Absolutely not. They said they wanted to make a different, slower and more tactical game. Let them make that and let's see what the target audience will be like.
Then they should keep their promise and continue POE1 development unaffected. Pick one. POE2 becomes more like POE1, or they honor their commitment to the POE1 players.
Naw. You want PoE 1, go boot it up.
Posted byZenJelly#0503on Jan 30, 2025, 11:02:23 AM
right now POE2 is struggling
Can you elaborate, why is PoE2 struggling, in what ways?
Its a barebone game right now with maybe 30% of its planned content released (skills, classes, weapontypes etc) and its got so many bugs it would take a dedicated team MONTHS to clear them out.
Additionally it is losing active players rapidly because there isnt enough skill/support/class combinations out there to keep people experimenting with different types of gameplay. And for the skills that currently are available half of them are under-tuned, the other half overpowered.
In PoE1 you might get tired of the league mechanics and watered down economy after a month but there is enough experimentation potential to keep you going for a LONG time
That one month break hurt PoE2 pretty bad. It seems like GGG actually thought that PoE2 was in a good condition to release, and that a month of player testing would simply give them enough feedback on what to improve.
It's too bad that GGG already has a negative track record when it comes to releasing patches that are bug-free, balanced and/or don't have any game breaking abuses/issues.
I personally would prefer tha PoE 2 never happened. It's a disaster.
Posted byNatthy#0253on Jan 30, 2025, 12:04:14 PM
Hi I'm Jonathan Rogers and I love Dark Souls.
And Destiny too btw
Sounds like 4chan leaks were right after all
They were and it's no surprise .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale
ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Posted byAshyev#5110on Jan 30, 2025, 12:17:37 PM
right now POE2 is struggling
Can you elaborate, why is PoE2 struggling, in what ways?
Its a barebone game right now with maybe 30% of its planned content released (skills, classes, weapontypes etc) and its got so many bugs it would take a dedicated team MONTHS to clear them out.
Additionally it is losing active players rapidly because there isnt enough skill/support/class combinations out there to keep people experimenting with different types of gameplay. And for the skills that currently are available half of them are under-tuned, the other half overpowered.
In PoE1 you might get tired of the league mechanics and watered down economy after a month but there is enough experimentation potential to keep you going for a LONG time
YEst has more players than POE1. That is the definition of succeedign, not of struggling. If iwth 1/3rd of its content is has more players it is a success.
YEst has more players than POE1. That is the definition of succeedign, not of struggling. If iwth 1/3rd of its content is has more players it is a success.
At the moment probably true. But POE1 was a success for over 10 years. Only time will tell whats happening with POE2. Sometimes the hottest fires burn fast.
Last edited by camar1s#6601 on Jan 30, 2025, 1:43:46 PM
Posted bycamar1s#6601on Jan 30, 2025, 1:43:12 PM
Youtube - PartTimeExile
"Remember, youre the best." Last edited by moerutora#4751 on Jan 30, 2025, 6:09:53 PM
Posted bymoerutora#4751on Jan 30, 2025, 1:53:55 PM
Hey Jonathan, Dark souls is another type of game. I love dark souls as well but it doesn't fit into path of exile at all. Path of exile 1 is better in every single way other than campaign, graphics and WASD.
Have a nice day Jonathan.
Posted byeye_356#2542on Jan 30, 2025, 5:01:14 PM
Posted bySerialF#4835on Feb 1, 2025, 9:49:05 AM
The mistake you're making is assuming PoE2 players are happy about any of this. We're not. Jonathan screwed the pooch on this one and Path 1 players are absolutely within their rights to be livid. Part of the promise the company made is that both games would receive support. Some disruption to the first game was inevitable during this period of getting the second one launched. This is swiftly growing beyond reasonable, however.
That does not mean the second game needs to be turned into the same utterly unplayable psychedelic nightmare the first game is. I know PoE1 grognards like to assume that Literally Nobody who isn't a 10k hours Streamer Memer Groupie Guy PoE1 diehard has any interest in PoE2. That is as untrue now as it's always been. Frankly the second game is still too fast and obnoxious, and there's far too many "I'm triggering a dozen Comets per second!" so-called 'builds' in play as it is. That's one of the reasons POE2 players hate the POE1 delays as much as POE1 diehards - all that ludicrous hoary shit is supposed to stay confined to the first game. None of us want it.
so you invented some kind of dream game in your head while hating poe 1 and now that poe 2 is out, you realize it was just a dream and it s the same devs doing the shit aka conflicting game designs and conflicting money problem and again you still not happy of course with REALITY.
when do you stop ?
"None of us want it" who is us lol ?
Posted bySerialF#4835on Feb 1, 2025, 9:49:49 AM