Dear GGG, not interested in your POE2 test event "Legacy of Phrecia"

Well just because i am bored I played Phrecia. At least they didnt mess up the whole game. At any rate I still have disdain for the relic system. The new ascendencies are nice though.
I accept the "GGG had no time." explaination. I also accept the
"We made a mistake in presuming to have the time... we didnt.
It is what it is. poe2 commands most of our effort for now
and in the near future. we should have realized this earlier."

I expect the next poe1 league to be decent. I knew this one would be

remember how comprehensive some of our past leagues have been?
I hated beastiary but damn it was comprehensive. I love heist tho
and that was comprehensive.... was like more than a 3.5gig patch?!?!

ggg had no time. ggg lied to us that they could do a decent poe1 league
on time. they must have known. but whatever. as far as providing a product
that becomes more and more refined with each patch? I have faith.

eventually poe2 will be great, and next poe1 league will be far more
comprehensive. probably linked in storyline to the poe2 game. inventing new
poe1 stuff that gets expanded upon in poe2 patches.

GGG gets no respect from me for first amendment issues, but for
dedication to the project? 9/10
i mean supposedly settlers and Affliction and many other banger leagues were made by give or take 7 Dev's rotating on and off POE2 to get the leagues done.

I feel like Phrecia with a few tweaks could easilly have been 3.26, if they had thrown a couple legacy leagues into the idols.

"8% chance for sentinels to spawn in your maps"
"3% chance for a crucible"
"8% chance for Necropolis crafting materials to drop from rare and unique enemies"

extend it to 3 months and call it a league.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Kraythax#2592 wrote:
The only positive potential outcome is that POE2 players will see how an old game is so much better than POE2. Then hopefully they will demand change.

2 is really good, far better core combat and loot which isn't like wading through a landfill. Just needs crafting and more things to do aka endgame content. Oh and for GGG to realize that slower pace needs slower monsters and better RNG (reward for risk).

Its fine to prefer 1button POE over 2 right now I get that one has 11 years of non stop iteration and the other is essentially a beta. but the only real problems with 2 are all just dearth of content (where 1 is super bloated even kinda dumb) and typical early access woes with super busted balance on some things.

2 can be a far superior hack and slash actual fantasy feeling combat with a much less niche zoom zoom only audience to 1 if they don't ruin it by letting the two games become clones of each other.

Lean into 1button zoom and lean into 2's crunchy combat and make them distinct games. Otherwise 2 just sinks into the same hyper niche that 1 is in.

Its pretty obvious that POE1 is hard stuck into a super specific niche that loves it's combination of ultra floaty automated space ship combat and Casino lights flashing MEGA JACKPOTS of trash loot (thats almost always worthless and a waste of your time to look at) raining down on you at all times. Dumpsters of loot to trick the unaware into thinking something special is happening.

Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.

Its pretty obvious that POE1 is hard stuck into a super specific niche that loves it's combination of ultra floaty automated space ship combat and Casino lights flashing MEGA JACKPOTS of trash loot (thats almost always worthless and a waste of your time to look at) raining down on you at all times. Dumpsters of loot to trick the unaware into thinking something special is happening.

The same applies to POE2, even if the total amount of loot is significantly less. POE2 still follows the POE1 formula of "forget about getting an upgrade off the ground beyond early endgame".

It's somehow a sin in an ARPG to find a wearable appreciable item upgrade off the ground WITHOUT significant modification. Weapons are the biggest offender. Just getting a melee weapon to roll with an "increased physical damage" modifier is a miracle.

How many rare necklaces should an endgame mapping player pickup and identify (one at a time of course FOR THE VISION) before they obtain one that clearly isn't a joke? 100? 1000? 10000?

Somehow the POE community has accepted that it's OK for people to filter out wearable drops when mapping.
I severely hate bloat and repeatedly posted that GGG should require a base
charge for poe 2, and I still stand by that. 35$ usd is nice for the
few who pay for the beta, but I want a 5-35$ charge for access whatsoever.
why? so GGG doesn't need to throw in as many shards fragments and inventory
bait to poe2 to fund it. poe1 is in bad shape only for this reason.
the gameplay is good, the content is good. only problem is TOO MUCH CRAP
in my inventory. I dont care what its worth if I NEVER COMPLETE IT.

dont forget GGG. HACK and SLASH (and cast.) this is the game. deviate at your
financial peril.

Kraythax#2592 wrote:
The only positive potential outcome is that POE2 players will see how an old game is so much better than POE2. Then hopefully they will demand change.

