So Since PoE1 is Officially Dead

To be honest ? Idk

Probably finish some other ARPG. (Started old school Diablo 1 a week ago to get break from waiting and PoE 2 issues..)

Only bad thing in this waiting is that probably Last epoch which also should bring a lot of new stuff will end probably in same release date as PoE 1 / 2 news..
(at least one ARPG tries to be something little different in my opinion but gets backslashed by these big promoted ones)

Other thing which i have mind i probably get break from ARPG in general and finish various SP games being it about Story or RPG.
(Havent even started Cyberpunk so i have few choices)
_piekz#3750 wrote:
Heroes of Hammerwatch 2.

Made by 1 person.
So still more people than those working on(or even care about) PoE1 at GGG.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
And majority aren't interested/dislike PoE2

you meant the VAST MINORITY how can you say majority when PoE 2 had close to 1 milion CONCURENT players and even after 2 months they still had 200k players concurent but hey nice try you just a hater
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Jan 30, 2025, 1:16:31 AM
First things first, support for poe1 dropped then support from my wallet died, and we are DOZENS I tell you.

If they keep the poe2 mechanics I'll peace out until they turn in into a normal arpg.

Literally any other good game, like now I'm playing Dark souls 2 for the first time and it's better than I expected.
Second-class poe gamer
When both PoE's are doing just fine and being healthy a few years from now, we'll all be laughing at the doomers who were so dramatic they thought delays were the end of the world.

This happens with every single game that's ever been delayed lol. People just cannot be calm and rational on the internet, apparently.
When both PoE's are doing just fine and being healthy a few years from now, we'll all be laughing at the doomers who were so dramatic they thought delays were the end of the world.

This happens with every single game that's ever been delayed lol. People just cannot be calm and rational on the internet, apparently.

GGG doesn't have "a few years." Recent events have shaken the bonds of even steadfast players of PoE, and PoE Deuce has a core audience of chronically transient players attracted from other games to the current "Big New Thing." ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Maybe finish off some vanity things in Settlers, then something new, I guess?

POE1 is a hard act to follow for me. Even the named successor failed (POE2).

I didn't know I was looking for POE1 until I found it. Maybe that will happen again for the next game. That's kind of exciting :)

Maybe they're being honest about 3.26 in the video, and this is just a bump in the road, but they've lost the benefit of the doubt for me. If/when 3.26 comes out, I'll be here.
Thanks for all the fish!
Just today i uninstalled both POE games to make room for FFIIV Rebirth. Hopefully it can keep me entertained for a while.
I don't think PoE 1 is dead.
But they will never again prioritize poe 1. This is the door they have opened up. People will have to accept that.

And what everyone have said, find other games to play. if we are lucky we get 1 new league per year.

The white knights will defend. But what the white knights forget is, the people who buy support packs are working people. Not kids.
Last edited by Sazzbot#3867 on Jan 30, 2025, 5:20:08 AM
When both PoE's are doing just fine and being healthy a few years from now, we'll all be laughing at the doomers who were so dramatic they thought delays were the end of the world.

This happens with every single game that's ever been delayed lol. People just cannot be calm and rational on the internet, apparently.

GGG doesn't have "a few years." Recent events have shaken the bonds of even steadfast players of PoE, and PoE Deuce has a core audience of chronically transient players attracted from other games to the current "Big New Thing." ='[.]'=

Pretty much this.

I am not sitting on an entitled horse of "I paid so much so I deserver more" because frankly I always "supported" after I had a fun time, not before I played the league. But I am also not going to support 3.26, nor 3.27 because we're now at the time frame where 3.27 should have come out and 3.28 should be in development.

Once I'm getting steady 3-4 leagues a year and have had a few bangers in a row, I might look back at supporting.

As a customer, I don't care how hard it is to develop the product; if I don't have a product I enjoy to purchase I have no reason to pay anything. They're not running a charity here.

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