Why is nothing happening?


If you listened to the interview, you'll have noticed them saying they want boss fights to take about a minute, yet there is build after build that eliminates them in seconds. But at the same time, during the campaign, the game feels decent for the typical player. Nor can they just do something like just up the hp, because loot drops are crap in this game and death penalties are harsh, so you can't easily farm your way up to an acceptable level of power. Well, at least not without using trade, which is something SSF can't do, and so GGG can't rely on that crutch to bail them out of the hole their design has placed them in.

Which means GGG has to basically completely rebalance the end game, without screwing up the balance for the typical campaign player. They'll have to change systems, nerf items, and so on. It won't be a simple fix.

Given the scope, it really doesn't make sense for them to try and do targeted fixes, when the real problem is the entirety of the end game.


i think theres an element of design that certain parts of the community miss. you have theories about what you want in a game, but when you put them in they might not play out the way you had hoped.

im sure many times during the life of poe1 the reality of the game changed the devs opinions on things. they wanted no gold, now we have gold, why? they realise theres something about always having these little drops that are picked up. if you dont have gold you need to drop something, white and blue items, but no one picks them up and they clutter. actually gold brings something to the game. they were only thinking about its use in trade and how it hangs around, not about the gameplay loop of it dropping.

when you are breaking new ground as poe has always done you dont know what you are creating, you think you do but its a guess. what they went in with is informed by playing D2, it shaped their thinking but so also must the reality of playing poe.

act 1-3 feels great because its designed and refined. everything beyond that isnt and i think whats key is they didnt have a firm idea of what they wanted it to be like. how much power do you need to feel fun and progression? how much power takes away the fun of gameplay? where are they pitching builds along a power curve of time investment, drop rates etc?

i dont think they knew exactly what they were going for, i think they needed to see it in action, actually get a good look at the game live to make a more informed judgement. its probably a blessing balance is totally fucked cause they get to see a range of build power, where its under, just right and over cooked.

i dont think its turn down skill A and turn up B, ok the games ready to patch. i think its developing fundamental philosophies and bench marks for what the game should feel like past level 50 then potentially redesigning everything if its not fitting.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Nothing is happening because GGG spent the last 10 years in easy mode issuing DLCs after DLCs for a product they hated and right now they finally realized they had/got no clue how to turn this broken EA into a fully fledged new game , icing on the cake being they also do not know how to work on two separate projects simultaneously .
2025 is gonna be a reality check for them .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 3, 2025, 6:42:29 AM
I'm ok with paying to be a beta tester, but in paying to be a beta tester I expect progress.

The next actual patch better blow my mind.... I don't even care one crap about content as the game currently runs poorly and crashes for many. Maybe they should put their focus there; optimization and fixes.

All of the new maps they did add perform awful for me. Starting to look like a cash grab to me, buy these EA supporter packs, get hooked with the campaign (that runs perfectly fine), then enjoy our completely un-optimized endgame. maybe I expected too much from GGG.
Jufrow#7368 wrote:
I'm ok with paying to be a beta tester, but in paying to be a beta tester I expect progress.

The next actual patch better blow my mind.... I don't even care one crap about content as the game currently runs poorly and crashes for many. Maybe they should put their focus there; optimization and fixes.

All of the new maps they did add perform awful for me. Starting to look like a cash grab to me, buy these EA supporter packs, get hooked with the campaign (that runs perfectly fine), then enjoy our completely un-optimized endgame. maybe I expected too much from GGG.

I completely agree. I even notice the poor optimization of the game the moment I entered Ziggurat Encampment at the start of Act 3. The moment you walk into that zone the game starts to stutter, fps is all over the place, and overall performance tanks.
Jufrow#7368 wrote:
I'm ok with paying to be a beta tester, but in paying to be get hooked with the campaign (that runs perfectly fine)

I wish it ran fine. I haven't played this game in over a month because the game freezes my whole OS during loading screens.

I never got to finish ACT3 because of that.
It's a pure guess, but I think they have to break down a lot of mechanics and build from the ground up. They said in the livestream that they were surprised by how fast people were killing pinnacle bosses. Fixing that requires a pretty big overhaul to their whole combat system. Not to mention they also have fix QoL stuff, end game updates, charms, etc.

I wouldn't mind if they constantly rolled out changes, but when they did changes early on and nerfed builds people flipped out. I don't know what the happy middle is.

Why ?
t0lkien#7048 wrote:
It's not a beta, it's early access. A beta means it's feature complete with bugs. It's technically an alpha.

That matters. Calling it a beta implies it should be in a better state than it is (though it's remarkable for an alpha IMO).

They are all just words for "less complete than we'd like" with Alpha usually meaning barely running and Beta/EA usually meaning "not launch ready but we want people to play test"
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
This is season 1 of PoE 2. Devs made it clear its season 1. If it wasn't a season they would of nerfed builds like Spark. Instead they are waiting to season 2 or next league.

GGG has become a triple A company and now they ignore their customers and fanbase.

A story that keeps repeating itself

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