REMOVE THE PASSIVE POINTS from Monkey boss.. I lost days of playtime to this boss..

The #1 simplest thing you can do in HC is learn to sequence bosses in an order that works for you.

There are many bosses that i skip and come back to.. devourer, frost boss, freythorn boss, monkey boss, somtimes the thief boss depending on spec.

The monkey boss is hard on some classes, but easy on others. No need for a nerf.

Play smart
HDTanel#2691 wrote:

Have died to A3 or A6 monkey now 6x..

Its not that I cant take it on, I can,

maybe, but only maybe, youre not as strong as you think you are. thats especially bad if logout doesnt work while playing hc.
Last edited by Pl4t1numX#4325 on Jan 17, 2025, 3:03:56 PM
HDTanel#2691 wrote:
Its not that I cant take it on, I can

then why are you on here crying to have it removed? lol go play softcore
the monkey boss is easy
please dont nerv bosses
buff drops!
Don't run from the monke, embrace the monke.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
This boss is a melee range boss. Just stand next to him and dodge when he starts attacking. It's actually quite easy once you get the hang of it. It's also almost impossible to get stuck this way, because you can kite him by doing this.
If you want the passives removed from the monke, it's very easy, you can do it yourself.

Skip monke. No passives from monke.

On HC do not fight him until you are way outlevelling him. Really, really simple.
I dont understand why ppl have trouble with him.
STAY AT CLOSE RANGE, and just dodge roll behind him when he perform attack.
Man.. people taking their time just to flame on you and giving horrendous easier said than done tips is mind boggling.

"hurdurr just dodge and stay in close range" dumbass comment above me.

Thats exactly how I died once because the wind up slam AoE got me at my last roll animation frame i was right behind him. I even clipped that shit in case the commenter above me wants to send a DM.

Best of luck OP that boss is not overtuned per se but it is hard, i find him harder than arbiter hahaha not even trynna troll. i hate that monkey, his animations are a tad bit random between the long wind up and the short one. try to kite him if you are a ranged char, he either does the double hit the moment he gets close to you and rarely does the long wind up of you keep running.

if you stay in close range you need to pay close attention to which slam hes gonna do the long wind up one or the short one since they got different AoE sizes.

and DO NOT roll behind. roll to the side.. learned it the hard way
Last edited by alex1058#2554 on Feb 12, 2025, 10:01:44 PM

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