GGG was 100% right to stop pouring money into it POE 1 and focussing on POE 2

Bitch I'm gonna play poe for another fifteen thousand hours. Fuck is this noob 1k bullshit? You mean at the start of the next league right? I'll physically fight Johnathan for the life of poe1 and my body is a broken wreck but God damn poe1 is the best hack and slash ever made and it's not by a little. PoE 1 is god you mook.

PoE 1 has enough content to survive the wait. Lets PoE 2 catch up (It needs it) and they will give us the next PoE 1 League.
Rayyy#0836 wrote:

It was a bottomless pit, a black hole for money, talents and enthusiasm. The future belongs to POE 2 as shown by it's enormous success and the fact that masses abandoned POE 1 for it practically overnight. It was about time for GGG to do the same.

Literally ANY arpg launched in the last 5 years (Wolcen, Last Epoch, Lost Ark) was an "enormous success" in the months after launch because APRG fans are starving for something new that can hold their attention.

The question is how will the player numbers look 6 months after launch, or maybe a year after?

Currently there is a clear downward trajectory in terms of player numbers, and the technical state of the game can safely be described as a dumpster fire. Jonathan himself spoke of "serious problems" in the video, before you give me your predictable "I have a million fps!" reply.

The masses didn't abandon anything, there was simply no league in POE1, and I doubt there ever will be again.

GGG needs to let POE1 die in this rather disingenuous way so they can keep pretending that POE2 is a success.
Phydeaux#3071 wrote:

You're being far too generous here.

In all seriousness here, you can look at the numbers, PoE1 is at the most popular it has ever been. Kneecapping your highly popular, successful title for an unfinished product that got the "Shiny New Thing" bump is incredibly foolhardy.
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
Last edited by Lixy#2668 on Jan 31, 2025, 12:38:14 PM
Sounds like it's time to step back and take a break for a few weeks/months going by the doomer comments in this thread.
Last edited by MadMossy#1934 on Jan 31, 2025, 3:01:26 PM
10/10. Old players are just like the people who clung to CDs when USB drives came out. Fighting against evolution is pointless. Keeping POE1 alive artificially would just delay the inevitable and waste resources that could make POE2 even better.

The game was already a patched-up mess, full of band-aid fixes trying to hold together a codebase that was way past its limit. And like you said, it was a black hole for time, money, and energy—every patch fixing one issue while breaking three others.

The future is POE2, and those who refuse to accept that will end up stuck in the past. It’s a reflection of life: if you don’t evolve, you stagnate, while the rest of the world moves forward. GG to GGG for making the right call.
At least we get a laugh from the steam forum crew showing up to make posts.
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
Warrax#2850 wrote:
"GGG said this and that" "GGG promised this and that" people need to get over it at some point, they made a mistake, they misjudged, apologized to the community with a video, all in good faith and you guys keep beating it like a bunch of savage, let it go, it's only a video game...being mad won't change a thing.

No we don't. Doing something in good faith doesn't absolve responsibility; they still took the money on a premise and failed to deliver on that premise. Being mad is often the ONLY way to change things, and letting go is guaranteed to change nothing.

Every part of your post is wrong.
We all have our opinions :) I certainly do.

I like POE 1 & 2 both. While play some leagues I am more of a standard player. I like keeping access to my Stache.

It would be super nice if both games could go to the same endgame. With the difference in mechanics not sure that would ever be viable now.

Should POE 2 have been kept compatible? I dont know. We wouldn't have a lot of well liked features. Should those features have been given to POE 1? Again not sure. It would certainly significantly change how POE 1 plays and break just about every character.

As for and more to the OP's topic, it is clear both games are currently in support and will be supported. Yes significant resources were moved, TEMPERARILY, from POE 1 to POE 2, leading to an overly long league, I trust that is temporary.

With the games being separate now, and I can see how easily one could, at the beginning, think keeping them together would work, only to have to pay for a reality check, an advantage is that leagues can be staggered between the two. Say make them 4 months long and two months offset. Unless, of course, GGG plans to still launch the same leagues for both? Hmmmm.
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I don't play PoE1 anymore, but they made promises that they would support both PoE1 and PoE2 at the same time, at least, for some time. They told that they were made by different teams, that one game development would have no impact whatsoever over the other. That was a big ol' lie, and it hurts a lot of PoE1 supporters, whether they liked PoE2 or not.

I prefer they put more money and time in making PoE2 great as soon as possible, but it didn't mean abandoning PoE1. A lot of players prefer PoE1, and will still prefer it after PoE2 release. People crave different things.

If anything, they should have delayed PoE2 EA considering hiring new staff is apparently pretty hard in NZ. Jonathan said there were serious problems with PoE2 or something similar (yes there are, Jonathan), but they were obviously aware of that way before December 6, as soon as they started moving staff members from PoE1 to PoE2, they knew, and they were probably only hoping that PoE1 players would all jump ship and leave for PoE2 forever. At this point, the game was so pumped up as the "Diablo killer" by some streamers that the game, not even in EA yet, had so much hype that they could not simply push the release date back again. Couldn't lose the momentum : Strike the iron while it's still hot.

Still, regardless of the state of PoE2, they should not have put PoE1 on the shelf, at least not years after the PoE2 release. I know, 3.26 development isn't stopped per se, and that there "should" be future expensions, but what will it be in the future? Will PoE1 get one content update every year or so?
Last edited by pyrocyborg#0256 on Jan 31, 2025, 3:43:24 PM
ElfBoy#4652 wrote:

As for and more to the OP's topic, it is clear both games are currently in support and will be supported. Yes significant resources were moved, TEMPERARILY, from POE 1 to POE 2, leading to an overly long league, I trust that is temporary.

That's probably their intention to move resources temporarily, or at least it probably was at first in mid to late 2024. However, and I don't know much about game development/coding on a large scale, I read that it's kind of hard for devs to be back on an older project when they worked for a few months/seasons on a new code/engine, depending on how different it is from the other project. Apparently that the transition back is akward, and can take some time, even for an experienced dev. Maybe all of that has been accounted in Jonathan's response, but it really doesn't bode well for PoE1 at the moment. I wouldn't even be surprised if PoE1 kept a skeleton crew after that.

I was hopeful that they would stand by their promise, not because I care about PoE1 per se, but because I know many players do, and that it's kind of hard to come back from a broken promise "breach of trust".

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