Another Event with No Drops

Played PoE1 for the first time in a long time. Greeted by absolutely garbage drop rates. I can find a single improvement over campaign level gear after running hundreds of maps. Nor can i purchase jack all as leveling to 85 has yielded less than 40 chaos drops and nothing else. Please increase the fucking drop rates for none uber juiced content so the average player can at least get BASIC gear. Stupid as shit 2/10.
Last bumped on Mar 4, 2025, 7:43:13 AM
mate. there is a chaos recipe for lowrolling bros like you, use it. or at least learn sanctum.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
I had 300 chaos by act 6.
A few lucky drops ofc.
hundreds of maps, no less, and still level 85 ?

It's hard to have a discussion about drop rates when it's based on such a flawed statement.
Played PoE1 for the first time in a long time. Greeted by absolutely garbage drop rates. I can find a single improvement over campaign level gear after running hundreds of maps. Nor can i purchase jack all as leveling to 85 has yielded less than 40 chaos drops and nothing else. Please increase the fucking drop rates for none uber juiced content so the average player can at least get BASIC gear. Stupid as shit 2/10.

Bro, Faustus literally gives you complete T2/T3 gear for every single mod in Kingsmarch. It has never been easier to acquire gear before, just use the black market
unfortunately a lot of power has been transfered to faustus
the level of gear given by black market is insane
at this point i dont know why gear still drop after the first few acts, just get faustus up
back from poe 2, there are a lot of drops man......

Only if you skip poe 2 and directly from nerco Settlers. Yeah, this event has no drop and only rely on shipping....
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PoE is dead to me. The game is superbloated with crap content and mechanics.

It used to be a game that was more complex than Diablo and you could mess around with different builds in your free time and have some fun. Now it's just a literal joke. Can't even clear a campaign area without running into 5 different NPC sidequesters, some random 'ore mining' crap, some sheet of ice (?) that you click on and some monsters start appearing.

They even messed up strongboxes now. You used to get excited when you saw one, maybe even spend some currency to spice it up and get lucky. Now, there's 5-15 per area sometimes and it's just awful.

The same losers will come in saying 'just ignore the extra content'. It's like I'm trying to watch a TV show or read a book that has pop-up advertisements taking up 50% of the screen.

The game no longer has any atmosphere at all. Might as well be called 'Path of Low-T Dopamine', because the only people enjoying this crap are low-T dudes who need zoom zoom dopamine. Which of course explains the physical appearance of all the youtubers and twitch personalities who play. They are all effeminate, balding, weak, etc. I'm sure there's one on steroids or TRT some dork will link up here 'broski it's a skill issue'.

It has nothing to do with the challenge, which btw isn't there. "Did you take all the life and reduction nodes or not?" "Nope". "Take this one-shot then!".

The game is overbloated with 5,000 different currency items, no atmosphere at all, rares dropping 30x more than when I played ~5 years ago, and pop up NPC events in every other screen of a map or campaign area. It is GARBAGE.

I'm literally enjoying D3 more than this crapfest. (I never read replies)
well.....first post in 2024, as a poe 1 vet? or another throwaway account....
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

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Played PoE1 for the first time in a long time. Greeted by absolutely garbage drop rates. I can find a single improvement over campaign level gear after running hundreds of maps. Nor can i purchase jack all as leveling to 85 has yielded less than 40 chaos drops and nothing else. Please increase the fucking drop rates for none uber juiced content so the average player can at least get BASIC gear. Stupid as shit 2/10.

POE has never EVER at any point ever been a game where you can upgrade your progression exponentially being self found. The progression is there if you refuse to trade but its a self imposed nerf and you will farm 100x more for the same things traders can get in seconds.

Dont want to interact with the systems the game uses aka the trade site then dont complain abut the progression.

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