What is skill?

AintCare#6513 wrote:

it is a fun subject to discuss and i think I understand why defining your goal can matter here. when comparing different games it is exactly the same as redefining your goals in the same game, because technically you making a different game out of it by self imposed rules. so again different game requires different mix of skill/experience/knowledge/stress management/etc etc. so 'game skill' will change dynamically. but this gets really confusing when trying to answer your original question because each player plays games lil differently, especially something like poe, where its not pvp, and has no elo. to me a 'task skill' is separate from 'stress management skills' and its just a question if we make it both part of the 'game skill', which is the 'funky' part in my very first statement lol

edit- going even further one can bin experience and knowledge among variety of other things into the 'game skill' making the OP an ill-posed problem.

Yeah this last part is good. Maybe we should just think of 'skill in a thing' as confluence of other, disparate skills into one objective.

In terms of mind games I am fairly well versed in competitive psychology, as it's something I studied quite a bit in my fighting game (and other competitive) endeavors. That being said if you have some interesting sources to check out I would likely do so because it's fascinating. For sure in FG's mind games are one of the most important skills to develop. Some games are more technical than others but conditioning etc. is the only way you will 'open up' (ie: actually land a hit/create a combo opportunity) a strong opponent. If both players have mastered the technical aspects the entire match will be decided by mind games.

you are just describing lack of experience here. being unfamiliar with the situation its not the only reason you will panic or get stressed, my previous examples outline those cases.

I'm not sure I see how you could be skilled at something you haven't experienced. If you come into a situation where other skills you have already developed apply then I would say that you do in fact have some experience with the situation - if indirectly.

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