After spending 100+ hours in PoE 2, I've only had ONE DIVINE drop and a couple hundred Exalted Orbs, which adds up to roughly THREE DIVINES in total. But that’s nowhere near enough for an endgame build.
I'm wondering—how on earth are you guys farming Divines? Because at this rate, I see no hope of farming them myself, let alone trading to upgrade my build.....considering RMT, but I have a feeling that if I go down that road, the game will stop being fun after just a few hours...or maybe it already is, given how much I'm struggling.
Last bumped on Jan 31, 2025, 7:17:12 AM
That will lead to an account ban, being against the Terms of Service.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
They want us to play 8 hours a day. That's what it takes to get many divines.
xjjanie#4242 wrote:
That will lead to an account ban, being against the Terms of Service.

Not sure if it will, but it would. Still, I do think a lot of people engage in RMT for various reasons. The economy is just broken right now, Divines have basically become the standard currency instead of Exalted Orbs… kinda sad
Well someone famous admitted of various things and is still playing
Your ability to generate currency increases exponentially once your build's complete.
- Try getting 100-200% rarity on your gear
- You need to run the highest tier maps you can
- You need to max out your breach tree and run it as often as you can
- Work towards citadels, getting as much quantity and waystone drop chance as you can on at least 2-3 precursors
- Then move into Delirium and ritual

I can make 3 divines an hour just mapping between citadels easiy. I rarely drop then raw, but every 5 maps, im getting at least 1 simu and breachstone, which 1D.

Farm up 4-5 tabs of T11+ maps, then reforge them into all T15s. Alch them all and you'll get about 36 decent T15s. The remaining maps can all be sifted through for packsize, added rare mobs etc. Eventually you'll refrain from picking up any map but >T14s, or maps with delirium already applied.

Then you'll start to plateau and your farm will be consistent. It just takes time to get to that point mate. If you're committed enough, you will get there.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
hmcg020#6029 wrote:
Your ability to generate currency increases exponentially once your build's complete.
- Try getting 100-200% rarity on your gear
- You need to run the highest tier maps you can
- You need to max out your breach tree and run it as often as you can
- Work towards citadels, getting as much quantity and waystone drop chance as you can on at least 2-3 precursors
- Then move into Delirium and ritual

I can make 3 divines an hour just mapping between citadels easiy. I rarely drop then raw, but every 5 maps, im getting at least 1 simu and breachstone, which 1D.

Farm up 4-5 tabs of T11+ maps, then reforge them into all T15s. Alch them all and you'll get about 36 decent T15s. The remaining maps can all be sifted through for packsize, added rare mobs etc. Eventually you'll refrain from picking up any map but >T14s, or maps with delirium already applied.

Then you'll start to plateau and your farm will be consistent. It just takes time to get to that point mate. If you're committed enough, you will get there.

It helps me a lot, thousands thanks
You don't make currency by playing the game legit lol.

A. You buy currency as a divine is like 50 cents. That is like 2 minutes of work.
B. Exploit the game
C. Spent 90% of your time in your hide out and in browser trade. This is what I do.
D. Gamble everything and quit if you lose it all.

There were plenty of exploits to jump on in PoE 2. You could of invested in Temporalis Robes for 20 divs and made 200 divs profit in a week of time.

I have 500 hrs in PoE 2. I am a PoE vet. I have about 150 divines. I found maybe 5 raw divines. I have not found a item worth 1 divine in the game yet. I have spent 400hrs in trade.

I also just recently stopped playing. I wish the game the best. I decided I won't ever touch the game again unless we get a real auction house with buyouts. And I am not forced to play with anyone that lives in China. It's not going to happen.

I switched to console in PoE 1 and had a auction house, no bots, and very few players from China. So this was a thing.
After spending 100+ hours in PoE 2, I've only had ONE DIVINE drop and a couple hundred Exalted Orbs, which adds up to roughly THREE DIVINES in total. But that’s nowhere near enough for an endgame build.
I'm wondering—how on earth are you guys farming Divines? Because at this rate, I see no hope of farming them myself, let alone trading to upgrade my build.....considering RMT, but I have a feeling that if I go down that road, the game will stop being fun after just a few hours...or maybe it already is, given how much I'm struggling.

If you're going to be breaking the games TOS maybe don't post that to the forums of said game...... Like wow some ppl are dumb
Last edited by baconbyte#0146 on Jan 31, 2025, 12:13:10 AM
After spending 100+ hours... THREE DIVINES... nowhere near enough for an endgame build.

100+ hrs doesn't sound like a whole lot really.

Three divs are enough to put together a 'budget' version of numerous builds(mine cost me less than a div I believe). This allows you to do t15 maps and kill encounter bosses of 1-2 difficulties. That is enough to start gaining wealth over time, eventually coming towards expensive builds/items.

Don't expect to 'win' the game in few days. Don't expect super-meta-oneshot-offscreeclear builds to be cheap. Focus on actual gameplay and find your own way to have fun, instead of racing towards the end.

RMT will definately cut down your fun by a lot, unless you just want to get fully decked endgame meta build right out of nowhere. I know it is fun to annihilate everything like a big boy, but this fun would last for another 100 hrs. You will likely quit because of boredom and no way to further progress.

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