The only person you should be competing with is yourself? I don't know... maybe focusing on what everyone else is doing is ruining the fun for you.

There is a mode already if you want to mostly compete with yourself only, Solo Self Found. Trade league is a more competitive mode due to being able to interact directly with other players and friends.
Nevertheless, PoE is not a game you play in isolation in general (especially due to the fact you have a ladder in every game mode) so having a social and competitive component is basically a fact but how you engage with it ultimately depends on your individual temperament.

I know there's SSF. Thats what I was suggesting to OP....

This isn't a competitive game. There are people who are competitive about the game.. but it isn't a competitive game. No major tournaments, no professional teams as far as I know. It's all just ego and bragging rights.

Yes it is, trade league is a competitive economic environment where one's wealth can impact others. What you just explain is professional e-sport.
Zoddo#3014 wrote:
Well, everybody is entitled to their own opinion if they think PoE can be classified as competitive of not and there is no definitive answer because it depends on each individual's perception so that's not really worth discussing and not what this thread is about. Same goes for "If SSF matters", it does more for some and less for others.

There is a definitive answer actually, and that is Trade league IS a competitive economic environment.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Online games have people spending thousands of real dollars on digital currency/service in game.
Next up we'll have experts telling you what you should do with your computer before the clock rolls over for Y2K.
Yawn. Way better things for them to spend time and energy on. RMT will never be stopped, it's like the war on drugs.

Off topic but the war on drugs was the dumbest idea ever, if the government instead had just given out drugs to drug addicts for free, drug addicts would not commit crimes to pay for their fix. Cartels would not make any money at all. Good luck paying of police/politicians etc and have people fight and kill for you without any money to pay them.

Then all the money spent on fighting that war could be spent helping people that suffer from addiction instead.
Last edited by Tumulten#3988 on Jan 19, 2025, 3:25:04 PM
Zoddo#3014 wrote:
There have been growing concerns within the PoE2 community about the possibility of real-money trading (RMT) and boosting affecting the fairness and integrity of the game.

Possibility 1.
give up they aren't going after [Removed by Support] even if they wanted to (they obviously don't)

Possibility 2.
Hi welcome to videogames that are online. 100% of them have some amount of RMT and such POE was arguably built on this. Listen to Chris Wilson's TED talk at GDC where he literally says that Diablo 2's famous Ebay bow was inspiring and formative to his understanding that people will care about your loot items in your game to that extent if you design your loot well enough.

I've had my "rage against P2W and RMT arcs" myself and given up. Pointless. No ones ever stopping it, you're better of not caring than devoting mental energy to it.

I dont think there will be any investigation since most streamers and high lvl players are doing it. Its like PED's in sports: everyone at the top is using.

Hmmm while I agree that tons of people in trade are using RMT, buying boosts and even challenges as silly as that sounds, most POE streamers that anyone cares about are SSF and the ones who are trade league and are any account in the community stream every moment and gear upgrade. So for example Mathil: literally has the currency in his stash and items for sale that his viewers have watched him pick up or craft. It would be impossible for a high level streamer like him to hide, and even the ones who make it a huge meme that they are RMT'ing (Cute_Dog) mostly aren't actually doing that, they just get tons of handouts and imply it, because it suckers people into making reddit threads about him and such. Ofc there are the guys who "profit craft off stream because thats boring and no one wants to watch that" but we're not talking about big streamers, or most of them here. We know who those guys are I wont name them because it'll get reported as "naming and shaming".
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by CoryA_GGG#0000 on Jan 20, 2025, 7:58:56 AM
he openly admitted that he did it, ggg 100% has the data

the only conclussion that is left is that they allow breaking the TOS if you are rich enough and they'd rather delete and censor every forum post than take action against the person who cheated
Last edited by raV#3445 on Jan 19, 2025, 9:47:59 PM
Hah GGG running damage control and deleted my post about He who cant be named that should be banned.

Thanks GGG, you have now cemented that your game and future support from myself is deleted.

Thanks for the fun. It has been fun while it lasted.
They don't give a fuck. Get it through your heads. GGG loves the attention. The last thing they will do is fight RMT since they are well aware their top trade league players are waist deep in this shit.

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