Best Path of Exile Melee Player(cArn_): The Problem With Melee & How to Fix It
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I have my own post here: As I see it, the biggest problem of warrior/mace right now its lack of tools to make the slow speed worthwhile and survivable in end game's zoom zoom and mob damage curve. That isn't to say I disagree with the key points, though, just that that is indicative of our lack of tools. Slow needs to be viable.
" 1. Much of that IMO comes from the large animation lock on the end of many skills. Being able to cancel the lock to initiate another attack or move would make them feel a TON better. Despite my current attack speed, landing a Leaping Strike into a Boneshatter still feels ungodly slow, so it's bad enough LS already has a long wind up all its own. Address the animation lock, and things will start to improve. Beyond that, my post includes the concept of a new tag called Wind Up that is used on every skill (not just mace) that has a flat addition to attack time that skill speed doesn't seem to affect. A Wind Up tag opens up great new options for passives and support gems, especially if channeled/charge up skills get in on the action. Still, a flat buff across the board would help, the lack of attack speed makes the campaign feel worse than it should (as much as I started getting used to it, after Draven killed me maybe 10 times I only ever died once to a couple campaign bosses after that because of my own mistakes, even Geonor was a relative walk in the park) 2. The minimal to no trade offs outside of Red is definitely stupid, especially for the raw comparisons like Brute Strength to similar increases from a single stat. That said, there are some that are along the same line as Singular Purpose. The nearby Crushing Verdict is 92% increased damage for only four points and 8% reduced attack speed. The concept is amazing IMO, we just need tools that allow it to work, and realistically the 8% total reduced attack speed is very compensatable. 3. Covered above 4. The problem is our complete lack of survivability. Armour is the worst defense in the game given how physical damage scales against it and its lack of ele/chaos damage reduction. Tack on the complete lack of Life outside of gear and strength stacking and we're in a super shitty situation. Again, give us tools via support gems, passives, and persistent buffs, with enough variety and sources that make it "safe" to not feel compelled to take every Life node, and we'll be in a far better spot. " Covered above. Not wrong, but passives with drawbacks are excellent ideas if we have the tools to make them work. " 1. Wind Up tag should help there, but I wouldn't say no to a buff to our "wind up" speeds across the board. 2. This is a problem with their approach to movement speed in general. If they truly insist on armor giving a penalty, some easy to reach and "natural" passives (meaning that most warriors would get anyway) that cut that penalty is a possible approach. Personally, I think they should revamp movespeed a bit, have another post about that, too, where I propose removing the penalty entirely, adding movespeed implicits, and adding movespeed hybrid mods with a nerf to the flat movespeed mod: 3. Covered above. 4. Some of this might be the auto target, some just the problem of how the game gauges "pushing" against/passed/through mobs. This is covered in more details below. 5. As mentioned above, much of this is from the animation lock after a skill finishes. Reduce the lock or let us move/attack cancel it and much of this would be addressed. " 1. Covered above ala Wind Up, but again, a small across the board buff is not a bad idea. 2. Mostly the animation lock, but right now Supercharged Slam is worse damage stage 3 than a rolling slam with absolutely no safe way to use it outside of a heavy stunned boss and I'll have a second slam finishing by time I reach stage 3 let alone 4 or 5 (that can't go off because the stun wears off). The entire skill is a joke right now. I have far more "More" in my supports on that trash tier skill than Rolling Slam and it legit can't compete. Even empowered for extra aftershocks and damage it feels genuinely pathetic. 3. Covered above 4. I've not used every skill, so I can't speak on some skills' hit boxes. " My post includes as its first section a comment on our momentum problem. The game badly needs to intelligently gauge angle against terrain to allow momentum along it/around it, while melee skills need more "push" against more enemies. Having that "push" mechanic be built in and having two-handed melee weapons offer the most "push" or at least allow us to weave through the enemies like dodge roll can would be very helpful. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if other enemies couldn't push us so easily, but I'd hesitate to simply make armor/melee less pushable (as the issue of monster push is annoying no matter the build/class and should be reduced in general) and simply give us much more "push" back. " Abso-fucking-lutely. There's zero reason for us to be such mana hogs when we also have no reliable accuracy options and Resolute Technique eliminates ALL crits making Sunder's only real saving grace--its armor break critical hit pay off--completely nullified. It would make more sense if we had actual mana sustain options, and also had proper Life sustain if we opt for Blood Magic. " The problem of Giant's Blood isn't so much its cost, but the fact that we feel compelled to take it because we're shit tier without it, either to make our damage worth it via dual-wield or give us severely lacking survivability by getting a shield. One-handed maces being wet noodles only adds to the problem. More tools would allow Giant's Blood to be something worth building around rather than feeling like a need. If we could achieve decent survivability without a shield (like literally every other class can) and not have shitty damage by using one (which no other class experiences) outside of Giant's Blood, it could be a build option rather than a must have. It's pretty obnoxious that Gemlings can completely shit on Warrior for survivability and strength scaling, and the problem isn't that Gemling is OP, only that Warrior is severely undercooked. Given this is EA, it's hard to say that strength hybrids lack identity when there's so little available to them.
