Divs price rising too fast?

Yep, it's 100% not normal. This is dragging along all other prices as well...

Also there is a divine sink in the game, which is their direct use. On a certain belt for example..
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:
That's why we need some kind of currency sink.

Or system which reduces chance of dropping an orb for every 10 orbs of that type dropped for example.

if there was a better sink for divines their price would go up even more.

sometimes people crafting can cause shifts, if someone suddenly needs to pull a 1000+ divines from the market to perfectly divine a really big craft these things can cause a short term spike.

but theres also manipulation, large groups can organise and intentionally shift prices for profit. theres been instances before where rival crafting groups have tried to shift prices in order to sabotage the others ongoing crafts. obviously simple buy and sell higher is also profitable if you can pull it off.
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Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Jan 21, 2025, 3:46:32 PM
Happened in every PoE1 league ive been in. More people reach endgame, people farming harbingers flood market with chaos orbs while people doing endgame crafts start consuming the divines. Didn't think it would happen in PoE2 without the metacrafts though, that's a surprise to me.
Store excess currency in divines and use the currency trader. Any strong skilled build can clear the game on 1-5 divines in gear. Nobody needs to be investing hundreds of divines into their toons unless they're trying to min/max or speed farm or build something godawful like incinerate or ice nova. Will a 500 divine Spark build clear the game faster than a 5 divine Spark build? Sure. Does it really matter? Nope.

Also, this is EA and a reset is probably a matter of days away at this point. If you don't like what's happening just sit out for a couple weeks. All the strong skills will likely be nerfed into oblivion and the overall speed of the game will be toned back. New builds will come into play, maybe a new class or ascendency, etc. None of this matters, it's all just temporary. If you're not having fun, just take a break and keep an eye out for patch notes. This is going to be insanity until more balancing takes place.
Divs went up because china players found out how to dupe mirrors. And they and buying up divs to get rid of their duped mirrors.
Divs went up because china players found out how to dupe mirrors. And they and buying up divs to get rid of their duped mirrors.

this is one point

another is players are min maxing

the problem with meta builds /builds that overperform is you simply clear faster using them. when you clear faster, you clear "safer" too so you die less. and when you die less you can juice your maps more. then you realize you dont NEED too much defences so you start getting MF on gear.

then you start getting a healthy flow of currency because of all this investment.

you go to market and find things have gone up in value.


coz other people who min maxed realized the same thing. "everyones" doing the same thing. more people with more currency makes good gear/items worth more and demand a high price.

using zoom zoom builds + mf becomes a necessity IF you want to rely on trade.
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Divs went up because china players found out how to dupe mirrors. And they and buying up divs to get rid of their duped mirrors.

I also think that there is a strong connection to the dupes. Divine inflation started to go crazy at like the end of last week, when the infos about mirror dupes started to emerge.

It is quite concerning to me that this was still not fixed, this is very much a high priority exploit in my opinion. This can potentially ruin the whole economy.

I just wonder if they do not know about it (I've seen threads and posts about it here and there, but I don't think the information about this very present) or if they somehow can't do a hotfix for this. its been like 5-6 days already.
Happens very league. after about a month prices go to high.. that's about when most stop playing and wait till next league start.

But plus side is all this duped currency wont make it to official standard. these char will go to a beta EA standard how I understood it.
1 Div at almost 200 Ex a couple hours ago lmao

PoE 2 got a crypto market .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
But plus side is all this duped currency wont make it to official standard. these char will go to a beta EA standard how I understood it.

Yes , all the content here will move from Standard to EA league once the official release hit . But according to GGG latest interview there could be a economy reset during EA as well .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 22, 2025, 5:41:13 PM

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