WTH is up with support?

I have been locked out my account for 2 weeks +, I was traveling for work and thought it would be a good idea to get on my account and play. I have been locked out since before Christmas, something is up with my email because I have not been receiving unlock codes, and I have not been able to change my email here to a different one as i think something is up with my email.

When i do try and change my email on the site, it gets hung up with processing email change and nothing ever gets sent (yes i have checked my spam). But let me by something and I get emails and notifications but good forbid I as support for help and its crickets or provide me with names of characters on your account and when i do its crickets again.

Messaging support here doesn't work, I got one message back saying they do not handle this contact support. So far I have sent 10+ emails and nothing.

What is going on with the support in this game... it used to be almost immediate responses now it honestly feels like its just impossible to get help....
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 11:38:18 AM
We're currently handling a large volume of customer support requests. Please be assured that if you've contacted us at support@grindinggear.com we will get back to you as soon as we are able to do so.

Please note that sending multiple emails or replying multiple times might result in even longer delays by causing more work for our team or resetting your position in the queue.

We appreciate your patience in the meantime!
I've been locked out since EA launch. I haven't get to have a peek into the game yet. And today is 39 day im waiting. is not the matter of their overwhelming email, is the matter they are not helping. Can you imagine i cant log in since first day, and yet they haven't assist me to get in the game first. I felt like got scam by their product that cant even access. And this scam is openly legal to them as they might smirk and say to me "ya we scam u,what can you do to us?"
As far as the TOS goes, They have a right to terminate any account at any time.

As far as the law goes, You have a right to refund your transaction, as you technically purchased a service - Your credit may be effected, unless you contact your bank, and ask them to contact GGG.

When your bank cannot get through to the contract holder to make good on their contract, they then give the contract a grace period, after that grace period you are issues a creditless refund, i will be eligible for mine on the 20th, since the banks are closed on the 19th.
Slayer_1#1758 Need help from support, account locked.
[b]My Path of Exile 2 Early Access Nightmare: Account Is STILL Locked![/b]
[b](PoE2)"I'm Currently Evading a Multi-week Account Lock by Ignoring GGG Support"[/b]
So we buy a game and sell our manufactured patience?
I used 3rd parties payment because my country credit card cant get through their purchase page. So i topup GRAB PAY and purchase it on Xsolla. To make it simple i paid cash for the purchase. Too bad for me
Just a quick little update...still locked out LOL. I miss the old days of requesting help and actually getting it and not waiting on 3+ weeks of silence.
same bs here over a month of silence forums answer just wait your turn, ty for your patience is outrageous
yeah, I ended up going to Xsolla for a refund because of lack of support, I've never seen a support team take this long, I think 30+ days is patient enough
ggg just dont have any support
play my first rpg on the intellivision :)
Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be"

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