XP loss suggestion, compromise, hopefully be happy for 90% of players?

The problem is not with xp loss, nobody complained about xp loss in Diablo 2. The problem is that in this game you constantly die for no reason.
The problem is not with xp loss, nobody complained about xp loss in Diablo 2. The problem is that in this game you constantly die for no reason.

Well that's a bullshit. Vast majority of deaths have clear reason. Mostly "you picked harder content than your character is able to withstand".
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:

Well that's a bullshit. Vast majority of deaths have clear reason. Mostly "you picked harder content than your character is able to withstand".

Nope. This is definitive feature of PoE - BS death. I played pretty much all notable diablo games and only in PoE you constantly die having no slightest idea what happened.
I can clear 5 maps with healthbar not even falter, then somewhere on six exactly same map boom, dead in one second. What it was? Don't know.
Never happened in Diablo 2, in Diablo 2 you usually have time to react. In hard areas you struggle and can turn back, not insta die.
Because of this, I stopped playing PoE. There is no progress. No loot, no new levels. Just grinding without any reward, getting some trash orbs.
Last edited by dima_dunedin#7869 on Jan 20, 2025, 6:51:14 AM
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:

Well that's a bullshit. Vast majority of deaths have clear reason. Mostly "you picked harder content than your character is able to withstand".

Nope. This is definitive feature of PoE - BS death. I played pretty much all notable diablo games and only in PoE you constantly die having no slightest idea what happened.
I can clear 5 maps with healthbar not even falter, then somewhere on six exactly same map boom, dead in one second. What it was? Don't know.
Never happened in Diablo 2, in Diablo 2 you usually have time to react. In hard areas you struggle and can turn back, not insta die.
Because of this, I stopped playing PoE. There is no progress. No loot, no new levels. Just grinding without any reward, getting some trash orbs.

Maybe try to read all modifiers on a map first? There is answer to most oneshot questions.
TLDR: Bumpity Bump Bump.
Trade is EZ mode. ;) | Path of Trading ;) | "TLDR: -1 Devs ohhh" (Lol.) | "I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4." ~Elon Musk, 2023 | "Dawg", "IQ 48" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | [Removed by Support]
Reaching max level is not a goal.
Stop playin Glass canon build
Buy gear
Read ur map affix

Git gud

Remember you respawn in base with all the loot you may have picked up during the map.

Dying is kind of a bad thing,
both in and outside of the game, and needs to be hurt in some ways. Loot, XP, Gold or whatever. But it needs to hurt.

I don't want to join some of the others here and just say get gud but the game is understanding the mechanics that effect your characters strengths and weaknesses. Adapting and overcoming those weaknesses and buff yourself to become god. Which I great, but you have to understand why and how you're a god and earn it by grind and grit.

I'm running T16 with any mods and feel a bit empty and sad when I grab a sip of coffee without pausing and the pile of enemies close in to try and hit my AFK ass to finally get past the evasion and the screen explodes as my defences trigger chain knockback and heralds. It's awesome, and sad.

Then I get my ass kicked by the pinnacles, chaos and trials. It's part of the game.

I understand the formula may not be for everyone, but it made me obsessed with the game and I wouldn't change a thing. GG GGG
XP debt is not a bad idea and increases the value of XP boost waystones. I think its a find compromise to keep the sting of death and would allow multiple portals per map.
I think a game that motivates player through gaming is not a bad thing.

For me, condemning the loss at death is akin to blasphemy against faith. I just can't do that.

I think "not doing good" at hobby is not easy sometimes. I don't really want to see a player being in a bad mood. However, for someone, dying less often or being able to accept death or tryharding can be quite important (that's "hardcore" for me) so it makes me feel bad to hear people say such negative things about death penalty.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

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Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Jan 22, 2025, 1:33:00 PM
No reason to remove XP penalty. You don't need to be level 100 if you can't make it. Most every build works fine even before 90. People who go from 90 - 100 do so by learning not to die.

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