Then explain HOW someone who crafts a perfect item gets their investment +50% back, while only one single copy can be created.
By selling his one copy at a way higher price?
Crafting a "mirror tier" item generally costs way more than a mirror is worth.
So to sell it, the crafter needs crafting currency that's worth over a mirror, and on top a mirror to create a copy.
That would result in a price over double than before, thus basically nobody would be able to buy it.
Try again.
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Mar 4, 2025, 12:05:25 PM
That's a you problem tought. Most people already can't affort mirror tier service at this current state. So who care if it take you just more time to get currency. At least maybe you guys would stay till the end of league instead of being bored after 1 month.
Posted byThaynime#8492on Mar 4, 2025, 12:09:05 PM
That's a you problem tought. Most people already can't affort mirror tier service at this current state. So who care if it take you just more time to get currency. At least maybe you guys would stay till the end of league instead of being bored after 1 month.
Haha... you are funny. It's a ME problem? No, it's a YOU problem if you can't even get a mirror + fee in the current state.
And btw., advocating for a way more expensive system makes literally no sense if you want to make it "more fair" or "ppl staying longer".
First of all, increasing the "price" so high that even FEWER ppl can afford a mirror service decreases the amount of ppl who would stay to get a mirrored item.
Furthermore, if it isn't worth it anymore because of "less demand" you will have FEWER ppl even crafting mirror tier items, thus again decreasing the amount of ppl who stay and play the game.
Less crafting currency will be bought because fewer crafting projects that eat hundreds and thousands of currency items yadda yadda. That makes things even worse for "normies" who want to sell their currency.
So... how would this help anyone?
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Mar 4, 2025, 12:15:56 PM
That's a you problem tought. Most people already can't affort mirror tier service at this current state. So who care if it take you just more time to get currency. At least maybe you guys would stay till the end of league instead of being bored after 1 month.
Haha... you are funny. It's a ME problem? No, it's a YOU problem if you can't even get a mirror + fee in the current state.
And btw., advocating for a way more expensive system makes literally no sense if you want to make it "more fair" or "ppl staying longer".
First of all, increasing the "price" so high that even FEWER ppl can afford a mirror service decreases the amount of ppl who would stay to get a mirrored item.
Furthermore, if it isn't worth it anymore because of "less demand" you will have FEWER ppl even crafting mirror tier items, thus again decreasing the amount of ppl who stay and play the game.
Less crafting currency will be bought because fewer crafting projects that eat hundreds and thousands of currency items yadda yadda. That makes things even worse for "normies" who want to sell their currency.
So... how would this help anyone?
No, they're arguing to literally kill mirror crafting. Getting back your investment? You're not supposed to invest anything in the first place.
I also believe the game would be in a better state overall if mirror crafting groups didn't have the ability to gobble up tens of thousands of divs like this. They're operating in syndicate type of structures, influencing the whole trading economy negatively. Just the fact that "regular" good items are almost unavailable (a mirror crafter group will always buy good bases, removing them from overall availability) is a problem.
The system should encourage "normies" to craft their own gear. Omens should drop more often to enable this. Crafters are enabled through an imbalance in drop rates. You need 100k players to do millions of rituals every day to generate enough omens to satisfy the need of mirror crafters. It's not like "normies" wouldn't want to spend their omens themselves. But one omen is almost useless. You need 100 or 1000 omens sometimes to make a mirror item. They're useless items. So selling is the only thing left to them.
I see absolutely no downside to crippling mirror crafting. On the other hand, the issues caused by the 0.01% who own 99% of the market are quite significant
Posted bystaytuned2k#6008on Mar 4, 2025, 12:46:38 PM
That's a you problem tought. Most people already can't affort mirror tier service at this current state. So who care if it take you just more time to get currency. At least maybe you guys would stay till the end of league instead of being bored after 1 month.
Haha... you are funny. It's a ME problem? No, it's a YOU problem if you can't even get a mirror + fee in the current state.
And btw., advocating for a way more expensive system makes literally no sense if you want to make it "more fair" or "ppl staying longer".
First of all, increasing the "price" so high that even FEWER ppl can afford a mirror service decreases the amount of ppl who would stay to get a mirrored item.
Furthermore, if it isn't worth it anymore because of "less demand" you will have FEWER ppl even crafting mirror tier items, thus again decreasing the amount of ppl who stay and play the game.
Less crafting currency will be bought because fewer crafting projects that eat hundreds and thousands of currency items yadda yadda. That makes things even worse for "normies" who want to sell their currency.
So... how would this help anyone?
Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical that if thing get worst and you can't afford it anymore then it's suddenly a bad thing?
It tell a lot about the fact that there's a problem with the economy system.
Of course it wouldn't help anyone if thing go that way. It would, as you say, just accentuate it. That's why I can't understand why people want thimg to stay in the current state. The reason why I advocate for a worst system is to make a point. And you seem to have understood, altought maybe still not have accepted it, that thing need to change to make thing more enjoyable not only for the rich person, but for the normies also.
Posted byThaynime#8492on Mar 4, 2025, 12:48:43 PM
I disagree, and I see why you think that but it would destroy the value of mirrors and high end items.
