give us an ssf poe1 offline only client like last epoch with bonus to loot drops

i dont want a challenge after a hard days work so i only play chill games like poe1 trade league and i dont like poe2 for that reason because its gone in a souls like direction

most of us have paid ggg enough money to warrant the ability to at least play a poe1 offline ssf client with league setup options in the menu when making a new character

get one of your interns on it with the occassional support from an experienced dev on their coffee break

blizzard has run a skelton crew in classic era and diablo3 which is still played by thousands of users to this day with minimal input from their dev team

the technology for offline only ssf mode is there because ive seen it in last epoch and grim dawn

if youre worried about these poe1 offline only players showing up on steam charts and making your new poe2 game look bad just release poe1 offline only ssf mode on your stand alone client

problem solved for some of us at least

Last edited by GiggityGiggityGiggity#0245 on Feb 2, 2025, 3:32:04 AM
Last bumped on Feb 3, 2025, 3:46:17 PM
Not happening. Like, never.
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Not happening. Like, never.
I still hope that at one point GGG will decide PoE1 end and thet they will give us offline version of this great game.

I would buy it.
And how much hard drive space and CPU power do you think would be required for an offline mode?

I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
It would be great if it contained all the leagues and you could choose between several of them and edit everything possible regarding the difficulty and the drop, but I'm afraid that will never happen.
Right. I already thought about this.

If they're going to drop PoE entirely, it'd be great if they made it an offline game with all the old leagues included, like Grim Dawn is doing. That way, the game could live on forever.

I am ready to pay for it full price.
Yes please.

PoE 1 & 2 should have a offline single player mode.
xjjanie#4242 wrote:
And how much hard drive space and CPU power do you think would be required for an offline mode?

im not sure but im pretty certain if one game server can host thousands of users of the game then one gaming pc can do whatever the server side would normally do for one of the thousand users plus all the client side stuff

for last epoch all the server side stuff was saved on my local hard drive and if you knew how to edit it you could change variables to for example copy paste a character and have multiple clones of your character to test out different builds or rename a character in game ect

it made me realise how other companies like blizzard are robbing people blind by charging $10 name change for literally changing a string of text in a database using an automated web service and front end website interface requiring zero human input

it also made me realise how pointless modern rpg games are that require hours and hours of ingame play time to unlock the end game when you view the progress as a database of variables that get changed from 0 to 1 when you complete a 10 hour in game quest line

perhaps if they did make a single player offline only client for poe1 they could lock players out of these files somehow to keep the grind real

cheers for all the replies btw glad im not alone >.>
Last edited by GiggityGiggityGiggity#0245 on Feb 2, 2025, 3:26:19 AM
It would be great if it contained all the leagues and you could choose between several of them and edit everything possible regarding the difficulty and the drop, but I'm afraid that will never happen.

anything is possible in this world just takes time and effort

sure they may not be willing to devote even one intern with an experienced dev supporting during their coffee break to do work on poe1 but if that is the case then things at ggg studio are in a dire situation indeed

Last edited by GiggityGiggityGiggity#0245 on Feb 2, 2025, 3:36:27 AM

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