I want to talk about Defenses compared to how much damage certain enemy minions do.
Nice so you can record your DPS going up and down in combat and check it later.
I think we had concluded in a same direction and I'm sure it will be better. Looks very swift and sharp shooter. Have fun and stay safe :D Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3
Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】https://bit.ly/2wXiUSj MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】https://bit.ly/3I22mru |
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Thank you very much for the positive affirmations. I appreciate you. If I am able to get enough currency to be able to purchase gear that will cap my res than I will also try that but for now I am going to continue to tinker with this build until I get it doing what I want it to. The clear is cool on it. Rares are whatever. As long as I am able to do the mechanics like Ritual, Delirium, Beyond, Expedition and Breach without getting one shot than I can continue to work on boss dps. It is not the fastest thing in the world but I am able to still continue progress in the game for now. I have only completed one citadel since I started the game due to getting one shot in the citadels. Hopefully I will be able to experience and learn the arbiter of ash fight. But for now I am simply going to run magic weystones and do mechanics and level the character further.
Again, I have been building this character off of everything that has continued to murder me in weystones. So until I can find a way to survive the one shots and not lose my entire chance at experiencing the rest of the game. I put DPS on hold for a bit. I have noticed through my hundreds of hours building this character than even when I drop defenses for more dps there is always something that continues to one shot me and I lose the entire game experience with it. Anyway, since you all took the time out of your day to comment and I appreciate you for it, I also do some streaming while I play the game. Some people actually enjoy watching others play video games so I just kind of turn my stream on and play. I don't have a mic so I don't talk but I listen to music and tinker with the build. If you all wanted to see it I turn my stream on Twitch. www.twitch.tv/amotokai Last edited by Amotokai#2266 on Feb 7, 2025, 11:58:47 AM
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" I would do the same if I spotted critical issue and understood the situation in the progression, maybe because physical/mental strength and prudence are the first priority as fighter for me. There are many discussions around one shot. "It's stupid" Yes I agree but in a good way. Monsters in PoE can do basically the same as player character because damage scaling/reduction part is the same. In another word, if we found absurd damage mechanics on mobs, we can do the same if there is a way to replicate the process. So why not there are one shot mobs everywhere while there are some one shot build mechanics for player characters ? I think we know the answer. In my case, I don't really need the reason to one shot mobs. Yes it's kind of stupid and fun. And also I like to play different skills, situation and difficulty. I love to play such games. So does GGG I guess. If there is no mechanics to one shot, like "10% chance to kill the target instantly" skill, it's basically the same. As a player, I will try to find the "instant kill" mob and remove it asap. As a player with one shot build, the most reasonable counter for the build is one shot :P Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3
Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】https://bit.ly/2wXiUSj MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】https://bit.ly/3I22mru |
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I am not going to disagree with anything you said but there is also a variable that is being missed here. That Variable is experience. While an individual can run around and one shot mobs for five hours strait, the enemy one shot takes away about eight hours of experience. I hate admitting just how much the player loses in that exchange. This only makes the one shot from enemy mobs more valuable than a one shot from the player.
Now with that being said, I do believe that players who are running these overpowered builds are not able to give an accurate description of what mobs are and are not overpowered because they merely instantly kill things. When it comes down to the players who actually have to survive a mob for longer than .2 seconds their feedback becomes more valuable because they actually have to deal with the mechanics on the mob. This is the same with the mechanics in the boss fights. The feedback from an overpowered player should be obsolete because as long as players have to deal with the mechanics they would only continue to struggle even more if the Dev's decided to make things more complicated than they already are. When it comes to numbers, there is more of a player base that struggles than the player base that is overpowered. Last edited by Amotokai#2266 on Feb 7, 2025, 4:23:39 PM
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" Do you know how one shot build looks like ? If the target dies in one shot, it's done. If the target does not die in one shot, attack again. It's basically the same as your build, isn't it ? I don't call it stupid. Edit For myself, I see myself stupid but at least while I'm on it, I don't think that way. I just play it. (And it's stupid.) Edit2 "I want to talk about Defenses" I read what you wrote. Talked a bit with you. And concluded. "It's work in progress (and it will be better)." When the game refused to let me do what I want, I am not really playing the game but I am playing the game. Yes I can say it's stupid. I mean, I don't think I need to decide whether "the game is stupid or I am stupid." Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3 Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】https://bit.ly/2wXiUSj MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】https://bit.ly/3I22mru Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 7, 2025, 11:52:49 PM
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My build can be kind of considered a one shot build through weystones. Yes. There are reasons the interactions work as they do through the weystones but it only has the one shot on lower mechanical tiers of weystones. For Example: Running a tier 1 weystone and running a tier 15 weystone are two seperate things due to the scaling of the enemy monsters. Running a White tier normal weystone and a yellow tier rare weystone are also two seperate things due to the scaling of the enemy monsters. My build can one shot most things up to a tier 13 yellow tier rare weystone. The highest tier that can be achieved in the game is a Tier 17 weystone. Now, to an actual one shot build that is running through tier 17 yellow tier rare weystones, fully modded, corrupted and delirium added. My tier 13's look like a joke compared to it. Now back to the one shot mechanic. Being one shot in a tier 13 blue magic tier weystone compared to a fully modded Tier 17 yellow tier rare weystone that is corrupted and has delirium added are also two very seperate things. Back to what I was saying in my very first post. Having a one shot mechanic is a blue magic tier weystone is absurd.
