Punishment pushed to the extrem combined with bad Gamedesign - Trials etc.

_N0ctus_#6387 wrote:
It's not even that it's difficult. It's just insanely punishing.

Exactly this. Don't let the forum trolls with undeservedly large egos fool you: this game is Vampire Survivors with better graphics, not Dark Souls III. Putting in stupid punishments and radom one-shots does not make a game a high skill game. Vampire Survivors could add those to the game and it wouldn't make it a high skill game.

The weird part is that this game seems to be at its best and fun hardest in campaign with random builds and regresses to 1-2 button meta screenwipe builds where most skills and mechanics suddenly stop to matter but in the endgame combined with mechanics that seem to do their best to actually punish ppl playing the game outside of those one shot builds.

I hope they find some middleground. The same applys to currency drops the difference in drops is just too extreme to keep the game viable for non hardcore gamers.

I had a ton of fun in the campaign and it was more challenging but less punishing. My skill bar was full of different skills and I used them all. I used dodge roll all the time as a Merc to put maneuver enemies and it felt rewarding.

The endgame in contrast forced a 1 click AOE screen clearing build with almost no dodge rolling or maneuvering. Only time different skills were used were for bosses and rare monsters(shock burst + Auto reload). I would just hit enemies on the edge of the screen and back off to avoid 1 shots and unavoidable hits from insanely fast monsters. It turned into a chore and forced an overly cautious play style
Last edited by CovidPatientZero#0332 on Feb 18, 2025, 6:04:41 PM

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