[0.1.1c] ✨ Money Tiers Filter for PoE 2 [MNT v0.04] 💰 Old School, Price Focused, Manually priced

                                           ❤️❤️🎮 Money Tiers Filter 🎮❤️❤️

Featuring :

Dynamic Waystone system
Starting from semi strict variation, the filter will only display waystones from the tier you are running, and one tier lower to recombine. It will also adapt to waystone type, from normal, to rare, to delirious.

Manually price checked all items of the game
Price checked all the uniques bases possibilities, with bad roll/good rolls, bases, currencies, using Currency Exchange & Trade site. 99% of the filters are not accurate about uniques, and miss valuable items like Wrapped Greathelm for exmple, or ilvl 84 uniques with integrated skill.

5 handmade variations to adapt your strictness
From Less Restricted for SSF, leveling and starter, to Semi strict for map tier progression ramping, to Uber Strict for crazyness dedicated to mirror cultists, this filter adapt to your needs with time.

Economy based tiers with oldschool feeling
I'm filtering items into tiers that are made to make the game easy to read, based on value item and not item type. From blue color to white, it makes it easy to master incomes and know exactly what we drop, to not miss valuable items.

Works great on all devices, from PC, to Consoles, to Steam Deck and Cloud
Played this filter a lot on controllers, steam deck, and pc, to adapt it and make it easy to play on all devices.

Loot filter maker since 2019
Doing my PoE 1 filter for PoE since 2019, updated for every league and multiple times a league.

                                                        💽 Installation 💽

Subscribe to your filter here (BE SURE TO SELECT POE2 Filters)

Or simply click the ones you want here and follow it :

Less restricted : Leveling/Early/SSF/New players -> POE2 - A - Less Restricted - MNT0.04
Semi Strict : Map tier progression/Midgame/New players -> POE2 - B - Semi Strict - MNT0.04
Strict : Endgame mapping/Veterans -> POE2 - C - Strict - MNT0.04
Very Strict : Endgame farming/MF/Veterans -> POE2 - D - Very Strict - MNT0.04
UBER Strict : VERY Endgame farming/MIRROR CULT -> POE2 - E - UBER Strict - MNT0.04

⚠️UBER strict will hide boss unique drops, use it for MAPPING only, switch to Very Strict outside of maps, or display hidden items after killing a boss outside of a map ⚠️

Once followed, select the filter ingame. Update are auto, you have nothing more to do.

⚠️Post leveling filtering will start after Area 65, be sure to select the LESS RESTRICTED at early game !⚠️

❤️ Add this forum page to your favorites for future updates ! ❤️

                                              🔔 Current version & update 🔔

PLEASE FEEDBACK FOR ANY BUG, and show your love in the comments !

Price update : 05/02/2025 0.04 for 0.1.1c

Filter update : 05/02/2025 0.04 for 0.1.1c

🦄 Bored to loot some crap items with heart bump and exalt[replace by Divine one day] sound ? ✔️ Here you go !

                                                          🍑 Thanks 🍑

Thanks to Filterblade's editor with over 2500 changes and a lot of custom rules, and to Currency Exchange & Official trade site for hours of price check.

                                                        🎅 Todo List 🎅

- Add users screenshots.
- Preparing videos/screenshots to showcase the filter functions.

                                                   🦠 Take care exile ! & Loot well ! 😷

PoE 2 thread, PoE 1 thread (here), old one from 2019 (here) & 2020 (here) was too old. Bump button permadied.
Last edited by Sephiloss#7981 on Feb 14, 2025, 1:45:32 PM
Last bumped on Mar 6, 2025, 6:15:41 AM
Thanks a ton for that awesome filter mate. It's a game changer and much appreciated!
ForKa#5288 wrote:
Thanks a ton for that awesome filter mate. It's a game changer and much appreciated!

Thank you for your kind message. Loot well.
Maybe weird suggestion, but rare waystones sell for good amount of gold to vendors, like 8-10k on average.

So maybe enable only rare waystones of any tier to show up. Maybe as separate version of first 3 filters, two highest tiers don't really need it.
Last edited by PaintMaster#2396 on Feb 9, 2025, 4:12:46 PM
Maybe weird suggestion, but rare waystones sell for good amount of gold to vendors, like 8-10k on average.

So maybe enable only rare waystones of any tier to show up. Maybe as separate version of first 3 filters, two highest tiers don't really need it.


Thanks for your suggestion. I will not add more variations, but Rare Waystones in the dynamic waystone system already show in a different color and sound than normal/magic waystones. So you can easily pick them first or only. It will only be your tier or the tier below if not running T15+.

In Less Restricted, all tiers show up. Dynamic system only start with Semi Strict.

Low tiers rare waystones sell for less, around 2k to 5k, not worth the burden.
Last edited by Sephiloss#7981 on Feb 10, 2025, 3:52:00 AM
Maybe weird suggestion, but rare waystones sell for good amount of gold to vendors, like 8-10k on average.

So maybe enable only rare waystones of any tier to show up. Maybe as separate version of first 3 filters, two highest tiers don't really need it.


Thanks for your suggestion. I will not add more variations, but Rare Waystones in the dynamic waystone system already show in a different color and sound than normal/magic waystones. So you can easily pick them first or only. It will only be your tier or the tier below if not running T15+.

In Less Restricted, all tiers show up. Dynamic system only start with Semi Strict.

Low tiers rare waystones sell for less, around 2k to 5k, not worth the burden.

About this, running strict filter, rare t13 and t14 waystones are hidden
Last edited by PaintMaster#2396 on Feb 11, 2025, 8:58:41 AM
Maybe weird suggestion, but rare waystones sell for good amount of gold to vendors, like 8-10k on average.

So maybe enable only rare waystones of any tier to show up. Maybe as separate version of first 3 filters, two highest tiers don't really need it.


Thanks for your suggestion. I will not add more variations, but Rare Waystones in the dynamic waystone system already show in a different color and sound than normal/magic waystones. So you can easily pick them first or only. It will only be your tier or the tier below if not running T15+.

In Less Restricted, all tiers show up. Dynamic system only start with Semi Strict.

Low tiers rare waystones sell for less, around 2k to 5k, not worth the burden.

About this, running strict filter, rare t13 and t14 waystones are hidden

This is normal behavior on Strict Strictness. On Strict, most people just want to loot T15 on T15+, as i said above.

Only Less restricted shows all tiers. And tier-1 works until reaching T14.
Last edited by Sephiloss#7981 on Feb 12, 2025, 3:39:20 AM
Thank you for this and all the time you spent. About to use for the first time on a juiced t16.
hyps87#4226 wrote:
Thank you for this and all the time you spent. About to use for the first time on a juiced t16.

Thanks for your message. Hope you had fun & loot.
If i add some white bases, will they get updated over?

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