Not a good idea.
That's not how it works. Technically by restricting the "number of" you increase the "value of". The OP is correct, investing time into a perfect item will get you enough currency to replace what you invested +50%. It should not be a an infinite money glitch for RMT's and streamers.
Then explain HOW someone who crafts a perfect item gets their investment +50% back, while only one single copy can be created.
You will literally argue every single point on "behalf of" the current system won't you?
The reason I believe you to be extremely disingenuous in your reasoning is you argue against every and ALL posts requesting a change with no deviation. Even if your arguments are inane or nonsensical you will argue against changing ANYTHING to make this game better for the majority.
I know how the game mechanics work. I know how crafting works. I know the cost of crafting mirror tier items. A mirror tier item is an achievement and a means to sink currency for those with nothing left to do. It is also one of the main sources of in game currency for RMT.
The biggest earners for RTM is actually bot flipping items and currency trading. This gives RTM the money to almost straight up buy mirror tiered gear.
Remove infinite mirrored items, introduce a marketplace aka remove player interaction from the god awful trade system. That alone will end most avenues that RTM sites use to generate income. END!
Oh let me guess you have a compelling argument against every single word I said. Your opinions of are the "exact opposite" of everyone else right?
Posted bySoulscar1#4896on Mar 4, 2025, 12:52:50 PM
You will literally argue every single point on "behalf of" the current system won't you?
The reason I believe you to be extremely disingenuous in your reasoning is you argue against every and ALL posts requesting a change with no deviation. Even if your arguments are inane or nonsensical you will argue against changing ANYTHING to make this game better for the majority.
I know how the game mechanics work. I know how crafting works. I know the cost of crafting mirror tier items. A mirror tier item is an achievement and a means to sink currency for those with nothing left to do. It is also one of the main sources of in game currency for RMT.
The biggest earners for RTM is actually bot flipping items and currency trading. This gives RTM the money to almost straight up buy mirror tiered gear.
Remove infinite mirrored items, introduce a marketplace aka remove player interaction from the god awful trade system. That alone will end most avenues that RTM sites use to generate income. END!
Oh let me guess you have a compelling argument against every single word I said. Your opinions of are the "exact opposite" of everyone else right?
Darling, that you think I argue against everything that is a "change" is only your bias because I argue against you. In fact, everybody can see all of my posts and threads and I advocate for things to stay and for things to change, but not for nonsense.
You know, you can't infinitely mirror items. It's technically possible, but not practically because the amount of mirrors is scarce, let alone the demand for mirrored items.
Let's assume we remove the mirror from the game, do you think that would prevent scammers and RMT groups from doing their stuff!? No.
They would find another thing and proceed with their business.
The thing GGG has to change and will change (because they said it) is trading overall. A marketplace where ppl can list items and others buy them out without direct player interactions will hurt RMT groups the most and be a huge QoL improvement for the player base. No price fixing, no scamming anymore.
But that is a different topic.
Last edited by JakkerONAIR#4902 on Mar 4, 2025, 1:19:26 PM
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Mar 4, 2025, 1:18:12 PM
As in the title, Mirror of Kalandra would still be awesome orb, enabling you to get a copy of best item imaginable, not duping it for eternity. The way it works now is basically enabling scamming people and driving economy insane because big players can literally legally dupe items with virtually no leash on it, taking under consideration how much currency groups like TFT have. Then it enables them to amass even more currency, power and market for themselves, while normal players have the bar raised so high they will never get through it.
You could then even raise Mirror drop rate a little bit so it's a real chance you can drop it, right now Mirror item is pure imaginary item even for players playing 10 years.
Do you know how much work goes into a mirror item? HELL NO.
Posted bynhull17#5978on Mar 4, 2025, 1:38:39 PM
As in the title, Mirror of Kalandra would still be awesome orb, enabling you to get a copy of best item imaginable, not duping it for eternity. The way it works now is basically enabling scamming people and driving economy insane because big players can literally legally dupe items with virtually no leash on it, taking under consideration how much currency groups like TFT have. Then it enables them to amass even more currency, power and market for themselves, while normal players have the bar raised so high they will never get through it.
You could then even raise Mirror drop rate a little bit so it's a real chance you can drop it, right now Mirror item is pure imaginary item even for players playing 10 years.
Do you know how much work goes into a mirror item? HELL NO.
It depends on so many variables that there is no short answer to that. Also both "a lot" and "not so much" answers can be true, per individual player, according to those variables.
Last edited by Soviel#4965 on Mar 4, 2025, 1:54:58 PM
Posted bySoviel#4965on Mar 4, 2025, 1:52:31 PM
Do you know how much work goes into a mirror item? HELL NO.
It depends on so many variables that there is no short answer to that. Also both "a lot" and "not so much" answers can be true, per individual player, according to those variables.
In general, it takes A LOT. You never factor in ppl who got "lucky", instead look at the avg.
I had a 20ex xbow this league where I used one single chaos orb on it and turned it into a 60div xbow, but that does not reflect how much it would normally take to get there.
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Mar 4, 2025, 2:04:57 PM