PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months.
" Yeah, that's normal. I'll be back when more content is released. |
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It's absolutely normal for hte numbers to drop.
It stayed around 400k/500k for three weeks (this is just the steam data, not including playstation/epic games etc) After many people played for hundreds of hours with different classes, it was normal for them to take a break. I am 140 hours in because I play one to two maximum hours every two days or so and most likely after I'll get my 2nd class into the endgame I'll take a break as well. It's aboslutely normal, it has nothing to do with "people are not liking the game", it's only normal for people to take a break from POE. |
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" Once you reach the first town after The Miller yes (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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" Probably fair to say a little of both tbh (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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" Waw, need to try that ) must be the most entertaining part of the game )) |
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" Pro-tip: search for a good guild. There are many guilds out there with all kinds of ppl in it. Having a guild is especially helpful for new players because if you are in a "beginner-friendly" guild you can ask for help with everything and can play as a party if you want. In the guild I am in for years now we drop even stuff in the guild stash for new players, like a "Goldrim" we had and don't need anymore or rares, currency and shit. Just find a good guild and enjoy. |
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Probably because people “beat the game.”
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" Losing most of you player base in three months, with half gone within the first week? That's NOT normal. That's usually a warning sign that the ship is not just sinking it's exploding on the way down GGG needs to pick up the pace, they need to actually deliver something, not let their streamers make stuff up for them. I mean, we got some big ones speculating that 0.2.0 will drop new content like classes with ZERO evidence. But despite this they're treating it as fact! |
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" I love the hyperbole on this forum.... SHATTERED!!! All our hopes and dreams :( SHATTERED!! But not me because I am using EARTHSHATTER, I AM THE SHATTERER !! The game was super hyped, EA came out at a time where people are starving for food and we all rode the bus and had a boatload of fun. But yeah, POE will be POE. For good and for worse. There's a good chance a big chunk of people gave it a shot and found out the game is still far from accessible. POE is basically for nerds who like to figure out why going from 75 to 76% Lightning Resistance makes a substantial difference to survivability, while adding 4000 armor doesn't. And just like the UBRUNTRU nerds, they go in unison "AH BUT YOU SEE!! HERE IS THE MATH!!! LET ME EXPLAIN!! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DOESNt UNDERSTAND HOW TO PLAYZ MY GAME!!" So all those poor fellahs basically closed the game and went back to chill out in Diablo. Others may be waiting for Titan Quest II early access. You also have a big chunk of Diablo fans, who dropped Diablo II Resurrected for a while, full of hope and wonder, only to go back to D2R because POE is POE... in other words POE is not a "diablo like" game. But who are we kidding, I'm a run some more meps. |
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" Are you running maps because it's fun, or just something to do? |
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