Plus even though my build looks like a one shot build, it takes more than one shot to defeat enemy minions. The rest is other mechanics that come into play and clear the rest of the packs out. If I went into a tier 1 weystone than yet, I would 1 shot everything. I do feel discriminated against when it comes the the gameplay. There are things that have continued to happen to me that doesn't happen to every other exile in the game. Because it is not every player that means that it is targeted. Targeted towards me. This comes from watching various other exiles on streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube. It's as if someone see's the one thing wrong with what I am running and it will be the only thing that kills my character until I fix it and then I go back to getting one shot. Even when the build is super tanky like seen in the POB in the very first comment, it's like someone continues to target me and stop me from continuing progress. I wonder why this also doesn't happen to every other player that I have continued to monitor on these streaming platforms. I might be crazy but to much has happened that reinforces the idea and I can't tell myself that it is not true. Is as if nothing I can do matters. If they want to stop you from progress they will. Last edited by Amotokai#2266 on Feb 8, 2025, 2:23:04 PM
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" That's a result, not a theory. You can change that. You spent most of the time here to prove that to everyone. If there were someone doubting you, you shouldn't care and I believe you don't. Edit Just in case if I am the one who is doubting you or questioning if you are incapable of something for your eyes, you can simply say "stfu" and I will be "awww im sorry... :(". It's not about everyone or someone else. You can say "stfu" to me. There is no problem with me. :) Edit2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-otdLh7Q1E Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3 Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】https://bit.ly/2wXiUSj MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】https://bit.ly/3I22mru Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 8, 2025, 3:22:11 PM
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Zero offense taken. You would first need to understand that I first logged into Path of Exile when Elemental Hit was first introduced as a skill gem to get an understanding of just how long I have been around. Then you would need to understand just how many mechanics I understand and see when things change. There is a lot of very different variables to include. Not very many that still play Path of Exile will ever understand the things that I see and the differences. The only thing that I really have is experience.
Toxic Warning (NSFW)
You would also need to understand that I come from an era where the dev's added a little more content to the game THAT NO ONE COULD GET TO. No one understand why they would do that because everyone knew that no one was getting that far in the game. I came from the era of "F*CK THIS GAME!", "THIS GAME IS ABSOLUTLEY STUPID", "DISCRIMINATION!", "I'm letting you torture me right now" "I DON'T APPRECIATE BEING TORTURED!" and "We go again." This was back in the time when the dev's didn't know what the exiles wanted. They tried to give us more content and we didn't want the content so what did the Exiles want? "I don't know, more damage maybe." It makes me curious about the game that everyone else is playing being it doesn't seem like the true Exile nature. I actually believe that a majority of the era that I am a part of HATES the game but plays it anyway. Everyone else seems to calm and relaxed and have it to easy. I remember a time when discussions would happen about how the game was never supposed to "Beat". A time when adding elemental hit into the game might be a regret for some of the dev's. So it poses a question. Does anyone even play Path anymore? I actually play Path.
Last edited by Amotokai#2266 on Feb 8, 2025, 8:27:28 PM
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I don't understand symbols but passions, actions and voice. I don't know why but for my eyes, it's like someone showing symbols on my screen.
Edit I mean playing PoE is like staying together with someone who created it for me. "someone" is what I care, not as the symbols. You don't have to prove that to me by showing symbols because that doesn't work for me. I watched your videos and I understood the situation you tried to describe. Edit I understand the video was to show what the character is capable of, not really what the character is incapable of. It's so called "showcasing" like you mentioned. Ofc I understand why you didn't run burning ground map. It seems it's "stfu" situation. I'm sorry I stfu :( context behind "I don't understand symbols" Intension Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3 Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】https://bit.ly/2wXiUSj MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】https://bit.ly/3I22mru Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 9, 2025, 1:07:57 AM
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I do apricate you taking the time out of your day to continue this topic with me. Thank you very much.
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