This is why ill never buy another supporter pack again.
" Dragonkin & Titan Quest 2 are soon to release . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version |
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" lol, yep. notice how most of those are among the least problematic large games in the industry when it comes to monetisation and actually being a game made by devs who care and where possible in a capitalist world put the actual game first? i dont really understand what the problem is, feels like brainwashing to me. the west is full of asset strippers, hop around investors and private equity firms looking to cash in, destroy for immediate profit and cash out at the earliest opportunity, and even its biggest long standing devs like blizzard end up being controlled by people like boby kotek who directly fuck with the games and destroy them to look good on the next quarter shareholder report. whats tencent doing? they dont give a fk about poe in the larger picture of their profits. they dont need to destroy poe to make a buck right now to please a shareholder or to increase a stock price so they can make a quick turnover sale. most of these games individually cant make or break a company this big. tencents revenue in 2023 was over $80,000,000,000, they made 16 billion $ profit. GGGs total profits for that year were less than 0.1% of tencents total profits. and people on this forum seriously think the guys at tencent are coming into the studio telling mark he needs to make X zone in the campaign a little bigger and reduce the drop rate on Y item to make more money? actual lol, yeah, they really really need that extra 0.0001% on their yearly profits it might gain them to impress their board, theyre losing sleep over it. fking hell m8s. they probably already made a decent profit on their buy of ggg in 2018, if ggg made 0 money this year it would be an insignificant rounding error on their business operations. they are obviously not in this for the short term reasons western investors get into these things. what they seem to want is a large portfolio of long lasting, successful companies who make good products. legitimacy, weight and stability in the global landscape. that means buying companies who make good games and letting them make good games. bobby kotek wanted another fucking yacht and to make his quick buck investors a quick buck, thats the sort of person who runs umbrella corps in the west. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" Yeah I am really looking forward to TQ2, it looked really good in gameplay videos. Thanks for suggesting Dragonkin... hopefully it's not financed by tencent. |
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" Dragonkin devs are a small French studio : they are the guys who made Warhammer Chaosbane so they ain't ARPG rookies . And they got the same publisher as before ( French people as well ) . No Tencent . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version |
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chris w havent been involved in their game for the last 3 years already or so its been mark and jonathan only thats literally old news and you make it sound like its bad thing jonathan and mark have great visions too PoE 2 will be amazing game once they polish it more
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I think anyone who produces a good game is worth giving my money to.
However, I do think this explains why there are no major content updates for PoE1 and why PoE2 seems anemic. |
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