Economy is such as trash now

ggg dont set the prices, the players do.

if items were not selling for the listed prices people would drop the prices, the items are worthless to people sitting in their sales tabs, they want to sell them. prices WILL drop until people can afford to buy.

if people can afford to buy and you cant then you are not as good at the trade game as them. thats ok btw, dont feel bad about it, you can learn more and get better at it.

if you are into the big trading scene looking to buy 250 divine items then the amount of divines you have dropped is fairly irrelevant. if your plan to make the money is simply play content and hope to find divines then thats a poor strat and you will not be in the mix buying and selling the big ticket items. you need to have a plan that has a more consistent and profitable return.

its got nothing to do with botting or rmt, and its not about divine drop rng either. people like belton are able to make 100s and 100s of divines per day if they need to, the guys has his stream up 24/7 for large periods even when hes asleep so people can see everything happening on his account.

poe economies are as deep a rabbit hole of game knowledge as the build systems, maybe even more so. you have to learn them and get good at them if you want to succeed. people shouldnt presume they know how the economy works and what theyre doing, this is an endgame pvp arena, its something you need to study if you want to compete. everyone is working within the same economic pressures of supply and demand. the drops rates, inflation etc dont actually matter, they just shape the arena within which you are competing. there will always be winners and losers and the factor there is game knowledge.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Why cant devs just up the drop rate of the few good uniques to lower the price? I am not gonna spend hundreads of euro to equip my character.

I played 525 hours and I only found like 30 divines its so pathetic. Every yellow item is trash.

ie. gibsmedat

Unless you're having difficulties playing all the contents of the game. If that's the case then my question is.
How the hell are you 30divs in and STILL need to spend "hundreds of euro" to gear your toon?
You don't need a Temporalis to clear Arbiter last I heard, unless you're THAT bad?
I'm broke af and still clearing pinnacle bosses fine lol.
The droprates are fine, builds are fine, trading is fine.

It is the matter of perspective. See it this way: without streamers/youtubers telling you to follow their guides on some mobalitics or w/e, will you even KNOW about some of the items existing out there? You would play this SINGLE PLAYER GAME (yes the majority never joined a party here) and you would just use items that you get and try stuff and have fun.
Instead, you devalue what you have and give value to what you don't have, thus increasing your own frustration "because that guy has it".
Why don't you fall on your knees and cry every time a Lambo drives by? Lament about the unfairness of the world? Are you a communist?
Suck it up and play like the rest of us. Farm like we all did. Craft/trade if you want big money items. Game gave you the tools, start using them.
Divine price went up 50 ex in 24 hours today. This inflation makes me quit the game now. it was pretty steady for a week. But something weird must have happened the last 24h...
I am not going to compete with this so i accept astramentis stays out of reach now. I hope they will fix this hyperinflation or it will make people quit like i am doing now. Cheers
Lol @ "Diablo 3 had an AH and..!" Blizzard removed that auction house in 2014, what a stupid argument to still be making a decade later.

[Removed by Support]

Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Jan 21, 2025, 3:08:50 PM
Everything cost tens and hundreads of divines. Looks like this game is made only for ppl who rmt. So rmt or gtfo is ggg message.

Why cant devs just up the drop rate of the few good uniques to lower the price? I am not gonna spend hundreads of euro to equip my character.

I played 525 hours and I only found like 30 divines its so pathetic. Every yellow item is trash.

Game is getting really bad taste and prices of everything are rising to the moon.

Really bad design from devs who have so much experience in rpg.

Not to mention 98% of uniques are still grabage they didnt fix anything.

When we get ingame AH this web trade is horrible with so many flippers who destroy economy even more.

No Auction House in PoE 2? That’s Not Just Lazy, It's A Real Putz Move..

Here’s a list of games with auction houses that prove Path of Exile 2 has no excuse:

EverQuest (1999)
Ragnarok Online (2002)
Final Fantasy XI (2002)
EVE Online (2003)
World of Warcraft (2004)
Final Fantasy XIV (2010)
ArcheAge (2013)
The Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Black Desert Online (2016)
Albion Online (2017)

These games span decades and offer player-driven trading systems that are accessible and functional.

Meanwhile, Path of Exile relies on outdated trade methods that force players to use third-party tools.

How is this acceptable in 2025?

If developers could figure this out over 20 years ago, there’s no reason PoE 2 can’t have an auction house.

This isn’t about “philosophy”; it’s about refusing to modernize because they cater to the RMT's that dominate the current trade system and market.

Grinding Gear Games, take note—this is long overdue.

Why Do People Oppose Auction Houses? Follow the Money...

the people most vocally against auction houses in games like Path of Exile often have something to gain from manipulating and exploiting the current system.

The trading process allows for:

1. Price Manipulation: Without a transparent, centralized system, scammers can inflate or deflate prices through market collusion. They prey on inexperienced players who don’t know the fair value of items.

2. Exploiting Frustration: Many players don’t have time for endless trade whispers or haggling. This frustration is exploited by individuals who lowball desperate sellers and resell items for massive profit margins.

3. Gatekeeping New Players / Casuals: The complexity of manual trading acts as a barrier, keeping less experienced players from participating in the economy. This ensures that veterans or "market sharks" maintain their dominance.