2 is really good, far better core combat and loot which isn't like wading through a landfill. Just needs crafting and more things to do aka endgame content. Oh and for GGG to realize that slower pace needs slower monsters and better RNG (reward for risk).

Its fine to prefer 1button POE over 2 right now I get that one has 11 years of non stop iteration and the other is essentially a beta. but the only real problems with 2 are all just dearth of content (where 1 is super bloated even kinda dumb) and typical early access woes with super busted balance on some things.

2 can be a far superior hack and slash actual fantasy feeling combat with a much less niche zoom zoom only audience to 1 if they don't ruin it by letting the two games become clones of each other.

Lean into 1button zoom and lean into 2's crunchy combat and make them distinct games. Otherwise 2 just sinks into the same hyper niche that 1 is in.

Its pretty obvious that POE1 is hard stuck into a super specific niche that loves it's combination of ultra floaty automated space ship combat and Casino lights flashing MEGA JACKPOTS of trash loot (thats almost always worthless and a waste of your time to look at) raining down on you at all times. Dumpsters of loot to trick the unaware into thinking something special is happening.


Its pretty obvious that POE1 is hard stuck into a super specific niche that loves it's combination of ultra floaty automated space ship combat and Casino lights flashing MEGA JACKPOTS of trash loot (thats almost always worthless and a waste of your time to look at) raining down on you at all times. Dumpsters of loot to trick the unaware into thinking something special is happening.

The same applies to POE2, even if the total amount of loot is significantly less. POE2 still follows the POE1 formula of "forget about getting an upgrade off the ground beyond early endgame".

It's somehow a sin in an ARPG to find a wearable appreciable item upgrade off the ground WITHOUT significant modification. Weapons are the biggest offender. Just getting a melee weapon to roll with an "increased physical damage" modifier is a miracle.

How many rare necklaces should an endgame mapping player pickup and identify (one at a time of course FOR THE VISION) before they obtain one that clearly isn't a joke? 100? 1000? 10000?

Somehow the POE community has accepted that it's OK for people to filter out wearable drops when mapping.

Agreed, as I said they need to understand that slower pace needs better RNG or your risk versus reward is fucked. Also need slower monsters if you want engaging combat.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Just getting a melee weapon to roll with an "increased physical damage" modifier is a miracle.

This reminds me of D3 vanilla and why AH was so important and why people hated AH in D3.

Same reason why people hate trade in PoE but you can't have both trading/AH and good drops.
what a classic generic poe1 salty vet.
never happy.

NEXT topic.

Anyone who has played for more than a couple of leagues could have told you Idols should replace Scarabs and not the Atlas tree. The base rate has been nerfed twice since Sentinel.

The second time was when they redid the tree to include an explicit modifier. Given that we don't have easy access to it now, that means the base rate is well below what it should be.

The model they went with has already priced people out of most farms, while those with the right relics are pumping out volume, which is devaluing the hell out of things. Esseces for deafening are already pushing down to 2c a piece due to the Idols, which makes it so every essence on the mob is Deafening. Meanwhile, a single relic with +1 essence mob and one essence at max tier is already 8 div. You need 3 of them.

They need to stop with this nonsense and realize that things need to be slotted into the consumable part of the game, and the base rate stays the same from league to league. Affliction was the best numbers league for them after 2 weeks out to 2-3 months simply due to the higher rates of drops. Poverty leagues and leagues where it's famine or feast always have bad retention after the first two weeks.

Not everyone is a sell everything andy, and having materials to craft with is much more fun than buying gear.
Same reason why people hate trade in PoE but you can't have both trading/AH and good drops.

We can't? Says who? MBA beancounter decision makers? I don't see a subscription fee attached to this game so what value do they derive from "monthly active user" (MAU) metrics?

Will having trading/AH AND non-laughable drop rates OFF THE GROUND make mr. streamer get bored quickly and quit? Good, I hope mr. streamer gets bored quickly and re-evalutes his/her life choices, or perhaps opens their mouth and starts discussing critically (instead of blind appraisal like Zizaran and others) the game from which they derive some (or a lot of) income.

D3 was great for what it was. Imagine sitting down for a 1-2 hour play session in a day and having a non-laughable chance that your character would get one or multiple item upgrades DIRECTLY OFF THE GROUND? What a novel concept in an ARPG? I guess we need 100 layers of currency simulator and spreadsheet "crafting" instead?

I stopped playing D3 because it clearly stopped having any development support and I mostly beat it to death. D3 was great. POE1 is also great, but I don't pretend that both games don't still have numerous massive unresolved problems. POE2 solved zero of POE1's issues, either by design or by ignorance.
Last edited by mnieradko#6070 on Feb 25, 2025, 5:16:49 PM

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