Its actually insane how much better poe 1 is.

So far the only better things in poe are:

-better graphics
-portal scrolls dont exist.

I logged in back to settlers hc and the second I started to leveling new char I completely lost desire to back to poe2. Its just an undescribable feeling.

POE1 has horrible mechanics, you cannot even move while using skills. After mid game you cannot even understand what is going on.

POE1 1 is a bad game... that is outdated.. not only technically but design wise.
gotta disgree with OP Graphically POE2 is a million mile better its not even close HOWEVER that there the line stops for POE2 atm,

POE1 is a 10 year+ game with infinite content to a degree, (replayability does drop off eventually) but this is mainly after a 6 month league lol

but yea the movement, pacing of the game, i think and i dont want to be nasty here the DEV's need to stop watching TOP TWITCH STREAMERS and YT'r and thinking that how the majority of players play POE thats like the top 1% of players and unfortunatly there normally the ones people are watching because there on Twitch.

They need to get some average john Hancock stream up and watch them, i mean im kind of a sweat, i have alot of hours, but i dedicated those hours to learn the game, because i wanted to, i have 40/40 afew leagues, and level 100 character, i have some insane crafted items and i have alot of badges

HOWEVER im not and will never be anywhere near as good at POE as say like BEN_ im no where near as good of a crafter as say MBX or that guy who has insane shit ever season (im really sorry i cant remember his name hes American with a beard i think he might be called Ben as well but not sure) i have to work at my gear or have a understanding of the game as QUIN69 (builds are terrible considering he knows so much about the game he defo self cucks himself) but either way these sorts of people are unfortuntly the kinda people GGG bases there decisions on for "nerfing" items and loot, and trying to slow them down (or in Quins case speed him up lol FAT)

However i get to the place they get to but after like 3 weeks or summit which is why i normally play like 2 months of the league but as it stands the "vision" for POE2 there making it slower and harder so all that means is the "better players" will still find a way to get to where they normally are after a few days but this is instead now a week but then ppl like me are now months behind the rest.

this in itself is where POE2 will die for the average player, because they will find it way way too long, too tedious, and too difficult to get things sorted POE2 is basically forced Ruthless league. POE1 is so much better because league are seperate so if you really want that HC cucked version you choose it rather than it being thrust upon you

This is why POE1 is way way way superior to POE2 and i honestly dont see a world when POE1 isnt better than POE2
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Feb 2, 2025, 10:57:06 AM
gotta disgree with OP Graphically POE2 is a million mile better its not even close...

And players valuing this (too much) is what's wrong with gaming today, and why the quality of games has plummeted.

Graphics are nice, but gameplay and fun will ALWAYS trump graphics. A pixel art game can be a million times better than "perfect looking", shallow game. In a perfect scenario, a developer nails both graphics and gameplay, but more often than not, they have to make sacrifices to one or both. These days, gameplay often suffers for beautiful graphics and animations.

I'm not saying GGG have made sacrifices, but when I see people (not you) using "graphics" or "looks" as reasons as to why PoE 2 is "the better game", a throw up a little bit in my mouth.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
gotta disgree with OP Graphically POE2 is a million mile better

So far the only better things in poe are:

-better graphics
-portal scrolls dont exist.

I logged in back to settlers hc and the second I started to leveling new char I completely lost desire to back to poe2. Its just an undescribable feeling.

POE1 has horrible mechanics, you cannot even move while using skills. After mid game you cannot even understand what is going on.

POE1 1 is a bad game... that is outdated.. not only technically but design wise.

Did you even play PoE2? You can't move with ice strike, can't move with mace strike, can't move with hammer of gods. There are literally 3-4 skills what let you move, the rest locks you in place. Even worse in PoE2 when you play self cast comet. This crap takes longer than a Final Fantasy 7 summon
H3rB1985#0551 wrote:
So far the only better things in poe are:

-better graphics
-portal scrolls dont exist.

I logged in back to settlers hc and the second I started to leveling new char I completely lost desire to back to poe2. Its just an undescribable feeling.

POE1 has horrible mechanics, you cannot even move while using skills. After mid game you cannot even understand what is going on.

POE1 1 is a bad game... that is outdated.. not only technically but design wise.

Did you even play PoE2? You can't move with ice strike, can't move with mace strike, can't move with hammer of gods. There are literally 3-4 skills what let you move, the rest locks you in place. Even worse in PoE2 when you play self cast comet. This crap takes longer than a Final Fantasy 7 summon

If you only play deadeye or monk PoE2 feels alright.
I like the simplicity of poe2 vs poe1. It’s a lot more casual friendly but also a lot more deliberate when it comes to combat. I don’t like to zone out when I play games so the challenging fights are so much fun for me compared to end game that I have seen in poe1 where you just run across the map killing everything. It almost reminds me of a rogue-like in a way. It can definitely use some improvement though thats for sure!
direct comparison is almost pointless until poe2 has all acts, new end-game and 10 league mechanics added

edit: i have to say that i somewhat also like poe2's less clutter on everything but i do miss league mechanics
Last edited by PyleWarlord#7248 on Feb 3, 2025, 12:35:04 AM
H3rB1985#0551 wrote:
So far the only better things in poe are:

-better graphics
-portal scrolls dont exist.

I logged in back to settlers hc and the second I started to leveling new char I completely lost desire to back to poe2. Its just an undescribable feeling.

POE1 has horrible mechanics, you cannot even move while using skills. After mid game you cannot even understand what is going on.

POE1 1 is a bad game... that is outdated.. not only technically but design wise.

Did you even play PoE2? You can't move with ice strike, can't move with mace strike, can't move with hammer of gods. There are literally 3-4 skills what let you move, the rest locks you in place. Even worse in PoE2 when you play self cast comet. This crap takes longer than a Final Fantasy 7 summon

I have and have played POE1 a lto as well. I could never stand POE1 more than a week in a row. POE2 although I am still playing new characters. IT is incomparable. Much better. You know what skills I am talking about. The fact you need to stop to fire a spell is dumb as hell for POE1.

In POE2, WADS, and the detachment of most ranged skills from movement makes by itself the game to be miles better.

After playig POE2, I will NEVER EVER tough POE1 again. If for some reason I lost POE2 I would simply stop playing, after tasting POE2 combat it woudl be a torture to play POE1.
Nah, boss fights imo are also, for the most part, much better.

The only boss I hate in PoE 1, as in legitimately hate attempting, is Maven. I've killed her only a handful of times and hated it. I physically cannot remember (not an exaggeration*) the Memory Game sequence when she does the long one, and you can't cheese it with logout because she resets it when you do. Costs me 1 death every single time. Fuck that boss.

* (Seriously, no joke, I have a memory/brain problem and physically cannot remember sequences higher than 7, and 6 is usually my limit before I start making mistakes. Though I get 100/100 on the pattern recognition tests and like 80% on the attention evaluation tests. Everything else is above average, but short term memory is concerningly far below average. And that is without additional distractions. Tested and confirmed IRL, multiple times. It's why I hate that boss fight.)

I hate basically all of the phased bosses, but maven isnt too bad, at least her phases are quick (unlike guardian bosses, shaper, etc)

As for memory issues, she only has 2 patterns (reversible for 4) of sequences of 3.

its either -> -> -> (circle pattern) or -> <- -> (back and forth pattern). For the 'long one' she just does one of these, followed by another of these.

Example, All you have to memorize is circle pattern left, back and forth pattern right, thats 2 things.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Last edited by Piousqd#0073 on Feb 3, 2025, 11:34:51 AM

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