MAX lvl of 80 for mobs kills the build diversity (XP loss is not an issue)

Because we need to be so efficient that we can accumulate XP before stupidly losing it in vast amount, we are all driven to the most powerful build of every class, to the expanse of experimentation and the joy that comes with it.

I don't know about you ppl but since lvl 85 the only time when I authorize myself to do Sekhema and ToC is when I just lvled up. Same for bad suffixes in maps, I litteraly have a pool of maps for this short moment when I feel like I have nothing to lose.

Now why am I for keeping the XP loss system? Because I don't think it is the root of our frustration. I think the main problem is the lvl 80 max for mobs, which makes us win so few XP after lvl 90 that we play scared of losing it. And so the boredom of super-efficient build on very weak mobs begins...

GGG, this situation is terrible for everyone: lvl 80 mobs is not fun to fight against (god mod only works for a short time, then you no longer remember why you are playing the game since the alternative feels slow and unrewarding), so I propose to raise the bar at lvl 90 :
- the last stretched for players (90 to 100) will be shorter and will make players proud of their completed build and character
- fighting will be more fun all along
- zoomers will have their time after lvl 95
- no more complain for XP loss since we won't be talking of a 5 hours session for nothing
- builds will gain in diversity as a reward for a less stressing game

TLDR : the game is not too hard, on the contrary my point is that the game is too easy (lvl 80 mobs) and not rewarding (no XP gain because of that), hence the boredom
Last edited by MafiaDisco#3257 on Feb 23, 2025, 3:29:43 AM
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2025, 7:47:59 AM
good feedback
U get lvl 82 mobs with Irritate, Corrupt and T16 waystone.
U get lvl 82 mobs with Irritate, Corrupt and T16 waystone.

Depending on your characters current level (assume char L82) you get diminishing returns from killing L82 mobs all the way to L100.

These diminishing returns on XP softcap at about 10 levels higher so at L92 even doing L82 mobs will net very little XP.

At level 94-95 these diminishing returns are noticeably horrendous and @ L96 10% xp loss can be 12-18 hours solid grind. After L97 it feels like a second hardcap etc. etc. level 99-100 will require more L82 mobs than all previous levels combined (L1-L99) and some.

10% xp loss at this point (L96-L100) is an almost criminal disregard of the players time and effort.

To risk 10% XP at this point will quite literally reward the player with nothing BUT risk.

Personally I am not that invested in player levels but I understand why this needs to go. Just like the "reliance" on 3rd parties for systems that should already be part of the game.

I agree that current mob level on high tier maps is too low, but L90 mobs is too much. My guess is that, when they release all acts, maps with start on L68, like in PoE1, and T15 will become L82, so we could reach L85 mobs with T16 + irradiate + corruption.

If I'm not mistaking, at The Fall of Oriath Open Beta (3.0), they released with only 7 acts (and added the 8th later). Maps started at level 65 at that time but, with the full release, T1 maps became lvl 68 again. I could be just mistaking it though, it was about 8 years ago after all.
This would be a positive change for the game that the overwhelming majority of players would be in favor of, aside from the diehard GGG fanboys who think its fine as is. People have been begging for this in POE1 for years and years. It's mindboggling that GGG has refused to do something so simple to improve the game. If they refused to do it in POE1, I have little hope or faith that GGG will ever do it in POE2. I hope I'm wrong and they make the change, but I'm not going to hold my breath since they seem to cling to punishing mechanics that do not respect the players time.
U get lvl 82 mobs with Irritate, Corrupt and T16 waystone.

Depending on your characters current level (assume char L82) you get diminishing returns from killing L82 mobs all the way to L100.

These diminishing returns on XP softcap at about 10 levels higher so at L92 even doing L82 mobs will net very little XP.

At level 94-95 these diminishing returns are noticeably horrendous and @ L96 10% xp loss can be 12-18 hours solid grind. After L97 it feels like a second hardcap etc. etc. level 99-100 will require more L82 mobs than all previous levels combined (L1-L99) and some.

10% xp loss at this point (L96-L100) is an almost criminal disregard of the players time and effort.

To risk 10% XP at this point will quite literally reward the player with nothing BUT risk.

Personally I am not that invested in player levels but I understand why this needs to go. Just like the "reliance" on 3rd parties for systems that should already be part of the game.

funny how i still manage to level up on 95. I must be Poe demigod!

Maybe i should write a book about it as every1 else can't do it.
I don't like the EXP loss design choice because it wipes out a big chunk of previously invested time.
But saying it kills build diversity is completely false.

No build really need all points and leveling to 90 is not hard, just takes some time.

If you want to complain about build diversity, complain about skill balancing and gear acquisition balancing.

If you want to complain about EXP loss, you'll need another reason to say it's bad.
It does since everyone wants to get done with maps, so they search for the most effective way to do it. It's not the cheer amusement of maps in POE1, it's something else entirely, and it's bad
U get lvl 82 mobs with Irritate, Corrupt and T16 waystone.

Depending on your characters current level (assume char L82) you get diminishing returns from killing L82 mobs all the way to L100.

These diminishing returns on XP softcap at about 10 levels higher so at L92 even doing L82 mobs will net very little XP.

At level 94-95 these diminishing returns are noticeably horrendous and @ L96 10% xp loss can be 12-18 hours solid grind. After L97 it feels like a second hardcap etc. etc. level 99-100 will require more L82 mobs than all previous levels combined (L1-L99) and some.

10% xp loss at this point (L96-L100) is an almost criminal disregard of the players time and effort.

To risk 10% XP at this point will quite literally reward the player with nothing BUT risk.

Personally I am not that invested in player levels but I understand why this needs to go. Just like the "reliance" on 3rd parties for systems that should already be part of the game.

funny how i still manage to level up on 95. I must be Poe demigod!

Maybe i should write a book about it as every1 else can't do it.

You do that, I am sure you can level a HC SSF character to 95 in 12 hours and fly to Bangkok in 6 seconds from NYC like super dupaman. However, until you actually prove what your saying as fact you are taking anecdotally aka not interested.

I wasn't suggesting it cannot be done, I said the progress is increasingly difficult and an unrealistic expectation for the vast majority of individuals to level a character to 96 in POE 2 in its current state.

Get to level 100 (POE 2) on any character and PROVE it then make "I is a god" statements, I will even buy you a stash tab and ask for your autograph.

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