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" Yes, I have seen your post, it is very well done. " Good to know, based on how GGG works, I think our voices have already been at least heard, majority of issues are popular and agreed by the most creditable people, now its up to them. |
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" Couldn't disagree more. There is a lot of skill involved, as well as time, in reaching 100. Being consistent enough to not die in 95% of maps is different than being consistent enough to not die in 99% and that isn't even how consistent you need to be to reach 100. Besides, knowing how to juice for EXP is crucial, and it is very different when compared to juicing for loot. And finally you need to be hella time efficient, making quick calls and not wasting any of the precious time you have online to grind. No hideout warrior that spends 90%+ of their time trading and crafting is getting close to 100. EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
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" Some things here. We ignore time constraints. Cause its only about getting to level 100 not getting to lv 100 in a specific timeframe. Once you can run Tier 15 Maps without dying, then you can reach Level 100. Without time constraints everyone who can run Tier 15 can get to level 100. Yes reaching level 100 during a league requires knowledge and dedication - you need to know how to juice maps for experience and you need a long time which is dedication, but not really personal combat skills. Bosses and Pinnacles get basically one shotted at a certain powerlevel. You have to actively try to die. I could run around on a char with 50k es and 60% evasion and CI and full resistances. While killing pinnacles with that build with ease. It does not require any fucking combat skill to reach level 100. If you think it does, then you are wrong. Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 14, 2025, 5:40:02 PM
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Is he really the best player if he doesn't understand you are supposed to use reduced attribute on the mace....?
He may have the most hours... But it seems like with warrior...this is about turning lemons into lemonade. And the best builds will be using energy shield, reduced attribute requirements, IMO mace attack with two maces is the best vs bosses (could be 45k DPS). It is still absolute, 100% pure garbage vs Sorceress, Monk. It just has little to no clearing ability. |
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Great post - he's a good player, I've seen a few guys who are better but that's not the point because they all say the same thing. Mace warrior is fricking pathetic compared to every other class. I've got at least 85+ in every class now and playign them all is a completely different game vs Warrior mace, the speed, the clear, the damage, the movements. It's unreal.
All the mana penalties then make stampede at level 24 cost 530 mana? WHAT MATE? I have a mana pool of 600, guess i 100% ALWAYS have to go for blood magic, ALWAYS. Oh I want 40% more dmg but then remove 5% attack speed so really I'm getting like 25% more? COOL THANKS FOR FALSE ADVERTISING. I should have armor? Cool ill wear heavy armor and get a movement speed penality even though Im sposed to be STRONG - same with a fucking shield. Ill use stampede to clear - wait I got blocked and died, wait I had to run through the same pack 3 times then the rare I had to drop a hammer cos stampede is so weak even with double +7's and attack points everywhere. I'll go monk and tap this one button.... wait ill tap spark once... etc etc GTFO ITS SO COOKED ITS NOT FUNNY. Bye :D Last edited by Sydneydonza#3078 on Feb 14, 2025, 8:42:56 PM
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I agree with a lot of things, specially about how clunky it currently is and the trade-off on skill tree comparing to "Witch area".
That said, I disagree with some points. Specially when it is about speed or anything specifically related to maces/slams, and not melee in general. It is important to keep in mind that most of melee content is not released yet. While it is good to give feedback for GGG, so they can tune Sword and Axe's related content better, it doesn't make much sense to complain about how slow a mace/slam build is while suggesting that it is about melee in general. Maces/Slams are supposed to have slow gameplay. In my opinion, the biggest melee problem is a lack of defense mechanics. And it is not about armour. They could buff armour, sure, but it still won't be very effective against hits with one-shot potential. We need something to replace Fortify. Be it a spirit gem, a support gem or a keystone, we need a viable option for general dmg reduction for STR Melee. In the current state, you can reach same DPS with better defenses with other archetypes, so there is no objective reason to play melee. Obs.: about the "Best POE Melee Player" thing, it is bullshit. I'm not saying that he is a bad player or anything, but I'm a lvl91 titan on SSFHC and I don't feel that his opinion is any better than mine. |
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" I can feel that and somewhat agree with it but if you're gonna have someone with a slow game play you can't add other penalitys - the skill should do OUTRAGEOUS damage if they're the slowest in the game not the LEAST damage. The most damage along with a .15 attack time on my other character seems ridiculous compared to say a 2.x sunder or a .6 stampede both doing maybe a 20th of the damage and clearing 1/4 of the screen vs WHOLE screen and some off it. |
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