There is a dagger in game already! Secret quest! Winter’s Bite Glass Shank!
Winters Bite glass shank is likely somehow obtained through alternative use of the winter wolf skull. I’m not quite sure what exactly you would do to make this shank it is worth noting you can put items like winter wolf skull on the salvage bench. The only clues we have to go on are the following: 1. The only area in game with a winter theme is Beira in act 1 2. The name of the item 3. The flavor text of the item 4. The artwork of the item. My going theory right now is salvage bench with 3 items. 1. Runed guard 2. Winter wolf skull 3. Una’s lute These 3 items represent the artistic apperance of the winter’s bite glass shank as well as the defined flavor. For example una’s lute has flavor that says “this lute hums with latent emotion” but doesn’t list the emotion. It could be enchanted with hatred. The runed guard while not fully resembling the artwork for winter’s bite glass shank does resemble it if it’s being reforged. There are other strange options as well such as something involving grip of winter firm bracers or eye of winter skill gem. I still think whatever we do happens on the reforge bench but I could be wrong about that. There is definitely something here. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 26, 2025, 5:33:44 PM Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 7:53:08 AM
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and what makes you think it's in the game???? I've seen weird things drop one was a trap that's obviously for something not in the game yet. It was most likely an error in the drop table for something that pulled it some how. Like those items are in the game technically as they're in the code for testing they're just set to not drop as the skills/classes for them aren't worked out yet.
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I verified with Beira and true enough she was all chill and said No.
And then i killed her. While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening, a cold leafless branch. Flowers are only flowers because they fall, but thankfully the Wind. |
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Because what’s the point of having only one dagger file in the entire code?
On top of that it’s the only unique weapon visable in base code since launch that isnt a usable weapon class. It’s a level one item. It’s not viable for any build currently, the stats are pretty bad the only positive is the utility of freezing any boss on first hit and switching weapons. What else, oh the flavor text perfectly mirrors Una’s emotions and feelings towards the world. That’s why she freed the hooded one in the first place. Uhm let’s see what else is there…. Oh the name Winter’s Bite Glass Shank combined with the flavor text illustrates that it is an ancient weapon formed of pure hatred. Pure emotion. Probably deity level. Anyone who thinks they made the entire game but didn’t bake a secret quest in has no idea how a game like this is made. The entire idea is to bake the secret quest into the campaign details which means the campaign and secret quest are tied together by the dialogue of the NPC. You don’t design an entire game and just make some arbitrary meaningless barely relevant secret quest anymore, that’s old news. The world has changed. How about the fact the name of the dagger in the code is “never melt” and the only area in game that never melts is Beira’s tiny section of land. Beira isn’t some random crone, she’s obviously a weakened deity. If you haven’t noticed the world of path of exile is totally out of balance in poe2. Lunaris is far less represented and as a result there is far less cold based area. Technically the only cold based area I’ve seen in the entire game is beira’s tiny patch. For some reason it doesn’t melt, probably has something to do with “the crones” presence. Crones aren’t innately a negative force. Sometimes crones work in a positive force despite the name. My advantage is I am abundantly competent in the world of reading comprehension and seeing written subtle irony. Everyone sees the item in the code and 99.9% have the same reaction “it’s probably nothing, doesn’t matter, inaccessible item, blah blah blah”. It’s not because you are on to something, it’s because you’ve literally done what people are most likely to do. Because you don’t understand something you decide to boil down the solution to the easiest solution you can come up with, which is “it’s nothing”. That’s human nature. I enjoy the challenge of things like this. Which means before I write it off like everyone else I go do a little more research. Basically 5-10 minutes of reading. Looking at the code for the dagger it’s pretty apparent it’s more likely in game already than it isn’t. Maybe the secret in the dark is the pure hatred both Una and the hooded one harbor. Here’s a novel idea. Go open the page for the Winters bite glass shank. Then open a page for Head of the winter wolf. Notice any similarities between the flavor text? Notice anything weird about the head of the winter wolf’s flavor text in conjunction with the winters bite? The word Heralded How about the fact both of them clearly represent hatred? The snarling forever? Howling alone? How about the fact they are both representations of a winter deity? They both hold an untold story that align with each other. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 24, 2025, 1:39:38 AM
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Why is there no dialogue and discussion on this topic man.
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There's no dialogue because the dagger isn't anything new, and it's not a secret. It was showcased shortly during exilecon. Daggers are thematically tied to shadow, which isn't in the game yet. When the shadow class is in the game, it will come with daggers and likely traps/mines. Same with how swords will likely come with duelist and axes with marauder.
Since it was an early unique, it was probably just in the big pool of uniques when the game launched and GGG probably forgot to tick the "this item can't drop" button for a bit. So a few people got it, as well as the trap unique. Then GGG realized it was being dropped by mistake, and they made it unobtainable again, at least until they release shadow. |
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" Okay my last response got taken down because I got too spicy with it. Here’s a less spiced version Winters bite dagger is showcased at exile con Mountable rhoa is showcased in ranger video Now I’m gonna explain the big part you don’t seem to understand. Belief. You know what treasure hunter has 0% chance to find treasure? The one who doesn’t believe it’s possible. If you don’t believe something is possible you can’t accurately evaluate it. Your belief is entirely contingent on your emotional state. The more work you perceive it to be the less likely you will do the work. That is the human condition. If I don’t believe in this who else will? If I don’t do the work and alert others who will? And btw great decider of things: just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean you have to try to spoil the fun for everyone else. To put this into perspective you are the guy screaming Santa isn’t real at the holiday party. Here’s a question I want you to ask yourself and look into, has GGG said that they removed the Rhoa mount from game due to some technical issue or something? No? Wow all the patch notes since release and no explanation as to why the mount Rhoa can’t be found but the skill gem is still in the code? Now ask that same question of the winters bite dagger, no explanation anywhere? See usually what happens with these video games is if an item was accidentally flagged to drop then they changed it to not drop, typically the developer will make some statement about it to clear confusion. You go find me that statement I’ll wait. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 25, 2025, 3:38:18 PM
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is this your 3rd or 4th thread now? 0% success rate so far. good job dude.
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" More success than the entire community combined. But you keep watching number go up baby girl It’s amazing how many of you have nothing better to do than be trolls. At this point I’m assuming what I assume happened with Diablo 4. The huge networks selling items for real cash are incentivized that secrets that could effect their business never get revealed They have plenty of accounts to troll with actively Just fyi you’ll be hearing more about me on the news this Saturday/Sunday probably, I solved the Lions share box of There’s treasure inside. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 26, 2025, 7:20:25 AM
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2 thumbs for attempt #3
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