4. Third-Party Tools and RMT (Real Money Trading): Some of these individuals rely on third-party tools or even real-money trading. A proper auction house would cut into their shady operations by making trading transparent and accessible to everyone.

An auction house can mitigate these opportunities for exploitation.

Transparent pricing and convenient access level the playing field, benefiting the majority while eliminating the advantages scammers and cheats currently enjoy.

Anyone fighting against that probably has something to lose on the black market.
525 hours and 30 divines is a skill issue. Sure let's add a action house to prevent auction flipping. Are people actually retarded here?

yeah the easier you make trade via stuff like an AH the larger the gap between the rich and the poor will be.

at the bottom end of trade you got guys who just spend a few EX to buy 2 or 3 items that fix their resists in endgame.

if you make an AH they will still buy the same 2 or 3 items itll just take less time and effort to do it.

but the people at the higher end who are making 100 divines a day will maximise that increase in efficiency to make 300 divines a day instead, and if you increase their spending power then the value of the high end chase items these players buy will go up.

the agents in the system who will profit most from automation will be bots, so whatever impact they currently have will be far more significant with an AH.

people want to save themselves 20 mins dealing with clunky trade but i dont think they really appreciate those systems might add days of extra farming to get the currency to keep up with the sharp rise in inequality. just look at a real economy, something like housing where asset flipping becomes a profitable income. my parents generation a house cost 2x their annual salary, now the same house costs 10x an annual salary because its price is not being driven by earning money its being driven by people flipping assets like houses.

if you make flipping way more efficient then be prepared to spend all day flipping or you will become functionally poorer in the economy.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Everything cost tens and hundreads of divines. Looks like this game is made only for ppl who rmt. So rmt or gtfo is ggg message.

Why cant devs just up the drop rate of the few good uniques to lower the price? I am not gonna spend hundreads of euro to equip my character.

I played 525 hours and I only found like 30 divines its so pathetic. Every yellow item is trash.

Game is getting really bad taste and prices of everything are rising to the moon.

Really bad design from devs who have so much experience in rpg.

Not to mention 98% of uniques are still grabage they didnt fix anything.

When we get ingame AH this web trade is horrible with so many flippers who destroy economy even more.

No Auction House in PoE 2? That’s Not Just Lazy, It's A Real Putz Move..

Here’s a list of games with auction houses that prove Path of Exile 2 has no excuse:

EverQuest (1999)
Ragnarok Online (2002)
Final Fantasy XI (2002)
EVE Online (2003)
World of Warcraft (2004)
Final Fantasy XIV (2010)
ArcheAge (2013)
The Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Black Desert Online (2016)
Albion Online (2017)

These games span decades and offer player-driven trading systems that are accessible and functional.

Meanwhile, Path of Exile relies on outdated trade methods that force players to use third-party tools.

How is this acceptable in 2025?

If developers could figure this out over 20 years ago, there’s no reason PoE 2 can’t have an auction house.

This isn’t about “philosophy”; it’s about refusing to modernize because they cater to the RMT's that dominate the current trade system and market.

Grinding Gear Games, take note—this is long overdue.

Why Do People Oppose Auction Houses? Follow the Money...

the people most vocally against auction houses in games like Path of Exile often have something to gain from manipulating and exploiting the current system.

The trading process allows for:

1. Price Manipulation: Without a transparent, centralized system, scammers can inflate or deflate prices through market collusion. They prey on inexperienced players who don’t know the fair value of items.

2. Exploiting Frustration: Many players don’t have time for endless trade whispers or haggling. This frustration is exploited by individuals who lowball desperate sellers and resell items for massive profit margins.

3. Gatekeeping New Players / Casuals: The complexity of manual trading acts as a barrier, keeping less experienced players from participating in the economy. This ensures that veterans or "market sharks" maintain their dominance.

4. Third-Party Tools and RMT (Real Money Trading): Some of these individuals rely on third-party tools or even real-money trading. A proper auction house would cut into their shady operations by making trading transparent and accessible to everyone.

An auction house can mitigate these opportunities for exploitation.

Transparent pricing and convenient access level the playing field, benefiting the majority while eliminating the advantages scammers and cheats currently enjoy.

Anyone fighting against that probably has something to lose on the black market.

Excellent post. I used to enjoy the way items are traded in POE but now it's just a hassle. I would love to see an auction house, especially since the implementation of the currency exchange.

It's time. Remove this archaic system.
The only way a auction house could work would be if it brings up all items similar to yours and gives you a price check.

Otherwise it will just be scripter central and bots will be pulling cheap items and relisting them.

You need to be more efficient with your farm.

Go run Trial of chaos or sekh.

Take the desperate alliance relic to get the jewel.

Get the runs down and you can do easy 30 minute runs.

That is a min of 4 divs an hour not including timelost and those other expensive jewel/other drops.

Or if you hate that go run trial of chaos.

Week two of this league I farmed almost 200 divs just spamming trial of sekh with the jewel drop. Using a dirt cheap minion start build.

Most people are falling behind on the inflation. So you need to find items that scale with it.

Like darkness jewels.

Learn to love trial of sekh. You dont have to mess around with maps/towers/anything.

99% of people are running maps. Be the 1%.
Last edited by traddermctradder#2854 on Jan 21, 2025, 5:08:35 PM

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