No, I like my work, but it's work, real life has real consequences... this is a game lol.
Further - jobs generally don't make you start your whole shift again for a split second mistake, with no compensation. That would be closer to slavery in my view.
Well, if you f*ck up an order in a bar or in a kitchen, you have to start over ; period.
And if you really f*ck up and act like nothing happens, you can also kill someone. But ho well, no one cares because you are paid the same, right ?
That is if you work in a place which isn't paying you an actual percentage of what you sell as a waiter ; which really exist. What a waste of time now innit ?
For real, some people act like this design is sacrosanct & as if it's not part of a game for FUN.
Fun is highly subjective. 80% of the players enjoy PoE2. I'm sure D4 may be more fun for you, yet you are still here.
Last edited by dwqrf#0717 on Feb 10, 2025, 6:19:02 PM
Posted bydwqrf#0717on Feb 10, 2025, 6:08:35 PM
No, I like my work, but it's work, real life has real consequences... this is a game lol.
For real, some people act like this design is sacrosanct & as if it's not part of a game for FUN.
Further - jobs generally don't make you start your whole shift again for a split second mistake, with no compensation. That would be closer to slavery in my view.
Yeah I think some people here have little idea of what real life is. Real responsibilities family job friends etc. That is why they get so defensive when we ask for the game not to be as frustrating as real life sometimes is. Maybe it is their only achievement so it hurts their feelings? Lol.
Games are supposed to be fun. Seriously I stopped playing this game because I have real life problems to deal with. Frustrations and responsibilities. So when I finally have time to relax the last thing I want is a game that wastes my time and frustrates me instead of providing enjoyment. So screw that.
And all of this just because we are asking for a separate league that is more casual lol.
Posted byleoviale#3633on Feb 10, 2025, 6:10:01 PM
You're right XP loss is silly. I'm out until GGG finds a good compromise.
Punishment leads to people quitting the game, not retention. You'd think player retention would a top priority especially with microtransactions but it sounds like GGG is giving more credence to the masochist player base (which is a minority player base)
Bruh... if you want a game without any "punishment" go play Cookie Clicker or something. "Path of Exile" is NOT a game that is catered to casual players.
PoE2 will have more "casual friendly" changes, but it's not a game you would choose if you cannot handle this kind of "punishment".
It's unreal.
Literally most games in existence have punishment mechanics and a lot of games have way harder and more severe punishments compared to PoE.
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Feb 10, 2025, 6:12:21 PMOn Probation
No, I like my work, but it's work, real life has real consequences... this is a game lol.
Further - jobs generally don't make you start your whole shift again for a split second mistake, with no compensation. That would be closer to slavery in my view.
Well, if you f*ck up an order in a bar or in a kitchen, you have to start over ; period.
And if you really f*ck up and act like nothing happens, you can also kill someone. But ho well, no one cares because you are paid the same, right ?
That is if you work in a place which isn't paying you an actual percentage of what you sell as a waiter ; which really exist. What a waste of time now innit ?
For real, some people act like this design is sacrosanct & as if it's not part of a game for FUN.
Fun is highly subjective. 80% of the players enjoy PoE2. I'm sure D4 may be more fun for you, yet you are still here.
Dude, seriously, what's your problem? You have an ego issue or something?
The fact that you cannot tolerate us asking for a separate league so we can enjoy the game while you still get to play it as it is says a lot about your character. No point in arguing with someone like you.
Last edited by leoviale#3633 on Feb 10, 2025, 6:14:37 PM
Posted byleoviale#3633on Feb 10, 2025, 6:13:07 PM
Yeah I think some people here have little idea of what real life is. Real responsibilities family job friends etc. That is why they get so defensive when we ask for the game not to be as frustrating as real life sometimes is. Maybe it is their only achievement so it hurts their feelings? Lol.
Games are supposed to be fun. Seriously I stopped playing this game because I have real life problems to deal with. Frustrations and responsibilities. So when I finally have time to relax the last thing I want is a game that wastes my time and frustrates me instead of providing enjoyment. So screw that.
And all of this just because we are asking for a separate league that is more casual lol.
Then, I guess you can't play PvP games either as they are all challenging.
Have you considered playing D4 and WoW and games like that which are just infinite rewards at no risk ? That's the kind of games you are looking for. Those are peaceful.
Take care of yourself, don't play PoE2. (And don't try to change it either)
You can't ask an obese man to do a marathon. That would be too physically stressful. But now if one want to do it and complain that it's too long to run, should we reduce the lenght of the race just for him ? Be serious.
Posted bydwqrf#0717on Feb 10, 2025, 6:15:48 PM
Well, if you f*ck up an order in a bar or in a kitchen, you have to start over ; period.
And if you really f*ck up and act like nothing happens, you can also kill someone. But ho well, no one cares because you are paid the same, right ?
That is if you work in a place which isn't paying you an actual percentage of what you sell as a waiter ; which really exist. What a waste of time now innit ?
If you mess up a drink, you have to remake one drink - not days worth of drinks. Don't be ridiculous comparing dying in a game (intended) to killing a person (criminal).
For real, some people act like this design is sacrosanct & as if it's not part of a game for FUN.
Fun is highly subjective. 80% of the players enjoy PoE2. I'm sure D4 may be more fun for you, yet you are still here.
That was my quote, not the other guy.
You cite that 80% number so confidently. Steam charts strongly suggests that AT LEAST 80% of players aren't even playing the game anymore. Where do you get that number from?
Posted bySpankyKong#9805on Feb 10, 2025, 6:16:15 PM
Where do you get that number from?
Steam reviews, the same place you get your famous 80% loss of players (in a seasonal game).
Posted bydwqrf#0717on Feb 10, 2025, 6:17:52 PM
Claiming POE2 isnt for casual players is just gatekeeping. XP loss on death isnt a meaning challenge at all... it's an outdated time sink that discourages experimentation and drives casual players away. Plenty of tough games balance difficulty without punishing players arbitrarily
Posted bydubarooski#4619on Feb 10, 2025, 6:18:45 PM
Where do you get that number from?
Steam reviews, the same place you get your famous 80% loss of players (in a seasonal game).
+ won
Mash the clean
Posted byMashgesture#2912on Feb 10, 2025, 6:19:02 PM
Yeah I think some people here have little idea of what real life is. Real responsibilities family job friends etc. That is why they get so defensive when we ask for the game not to be as frustrating as real life sometimes is. Maybe it is their only achievement so it hurts their feelings? Lol.
Games are supposed to be fun. Seriously I stopped playing this game because I have real life problems to deal with. Frustrations and responsibilities. So when I finally have time to relax the last thing I want is a game that wastes my time and frustrates me instead of providing enjoyment. So screw that.
And all of this just because we are asking for a separate league that is more casual lol.
You know what? The ppl crying about a penalty that isn't actually a big problem are always the same... they can't handle a basic punishment mechanic so they want it to be removed and when they run out of arguments (not saying they had any in the first place) they go the "I bEt ThEy HaVe No ReAl LiFe ReSpOnSiBiLiTiEs" yadda yadda.
Darling, if you are not a child - you have these responsibilities, period.
That's why many like "punishments" in games; they do not affect real life and add some risk to it.
YOUR "time to relax" may differ from MY "time to relax", but that does not give you the right to demand something to change when it is implemented this way for a reason. Just look for something else to throw your "relaxing time" at.
Posted byJakkerONAIR#4902on Feb 10, 2025, 6:19:34 PMOn Probation