How to Fix Movespeed on Boots

I don't have a problem with a move speed quest reward, but reworking how movespeed works on boots is probably better than just getting 10-20% through campaign and entirely homogenizing it with little real effort otherwise on our part as the player.
If memory serves in the past GGG would consider changing something if it was oppressive -- I.E. if you had no choice but to do X or you were obviously doing things wrong.

While the above is GGG's rule of thumb apparently it's fine though for there to be a mod on boots [move speed] that is so good that ignoring that mod basically means that you're doing everything wrong.

FYI: To "fix" the issue I would have an "enchantment" on boots that they have increased move speed based on the level of the item itself AND if the boots are basic, advanced, or expert tier [similar to body armor types].

In addition adding a node / keystone to the tree that would allow heavy armor users to ignore move speed penalties wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.
After the interview, I was a bit disappointed as I bet many people were that they felt inclined to keep it as is. While I do not dislike the idea that boots need the movespeed mod to be desirable (as every piece of gear needs at least one or two mods to feel desirable) the problem is how absolutely necessary to feels to have 25/30% movespeed before the boots are even worth considering to wear. This has the added effect of otherwise VERY good boots being ditched entirely purely because the movespeed loss feels just that fracking bad. I propose the following changes...

1. Remove MS penalty from armor entirely.
2. Yes, add implicit movespeed to boots, of the following rollable ranges: 5-10% Armour > 6-12% both Armour hybrids > 8-14% Energy Shield and ES/Evasion > 8-16% Evasion.
3. Dedicated movespeed mod is now flat 5% increase per tier, with four tiers.
4. Hybrid MS/Defense mods that add a flat amount based on tier of hybrid mod, maybe 3% per tier or 3% bottom tier increasing by 2% each additional. Consider MS/Life and MS/Mana, as well.

Ideally, this should make it easier to upgrade your boots while leveling out the pain of "low" move speed mods. It should also prove to make the Campaign feel much better to play through and recreate characters. One of the biggest pain points for me in PoE1 was having to find move speed on my boots every new character/league just to feel like I could move at a decent pace. This has been a long time running pain point. PoE2 at least the overall pacing means it feels a little less painful, but you basically need 20% MS by maps or you now lose out on significant survivability, and the sheer size of maps campaign or end game means tons of frustrating back tracking made worse by poor MS.

Please consider these ideas and implement something to ease this pain point.

Can also add more movement speed on more sources. Unique boots without movement speed are doa.
I wouldn't mind slow movement speed as much if mobs weren't on crack and sonic-fast for some reason. Instantly surrounding you as soon as they notice you from offscreen.

Why is it necessary for most mobs to be ridiculously fast, much faster than the player?
The problem with move speed is when it's mandatory do fight some bosses, like the pinnacle, that you need to run to a certain place of the arena you will die don't matter your gear.

Would be cool if the boots had some interesting things that interacts with the dash, like (random numbers):

Boot x: Gives 25% movespeed and your dash size is 50% increased.
Boot y: Gives 15% movespeed and your dash iframe is twice bigger.
Boot z: Gives only 35% movespeed.

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