Are you insane? GGG

25x8#0330 wrote:

And i care for POE i have played nearly 1k POE1 , i love this game and idea.

And another lie, that you finished d3, d4.

What do you mean lie? D3-D4 is much easier than POE u take one of meta builds and becoming godlike, have you played Diablo? Its like x100 easier than POE less complicated about build and gear

Ofcs i dont aim do 150 lvl runs in Diablo as i dont see point of it As long you can do all story mode get gear and can clear nearly all content without problems for me it's kinda done game.
I agree with OP

Devs have gone insane in the membrane, everything in this game is set to try and piss you off and waste your time

1 death = wipe anywhere from 15min - 1hour (time lost in trial,maps)

End game bosses being locked behind timegate or paywall (arbiter)

Citadels take weeks to get to for most players and then if you happen to die from over time damage after killing citadel boss… too bad for you !

I can’t stop playing this game but god do I hate like ive never hated a game before…
Even more so than dota2.. Its gotten so bad how much I hate and love this game

Regarding 1 death lose all, don't do content you can't handle. The devs said themselves they take blame for not having a way for players to understand to not do content they aren't ready for so I'm sure they will work on something so you don't do higher tiers that you can't handle or at least help you progress there better.

Right now a lot of people are going too high tiers on their maps when they aren't properly geared for it or have a build to handle it. Same thing with attempting citadels or pinnacle bosses before they are properly geared for it.

If you are constantly dying easily trying to do something that means you are too weak and you need to improve your build before you attempt those things.

I also died a lot and lost a couple citadels and pinnacle bosses due to this, but I understood myself that I need to get stronger before I continue. I didn't get mad or blame the devs or anything I just took it as a something to strive for and a challenge. I also know they will work on improving this in the future.

Now i have reached a point where I can do all content, I have killed breach boss 4 times, Ritual 1, Delirium 2 and Expedition 1. Haven't attempted arbiter yet but I think I can do it but I'm still too scared so will wait until I'm a bit stronger and I sell all my citadel tablets to get money to upgrade my gear until then. I do Sekhemas 4 rooms and Chaos lvl 80 regularly for some money and I rarely die, when I do die it's because I got really bad luck with the choices but still I'm not mad I just go again.

Citadels don't take weeks to get to, but to be able to complete them without dying yes it will take some time but it is after all late endgame content it's not suppose to be easy why do you get the idea that you should be able to do it quickly without any effort? Yes GGG definitely should help people understand that you should progress map tiers slower but still it should be common sense you need to put some effort in to "complete the game".

I hope they don't minimize the difficulty because that will make game too easy and that will also not be fun, it will be nothing special to reach endgame or achieve anything because it requires no effort to do so meaning you feel no sense of progress or joy when you get anywhere. You think you want it easy but trust me you don't, just look at D4.

I got it what you trying to say but as i sad im not sweaty profesional who what become a rocket scientist to play a game, i like easy mod and I rly dont care about achieving top content in games as its a just a game it should be easy and fun.
But yeah POE players looks are different beast , as i have notice and understand you like to waste your time on pixel what have no meaning except feeling when you have completed something what have no value except accomplishment feeling.

I don't judge, everyone is different and have there owne way playing games.

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