Inventory too darn small! - any options to purchase an upgrade?

Just to confirm, this is not about the stash tabs :)
POE is well known about mandatory loot filter use.
This game is not about picking up loot, you just pick up whatever is valuable or whatever you can use.
As you progress in the game you even exchange stuff. Ie: if you run t10+ maps, you just ignore the t1-6 maps, maybe after a point you're not even bothered by reforging either.

Maybe in the campaign you have a few rings and charm to replace and match for the current environment, but in the endgame that's unnecessary too.

I think you just need to forget the crow mentality of picking up everything that shines. 99% of the drop is not even worthy to look at tbh...
If 99% of the items dropping are worthless, then that's a sign of bad itemization.

I remember D3 at launch when 99% of the drops were worthless. Yeah, you could sell an item for hundreds of dollars if you got lucky, but anyone unwilling to pay real money for gear had next to zero chance of advancing through inferno mode. The game hemorrhaged players until the dev's improved the itemization system.
By the time I started running double digit waystones I was able to run 3-4 maps without my inventory filling up.

Most loot is worthless and a waste of time to sell for gold, faster to just kill more stuff for more gold.

My only complaint is I wish we would turn items tetris style to be able to fit more of the larger 6-8 tile items.
Kraivan#1745 wrote:
Just to confirm, this is not about the stash tabs :)
POE is well known about mandatory loot filter use.
This game is not about picking up loot, you just pick up whatever is valuable or whatever you can use.
As you progress in the game you even exchange stuff. Ie: if you run t10+ maps, you just ignore the t1-6 maps, maybe after a point you're not even bothered by reforging either.

Maybe in the campaign you have a few rings and charm to replace and match for the current environment, but in the endgame that's unnecessary too.

I think you just need to forget the crow mentality of picking up everything that shines. 99% of the drop is not even worthy to look at tbh...

Then why do you think those 99% still exist? I does not make sense for me.

Nevertheless, I don`t think it`s that much junk. Those players I`m watching are veterans and still struggle with inventory size.

I`m very surprised this is not a commonly discussed issue..
nah make inventory half size to force us to pick up only currency
Kraivan#1745 wrote:
Just to confirm, this is not about the stash tabs :)
POE is well known about mandatory loot filter use.
This game is not about picking up loot, you just pick up whatever is valuable or whatever you can use.
As you progress in the game you even exchange stuff. Ie: if you run t10+ maps, you just ignore the t1-6 maps, maybe after a point you're not even bothered by reforging either.

Maybe in the campaign you have a few rings and charm to replace and match for the current environment, but in the endgame that's unnecessary too.

I think you just need to forget the crow mentality of picking up everything that shines. 99% of the drop is not even worthy to look at tbh...

Then why do you think those 99% still exist? I does not make sense for me.

Nevertheless, I don`t think it`s that much junk. Those players I`m watching are veterans and still struggle with inventory size.

I`m very surprised this is not a commonly discussed issue..

Same reason people will sit in front of a slot machine for 2 weeks straight. Hoping, praying for that Jackpot, because it'll aaaaaaaall be worth it. Same thing with loot in this game.
pick up less
Kraivan#1745 wrote:
Just to confirm, this is not about the stash tabs :)
POE is well known about mandatory loot filter use.
This game is not about picking up loot, you just pick up whatever is valuable or whatever you can use.
As you progress in the game you even exchange stuff. Ie: if you run t10+ maps, you just ignore the t1-6 maps, maybe after a point you're not even bothered by reforging either.

Maybe in the campaign you have a few rings and charm to replace and match for the current environment, but in the endgame that's unnecessary too.

I think you just need to forget the crow mentality of picking up everything that shines. 99% of the drop is not even worthy to look at tbh...

Then why do you think those 99% still exist? I does not make sense for me.

Nevertheless, I don`t think it`s that much junk. Those players I`m watching are veterans and still struggle with inventory size.

I`m very surprised this is not a commonly discussed issue..

Why that 99% still exist? Is this a serious question? You play EVERY class and ascendancy and build at once?

I play a warrior, I wont pick up arrows, crossbows, bolts, spellcaster robes, etc...

Once it will be added to the game if I run a stun mace warrior I wont pick up daggers and axes, etc...

Not that 99% items are useless, but its useless for YOUR specific character and build.
And then you learn about item tiers, and pre/suffix chances. You can be a full gambling addict and burn every currency for a chance, or you can carry stacks of wisdom scrolls and pick up even every blue item in case you see a "+x skills" that you cant juice up later
or you only check the rare drops in case it can become an upgrade.
And in this case, yes... only 1% of the drops will be valuable for your character.

Dont be a hoarder. In that case your gameplay will be TP-ing every 2 minutes to the town for gold.
Which... doesn't have much use either. You respec or just gamble it in your hideout.
Those veterans again are checking if the item have some high value stat that they can build upon to sell that.
With the current trading system I don't think you want to be a trader, you just want to enjoy the game.
Streamers are different. They literally make a living by playing games. Without exaggerating, their job is to pick up that stuff XD But buying more stash is an investment for them.

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