We want auto pickup companion subscription based like China users have.
" The game it's self wouldn't be competitive, but the external speedrunning community based around it would be. However, if the game added speedrunning leaderboards internally, then they would have added a competitive element to the game. Whether you want to brand the entire game as competitive or not is your call, but you couldn't deny it has a competitive component to it. Last edited by suutamulumi#5617 on Feb 19, 2025, 12:36:32 PM
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" I wouldn't object to it but I'm guessing that we don't auto-pickup currency items currently because part of the game is about deciding whether to grab the loot as quickly as you can or to fight off any remaining enemies/watch out for traps. I'm fairly certain it's by design. |
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" You saying a game is competitive, doesn't make it competitive either. The games design does. PoE was not designed as a competitive game. There's no traditional competitive aspects in it. " And that matters for what? You're playing single player. If this was a MMO, you'd have an argument. Everything you buy from a player, could be bought from a vendor. The only thing that changes, is your own gameplay. If you play with others, You HELP them clear faster. You aren't competing against them. " Okay. But most people play Solo. The game isn't designed with any traditional competitive aspects in it. This is like Calling Pokemon blue and red competitive, because you could sometimes battle with a friend over link-cable. " No, but it is COMPETITIVE then, because it has some sort of way for you to COMPETE against other players DESIGNED into the game. " That's fantastic. Races are not a core aspect of the game design. I can race you in beating Ocarina of Time, and we could even say Winner gets a trip to Europe as the prize, does that mean the game is designed to be competitive? Or are you choosing to play it in a way that makes it competitive? " I have no problem telling them that, because they know that the competition is self-made. Not a core design of the game. Same way someone who speed runs Ocarine of time knows it was a single player RPG, designed to take someone 60-100 hours to beat. The competition if self-made. " Yes, you can. Plenty of builds can clear all content on minimal cost in PoE 1. " What? " That's irrelevant. Theorycrafting is part of tons of games. You have trial and error. Some people like sharing it. Doesn't mean it's competitive. " Vague answer. Aside from clearing your own personal content faster, or maybe joining someone elses group and helping them clear. What else is there to do with currency aside from Selling it, which is against the EULA? " You think this is some sort of "HAHA GOTCHA" but it just shows how you cant comprehend the fact that the entire game COULD be exactly the same, Without TRADING, by just making it so vendors sometimes offer really good gear you can dump tons of currency on. It wouldn't be any different. " You failed to understand again. The only competitive aspect about this game. Is being the first one to sell currency. Other than that, it's largely a single player game, where you having more currency than the other guy, only impacts your own gameplay. This is what you aren't understanding. You only benefit yourself, or others in this game with good gear. Pay 2 Win requires you to be against them, and winning against them. Using a bought advantage. You aren't facing other players in this game. You're either working WITH them, or you're playing alone. The issue is also moot, since GGG has already decided it doesn't impact the game balance enough to give it to chinese players. You'd have an argument, if you could pay for a feature that made it so that the game was significantly easier. But considering you can beat it with minimal gear, getting more currency just means you can clear stuff faster. It doesn't trivialize the game. You can already do that with 20 exalt league builds. The features in the chinese client are quality of life features. Not Pay 2 Win. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 19, 2025, 1:04:43 PM
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" Um, how often you were in situation where you actually had to retreat from combat without being able to return for loot later? This is poe, you steamroll everything and then have to break tempo and slog back and forth across the area to pick up loot. Most top players end up filtering everything below ex and never picking it at all, because they don't want to bother with this anti-QoL, not because looting is against their religion. GGG creates inconvenience out of thin air. |
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" Um, how many times have you seen clips or screenshots of people laying dead on the ground next to a Divine Orb or other valuable item? Yes, most of us zoom through maps without really caring about dying, but not everyone does. |
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" If the game added in racing as a regular feature, then yes it would be competitive. But a game having a competitive scene around it, doesn't mean the game is competitive. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 19, 2025, 12:54:04 PM
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" Are you implying GGG intended on-death effects to work in combination with loot lure, followed by exp and map penalties? Respect man, even I never thought GGG are so devious and amoral:) Point is, trying to pickup loot in front of live monsters is obviously not how you should play. All I spoke about was saving player time and wrists after local combat has ended. If you fail to notice on-death effect preparing to blow, this is another topic, and a big one at that. GGG already fixed bugs related to on-death effects not rendering their telegraphs if target was shattered and such. Experienced players who intend to pickup loot already know they have to wait 2-3 seconds for everything to finish exploding before looting. And this wait is even more QoL inconvenience out of thin air, which can all be solved by having looter pet in tow. |
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" Dude... it's actually not hard to understand. PoE is not a game where you compete with others and climb ELO, but that does not mean it is not competitive. The difference is, YOU can choose if you want to compete or not, and if you don't that's your choice and totally fine. And darling, the trade system alone is in its design YOU versus the competition. " That's, in fact, wrong. You can NOT buy everything from a vendor. [Removed by Support] " Most ppl PLAY solo, related to their party-size, but most ppl play TRADE. And comparing PoE to Pokemon is... idk... give me time to think of a word that does not insult anyone. Pokemon red/blue is not played on an official online server with an ongoing economy and a trading system and an official leaderboard where ppl race against each other to win prizes. " But the systems enable competition in PoE... holy... YOU not understanding that doesn't make it untrue. And btw., to be petty - PoE1 has a PvP-Arena. " Bruh... there is no rule that a game has to be designed with "competitive gameplay" in mind to be competitive. Some of these things are a natural outcome no matter the intention of the devs. " Ok, sure... but in the case of PoE, you would be fundamentally wrong, no matter what you think. " Darling, you shifted the goalpost. First, you've said that everything can be bought from vendors and now you say "they could change the game so you get good items from vendors yadda yadda". These are two different things and still... you would be wrong. Even if vendors would sell you mirror-tier gear, ignoring the rarity of that then happening, you forget... gear (especially rares) are not EVERYTHING in the game. There are so many items YOU are unable to get besides "super duper rares", it only shows again... [Removed by Support] " [Removed by Support] Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Feb 19, 2025, 3:04:11 PM
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" Choosing to play a game in a competitive way, doesn't mean the game is made to be competitive. Thank you for agreeing with me that it's a CHOICE to play it competitively. " Darling. I didn't shift any goal poles. You completely misinterpreted my original post, and you still are doing so. If PoE only had vendors and ZERO player trading. And if those vendors sold similar high end gear, for similar currency prices. How is that experience different to the current one, with trading? Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 19, 2025, 1:22:23 PM
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" Wrong. Holy, it's actually impressive how often you can be wrong. Is "League of Legends" a competitive game? Yes? Does the game stop being competitive IF you choose not to compete with other players? Nope. You can create a character and only play completely alone against bots, never encountering a single human being and still... the game would be competitive. |
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