PC still hard crashing

i was with 5700x3d and 7600 rx sapphire 8gb,after 1 month of shut downs
thinking it was psu prob,i replaced psu with a rm850x , problem remained,i tried different gpu , problem gone.....
i bought fast a gpu i found in the techshore , a 4060ti asus dual oc evo and now i am at peace with my life.
I had a perfectly fine gtx 2080 that ran every game i had, but when poe 2.0 came out it started running hot constantly and eventually broke down.

Im using a potato backup now, but for a fact ggg owes me a new gpu - they know how this horrid software is abusing our machines
I crash a lot with 1660ti, launch still doesn't work properly and get random crashes plus FPS drops from 80 to 4 withou reason on screen.
Have a few settings OFF:
Dynamic resolution
Upscale mode
Dynamic Culling.
Dynamic culling was main reason of my crashes, just doesn't work right now on lenovo 5 laptop.
And yes, cache shader in nvidia settings set from default to 100 GB... the only game that doesn't work on default unlike the rest of my games(

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