Well, how do you acquire items in late end game?
For me it consists of sitting on the trade site more than actually playing the game. Surely this is not the intention?
I'd say the game is massively geared towards pay to win. You simply farm currency and pay for stuff you find on the trade site.
To say someone is good at the game when they just buy their stuff is completely ridiculous.
It sure is the intention. Go back to d4 - they made that crappy game with the same crappy ideas just for you.
Oh you left? Because they used your idea?
Everything cant be easy. Or else its not fun.
Posted byfr0st2k#1732on Feb 11, 2025, 12:40:39 PM
Weird... do you slam decent gear with open affixes?
99% of what you pick up is trash, but every once in a while you actually get a decent-ish item and sometimes slamming yields a good result.
I do. I guess it wasn't optimal that the 3 high dps weapons I got so far were 2 xbows and a mace. Though checking said mace which I just kept for an eventual future char, it could sell for multiple divs.
The issue with casual SSF is exactly what you said: you eventually drop acceptable gear. But it's not for your character.
Out of all the gear piece possibilities, our character needs literally 1 type.
So the odds you drop a decent base for you is 1 in however many gear drop choices exist.
In case of defensive gear, you have Armor, ES and Evasion, plus all the hybrids (3 more). So 1 in 6 chance the gear you dropped even has the defensive attributes you want.
Attack-based weapons are even worse: there are a lot of different weapon types
And this is only calculating for the bases. When you put mods into the mix, defensive gear gets even worse odds (balancing resists) and weapons become a probability nightmare: 4 damage types (you might want a specific combination of the 4), attack speed, no attack speed, crit chance, crit damage...
So all we're given is a handful of gear that doesn't converge anywhere: a decent ES body armor, a decent armor helmet, a two-handed mace you can't use.
So you can't even hoard gear pieces to give them to a specific new character you'll eventually create.
I also checked some items I had on my bookmark when I stopped playing. Prices definitely dropped for mid/high-tier gear. Something around 50-90%. So looting unidentifieds to slam them is mostly about how much perseverance you have at this point...
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 11, 2025, 1:10:32 PM
Posted by_rt_#4636on Feb 11, 2025, 1:08:04 PM
1) Sink 40-80 hours into a character
2) Buy gear upgrades because SSF is basically impossible
3) Immediately achieve 85%+ of your character's potential
4) Map for maybe a dozen more hours and realize the loop is boring and unrewarding
From this point onwards, either you put another hundred hours into tackling pinnacle bosses or you drop the character.
Add a 10-20 hour boring campaign into the mix and creating a new character is mostly a no-go for 80% of the playerbase, so people simply quit.
PS: By the way, we need to stop calling our current system "crafting". It's not crafting. It's just gambling. Also requires zero skill (no crafting system I've ever seen required skill). In the case of PoE, it just requires knowledge of which affixes are good and which open affixes are worth slamming.
You can become a "god crafter" just by having a second screen with a flowchart of how to ""craft"" your items.[/span]
Thanks for your post. Your 1-4 loop is my experience as well in POE2.
I wasn't suggesting you need "skill" to craft. I meant you need to earn upgrading your gear by playing the game instead of just buying the items and call it a day. Step 2 and 3 is what I'm trying to address here.
Good gear does drop, for sure. But the problem is when you find a piece of great gear that could be fantastic, you slap a few orbs on it and realize that you just junked it and it's now useless. Wouldn't it be great if we can keep working on it as we are playing to make that great base item really shine instead of just throwing it away?
Now we have to farm, farm and farm even more till we find another item with potential and again we slap orbs on it and realize we just bricked it..
This is just a huge killer of fun or any joy you would(should?) feel when finding a good piece of gear. So it's better to just leave the gear on the ground and pick up currency to use on the trading site.
The problem as mentioned before is if crafting is improved to give us a decent experience upgrading gear instead of buying, the market would be flooded with uber OP gear that people have crafted. Therefore they should limit the items that can list for trade to only non-crafted items.
The market should also function like the currency market where you can just list your stuff, come back next day or next week to see what sold. Can't stand the game of whispers that we now have to play... But that's another conversation.
Posted byEvilsmiter#8011on Feb 11, 2025, 2:40:44 PM
Good gear does drop, for sure. But the problem is when you find a piece of great gear that could be fantastic, you slap a few orbs on it and realize that you just junked it and it's now useless. Wouldn't it be great if we can keep working on it as we are playing to make that great base item really shine instead of just throwing it away?
What you're asking for already exists in Last Epoch.
I'm basically 100% sure GGG knows about it and how it works too, so it's not like they lacked inspiration material.
They deliberately make the ""crafting"" in PoE the way it for some obscure reason. I don't know why, but they deliberately do it.
Harvest League had a more deterministic crafting system within the league's mechanics and GGG, for some reason, regretted it (despite a lot of people loving the league because crafting ultra-high-end-and-broken gear was actually feasible).
Posted by_rt_#4636on Feb 11, 2025, 3:17:10 PM