We want auto pickup companion subscription based like China users have.

Me and at least 40+ people I play with would instantaneously pay that and even more.

there enough pure p2w games out there, go and play them but leave alone with this shit.

or sell it but don'T allow people buying it playing/trading with people without it. Easily managed with a league that has the p2w tag like SSF.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
Last edited by tsunamikun#0433 on Feb 18, 2025, 6:21:35 AM

Seems like one forum mute wasn't enough.
I dont need this.
Me and at least 40+ people I play with would instantaneously pay that and even more.

or sell it but don'T allow people buying it playing/trading with people without it. Easily managed with a league that has the p2w tag like SSF.

yeah that makes sense and a fair trade off.

Am sure most of us flithy casuals me included dont mind not swinging around our small e-pens around.
How about adding subscription based autoplay?
Or an option to buy a second life in maps and trials for real money?

No - just no. Ppl these days even asking for somthing like this is just unbelievable.
Last edited by _N0ctus_#6387 on Feb 18, 2025, 7:00:04 AM
_N0ctus_#6387 wrote:
How about adding subscription based autoplay?
Or an option to buy a second life in maps and trials for real money?

No - just no. Ppl these days even asking for somthing like this is just unbelievable.

autoplay already exists. For free. To avoid being censored I won't say names here, but everyone knows poe2 is already swarmed by bots and where to find them. And picking up loot is the least bots can do, they literally take the wheel and farm atlas for you.

GGG vision of "should pick every single orb and splinter by hand because you will feel empathy with your rewards" became outdated 10 years ago when poe1 first broke lightspeed barrier and adopted zoom-zoom gameplay with thousands of currency units dropping per day.
TheHairo#1049 wrote:
At a complete guess about $30 a season before consumables

honestly sign me up, win win for ggg and the players.

for all the elite players that still want to be uber/enjoy all the time sinks.. they can stay away from the softcore league :P

Please no.

I despise daily login rewards. There's is nothing inherently fun about them. They are just a cheap tactic used by bad games to incentivise players into playing them out of habit rather than enjoyment.

I view the entire list as a slippery slope that turns games into auto-battler idler games. Nothing against auto-battler idler games, i just dont want poe/poe2 to be one for me.
Last edited by dkp#0523 on Feb 19, 2025, 7:38:56 AM
you definitelly do not want what they have - just go play on that server and you'll understand (;

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