PoE 1 New League Waiting Room

I hope GGG does not make a new league for poe1. Leave it as is in maintenance mode. I would rather GGG put all their effort and focus on making Poe2 the best it can be, as it has the potential to be an incredible game. Yes, I do wish they had made Poe v4.0 as that would have kept the playerbase together and rejuvenate an old game but time for GGG to move on from poe1.
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They should really just hire more people now that poe 2 is so successful and they have been infused with more cash. Hire more people to support both games.
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
The roam of silence from GGG is deafening.

Already have my next (PoE 1) build planned, more or less. Have some defensive theory crafting to do, something that is stripped from PoE 2, sadly. Just opening PoB and start tinkering with some PoE 1 builds makes me more happy than actually playing PoE 2 at the moment.

I think the 3.26 numbers will speak volumes on how much work PoE 2 needs to be half the game PoE 1 is. I'm sure it will get there eventually, but...

Has anyone brewed some coffee while we wait?

We are already on like our 5th pot.
Thanks for all the fish!
Sorry they miscommunicated they meant to say they will start working on a new league at the end of January... at least the vibe they gave off in the interview this past week seems like they haven't even started working on it.
I will sit with you guys here and daydream about the new league launch excitement that I miss so much. It has only been a couple of months longer than usual but it feels so much longer with this deafening silence...
I don't even have words for PoE2, well I have a lot but not in a good way like many others. The retention numbers will show that at EA league reset or in a few months timeline. Right now the game is still in the honeymoon phase.

I believe, that at this moment, Jonh is afraid of releasing a new PoE1 league and PoE2 loses almost all their playerbase. The streamer hype (and sponsorship) is ending as well.

But I have a request to make, Mark you are the rightful responsible owner of PoE1 development right? Please man up and put a small team together and work on 3.26 league. The PoE1 fans playerbase (and they are a lot), the ones that paid/pay and finance the greatest ARPG game or all time (and were expecting for a 4.0 update and not this new game that shouldnt even be called PoE) will continue to support this game and the small dev team that is making a wonderful work, Settlers right? Amazing.

Also, where's CW? I miss him for good and bad.
Still playing POE1 and enjoying it, if it die's to POE2 then it will be a sad day.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
Can't wait for a new league I thought the said there will by 2 different team's working on the games I might be wrong, but now it kinda feels like there is only 1 team and there not dropping a league because it will drop player count on POE 2 and not reach the auditions there are looking for with a lower player count and there just going to neglect POE 1 and the player base for that reason GGG slowing turning into a clown company, and they only care about POE 2 and there player count on it. Might be a bit of rant, I'm sorry for that and me English.
Hello Roach #2 - Your other friend might join in soon once he sees you trolling the area. At this point I dont think you roaches even play PoE 2 with how many posts you make on the forum

LoL since when does post count decide how much you play a game? This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen lol....

Over 220 hours in POE2 btw. Games great.
coolmoos#4861 wrote:
Hello Roach #2 - Your other friend might join in soon once he sees you trolling the area. At this point I dont think you roaches even play PoE 2 with how many posts you make on the forum

LoL since when does post count decide how much you play a game? This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen lol....

Over 220 hours in POE2 btw. Games great.

Pretty easy. Unless someone is playing some form of an automatic build then you cant both play and post on the forum at the same time. Its actually impossible.

When looking at the post history of said account and the other troll friend you realize its quite amazing the amount of time is spent posting. It gets one wondering if they actually play at all?

I dont know how or why that was difficult to grasp?

I also accrued about 200hrs of PoE 2 and I like the game but just think its in a very bad state. Hopefully next league reset the game will be harder and have actual ruthless drops to cull all the weaklings.
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Last edited by moerutora#4751 on Jan 19, 2025, 11:06:26 PM

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