I don't know what to do, maybe I should look for something PoE-like
" Hi splat I've seen how some people have told you how standard is rotting. Seeing you're not familiar i'll explain to you what you need to know. In POE (ignoring hardcore leagues) there are typically 2 leagues. Standard league, and Temp/Challenge League. Temp/Challenge league:
Temp leagues are temporary leagues that usually run for 3-4 months. Usually in temp leagues, there will be new content for the game such as new npcs, new monsters to kill, new loot to get. also, there are temp league challenges where if you complete certain tasks/challenges given to you by the game, you get rewarded with cosmetics rewards to use and show off. typically you can only get all these rewards and engage with this content ONLY in this temp league.
after the temp league ends, all your characters/gears/stash migrates to standard league. if some of the items are deemed to powerful, the game will delete them before migrating. theres one big downside for playing temp leagues tho, which is you start from scratch. everyone who joins this temp league do so too so everyone is on equal footing with no access to their older character's gears/wealth/characters etc. currently MOST poe1 enjoyers love temp leagues. one big reason is because the economy is alive there. since most players are active during temp leagues, therefore there are more people farming goods. thus theres a good balance between supply and demand. Standard League:
Standard league is the default league, it will "always exist". All your items, characters etc will be retained here as long as the game exists. At the end of any temporary leagues, all your temporary characters/gear/stash will transfer over to this league as previously mentioned.
Standard league is also known as "permanent league" as you typically play your characters while amassing wealth and power as long as you want without any temp league time constraints. typically you will be able to buy VERY POWERFUL gear from other players which can NO LONGER BE OBTAINABLE. but as such these items can be price very high and out of reach for most players. Also when talking about economy, a very powerful timeless jewel could be sold at 100 divines in standard league but in a temp league it could be sold at 1 divine. this is because standard league economy is stagnant, it has less active players. item prices are inflated as players are EXPECTED to be filthy rich, which is in contrast to temp leagues where players are understandably "poorer" due to the fact they had to start the new league from scratch, so players price their items at a cheaper price. making things more affordable. this is why someone mentioned standard league being rotten. there are other drawbacks of standard league such as having to do a little atlas housekeeping chore everytime a new temp league goes live (dont worry about it, takes a short time and small effort to perform. its tedious tho). other drawbacks include the possibility of the game devs rebalancing your old gear and reworking the player's passive tree. but all that said, most of my friends, me included are originally standard players. standard can be a good place to play and build a strong character IF you lack time or dont want to refarm everything from scratch over and over again i would add a little bit more. despite being a standard player. me and my friends typically DO play in temp leagues, but only IF there are things that we find rewarding in the temp league. for example, powerful gear, or ease of making currency. every effort we make in temp leagues are usually with the purpose of making our standard league characters stronger. it takes effort but the stuff as a result gives us bonkers amount of wealth and power on standard. personally i find it really sad that temp league enjoyers constantly shitting on the devs for being slow on creating a new temp league and saying how POE1 is dead. poe1 standard league exists. you still can play standard. poe1 is in the best form its ever been in it's existence and people are bitching about how the game is dead just because ggg didnt create a new temp league? nah man. you can still enjoy the game on standard. but i must admit, sometimes the stuff we get in temp leagues can be quite fun too. just i'm getting old and i really HATE farming back my wealth. in any case, you never actually lose your characters. unless you run something that says the character will be VOIDED. if so, then the character is lost forever [Removed by Support]
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" This is basically Stockholm syndrome. Which - yes - is the glue that holds PoE together. |
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" With this logic everything has Stockholm syndrome at some point 1) Job? check 2) Wife? check 3) kids? check 4) family? check |
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" And " There is one game i would say can be some sort of fresh feen compared to PoE. Incredible Adventures of Van Hellsing. It is fun game. Easiest way is go for Final Cut. It is great way to rest from PoE. |
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I had about 1500hours in POE 1 over 10 years on and off. I am old boy that played even the first diablo. I tried other arpg like Grim Dawn, undezember, last epoch, wolcen, Torchlight, pretty much from EA. I am a big fan of the genre.
Piority and taste has obviously change over time, from students with too much time, to well adulthood and limited time, I used to play most games on hard difficulty to just want a game to chill for an hour or 2. I am playing mostly Diablo 4 for my arpg now. I also play quite a bit of first descendants but its different genre. There is also a few games on horizon people can look for coming soon, Titan Quest 2 (EA unsure, but should be early this year) and Dragonkin EA in March. Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Feb 9, 2025, 4:50:04 AM
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" Nawww. Even Grim Dawn is better than PoE 1 in it's current and future states. Go check out Seer on YT and see what ARPG there tickles your eyes and try that one. |
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" i would always remind everyone, we all have our biases. theres no real "best". some people prefer one game over another. i like GD a great bunch tbh. but even then i d say poe1 is a different beast. its something nearer to vampire saviours where power fantasy is at its peak (if you follow builds). gd is slower but you really can "finish" the game using a decent build. [Removed by Support]
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